Four: Realize

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A/N: I found out a name for this chapter!


-Saturday morning-

I woke up in a good mood.

Today was the day that I was going out with my crush. Well... not on a date... we are just hanging out.. right?

I decided not to over accessorize because we were only going to a cafe. So I just put on some white baggy jeans (in mah baggy baggy baggy baggy baggy baggy jeans) and a fluffy pink sweater with some white sneakers with a bit of color. 

I have to admit... I am a bit nervous. I don't even know what he thinks of me. From our interaction the other day, I'm assuming he likes kpop. 

I start overthinking and asking myself way too many questions.

What if he thinks I'm weird? What if I say something wrong and make him feel bad? What if.. what if.. what if..

I try not to think about all of those questions. But I also cant help but wonder what he's thinking right now....

Seungmin POV:

I pace around my bedroom in panic. 

"Hyung! What do I wear!?" I frantically ask Chan, who is sitting on the edge of my bed. 

"Seungmin. Calm down." He said. "But what do I wear?" I repeated still frantic. "Look in your closet. I bet you'll find something." He said. I rushed to my closet and picked out a casual blue sweater and some jeans. "Don't forget your mask" Chan reminded. Right. The mask.

The mask I have been wearing for almost a year now to hide my idol identity. I wish I was aloud to take the mask off whenever I was in public but I knew I couldn't because I knew dispatch would make some kind of story out of it. 

"Right." I said as I slowly put the mask on. Maybe I can show Y/N my face sometime in secret. I know she will freak out but at least she'll know who I am. 

"You should get going." Chan told me as he patted me on the back. I just nod.

I hope this goes well and I hope we can be friends.


~Time Skip~

I panicked as I pulled up to the cafe. The same questions from earlier rushing through my mind. 

Before I get out of my car, I take a deap breath and tell myself some words to comfort myself,"Your fine Y/N. Stop overthinking."

I get out of the car and walk towards the cafe door when I hear someone calling my name.


I quickly turn around. Sky. 

"Hey Sky! How have you been?" I say with a smile. Wow. That was easier than I thought. "Oh! Uh.. I've been okay. You?" He replies. "I'm good!" I reply. We walk inside the cafe door and I am immediately hit with the smell of fresh pastries and coffee. "Woah.. It smells so good in here!" I said. I hear a chuckle from Sky who was behind me. "I know right!" He replies. 

We head over to the cashier who immediately greets us and asks us for our orders. I look at the menu. There is A LOT of things on the menu. "I'll get the chocolate chip muffin with some coffee please!" I said. "Great! And what would the young man like?" She asks. I look back at Sky only to see that he is staring at me. I feel my face go hot. "Sky?" I asked as I waved a hand in front of his face. 

"Oh! Uh.. I'll just get the latte. Thank you!" He says getting his wallet out. "Sky! You don't have to pay. Here." I say getting my wallet out too, but he stops me. "I insist that I pay. Its only a few dollars." He says. He then pays and we go off to find a seat next to a window.

"So.." I heard Sky say. "Now that we are here, how about you tell me more about yourself." He said. "What do you want to know?" I asked. "Well I already know your into kpop, so why don't you tell me what groups your into?" He suggests. "Okay!" I say, happy that someone is asking about my music interests. 

"Well. I really like TWICE." I say. "Oo thats a good one! He replies. "I also like ATEEZ, (G)I-DLE, Day6..." "Day6!?" He says, interrupting me.  "Yeah!" I say. "I LOVE Day6!" He says. "Oh really?" I ask. He nods. "Then I guess we have more in common then I thought!" I say.

We keep talking for a few hours until I realize the time. "Oh. Sky! I think I have to go. My mom needs me home by a certain time." I say apologetically. "That's okay! I had fun today!" He says. "Me too.. I wish we had more time." I say sadly. "How about we do this again sometime." He says, reaching his hand out to touch my shoulder. I felt a blush come on my face again. "Yeah! I would love to!" I say, trying to hide my blush.

We said are goodbyes and went our different ways. I felt like screaming but I contained it.

Seungmin POV:

(while he was with you)

I pulled up to the cafe in the car that Chan was driving me in. 

"Bye hyung. I'll see you later" I said getting out of the passenger seat. I felt a hand stop me. "Be safe and don't take your mask off." He said sternly. "I know.. I know" I said annoyed. "Have fun seungmin! Text me when your done" He said, suddenly changing his mood. I then get out of the car and I spot a familiar face walking to the cafe door.

"Y/N!" I yelled. She quickly turned around. "Hey Sky! How have you been?" She asked with a smile. Theres that smile again. I felt my face get hot and was very thankful for the mask. "Oh! Uh.. I've been okay. You?" I reply. "I'm good!" She replies back, keeping the smile on her face. 

We go into the cafe. I hear a gasp from Y/N, "Woah.. It smells so good in here!". I chuckle at how cute she is. "I know right!" I say back, agreeing. We make our way to the counter and the barista behind it immediately greeted us and asked us for our order. I look to Y/N to see her looking up at the menu but I couldn't help but stare. She looked so cute as she was amazed by all of the different things on the menu. 

"Sky?" I heard Y/N say as she waved a hand in front of my face. "Oh! Uh.. I'll just get the latte. Thank you!" I said as i got my wallet out. I was stopped by a small hand which made my heart flutter for the millionth time. "Sky! You don't have to pay. Here." She says, also getting her wallet out. I stop her too. "I insist that I pay. Its only a few dollars." I argue. I can see her give up. 

We find a seat near a window. "So.." I start, "Now that we are here, how about you tell me more about yourself." I say. "What do you wanna know?" She says. "Well I already know your into kpop, so why don't you tell me what groups your into?" I say. I see her immediately light up at the question. "I really like TWICE" She says, starting to list the groups. "Thats a good one" I say. She then starts to list the rest of the groups she likes but i'm to distracted on how cute she looks. "I also like Day6..." "Day6!?" I say, interrupting her.

"Yeah!" She replies. "I LOVE Day6!" I say. "Oh really?" She asks. I can tell she's surprised. I nod. "Then I guess we have more in common then I thought!" She says. I guess we really do... I thought. 

We end up talking for a few hours but most of the time I can't hear her because I'm too busy noticing how beautiful she is. Her beautiful eyes that I wish I could just stare into forever, her long (insert hair color) hair that falls perfectly where it needs to be, the way her eyes go into small crescent shapes when she laughs, and of course the smile.

Seungmin, stop thinking about this

"Oh. Sky! I think I have to go. My mom needs me home by a certain time." I hear her say apologetically. I'm a little disappointed but I try not to let that show. "That's okay! I had fun today!" I say. "Me too... I wish we had more time" she says, a hint of sadness in her voice. Then without thinking, I reach out to touch her shoulder, "How about we do this again sometime." I say. I notice her blush.  "Yeah! I would love too!" She says. 

We say are goodbyes and I pull out my phone to text Chan but immediately freeze when I realize something....

I think I like Y/N


I kinda cringed at myself...

anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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