Two: Lunch

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 By the time lunch rolled around, I was still stuck thinking about what went on during Science this morning. It honestly felt like a dream. I never thought that I would be partnering up with my crush.. let alone have the same music taste as my crush. 

I was walking to the lunch room listening to my usual playlist, Fancy by TWICE playing in my ears. 

Once I got there, I scanned the room to see where my friends were sitting when I caught sight of someone very familiar. 

Oh. My. God

My eyes went wide as I saw Sky and some of his friends sitting at the table right next to mine and my friends. 

Immediately as I set my eyes on his table, scanning everyone there, I accidentally locked eyes with him. Shit.. I thought as I blushed, gave him a shy smile and wave, and quickly headed to the table next to his. Feeling his gaze on me as I sat down.

"Why are you blushing so hard?" I heard one of my friends, Yunjin, ask. "Why are you staring at Sky?"

"Oh.. uh. Don't worry about it! I'll tell you later!" I said as I snuck one last glance at the table next to mine.

"You better!" I heard my other friend, Danielle pipe up.

"Why don't you tell us now?" Yunjin asked, he head tilted to the side. 

I quickly responded, "Well. The reason is RIGHT next to us" I said. Jerking my head towards Sky's table and received an 'ohhhh' from the both of them. 

"Tell us after school then" Dani said. I nodded.

Seungmin POV (before you walked in):

I sat at the lunch table, talking with with my friends (aka straykids). 

"Hyung!" I heard Jeongin pipe up. "Aren't you gonna tell us about this morning?" 

Right.. I thought. This is gonna be a long story to tell. "Oh.. Yeah!" I said, remembering the conversation my group members and I had this morning over text. "So um.." I started to explain. 

But almost if it was on que... Y/N walked right through the lunchroom door. I noticed her eyes were scanning the room. Probably looking around for her friends, I thought. I saw her eyes land on my table. Thats when I unintentionally locked eyes with her. 

I noticed a little blush creeping up on her cheeks. She blushes a lot. I thought.

Then she gave me small smile and wave, and quickly went to sit with her friends. But for some reason I kept my gaze on her. My mind going back to this morning. 

"Min? Hello?"(Jisung)

"Watcha looking at?"(Lix)

"Hyung?" (Innie)

"Minnie? Hello?"(Hynjin)



"SEUNGMIN-SSI. WAKE UP" A voice yelled, waking me up from my daydream. "Hyung! Shh!" I heard Jeongin say as he tried to shut the voice up. I realized that it was Changbin that I heard.

"Wha?..." I said as I snapped back into reality. 

"What the hell were you looking at?" Chan said. "I- uh.. nothing!" I said. "What were we talking about?" I asked. 

"You were about to tell us about the girl from earlier." Felix said. 

"Right.." I said. 

FLASHBACK (part of explanation)

I was walking in the hallway to my first class, English, when this shorter person bumped into me.


I realized she was listening to music, so my anger quickly dropped cause she might have been distracted.

I could tell she felt really bad. She tried helping me pick my books back up and of course i forgave her and went to help her. Of course I had to ask her what she was listening to. 

She looked embarrassed but i assured her that I wouldn't judge. She started blushing.

"Well it sounds like you have an admirer, Min" I heard Minho say, cutting me out of my explanation. I glared at him. He just chuckled. 

"Hyung stop. Let Min tell his story." Jeongin said. "Thank you Innie. This is why he's my favorite." I said. And started explaining again.


She told me that she was listening to a song called 'Awkward Silence'. She told me that she recently got into a group called Stray Kids. I was very surprised since I am in Stray Kids and we just recently debuted. 

Thats when I asked her who her bias was.  

"My bias is Kim Seungmin. He has an incredible singing voice. Not to mention he is a super funny and cute guy."  She explained.

"Oooo! Were you suprised?" I heard Felix say. Once again interrupting my story. 

"Yes Lix, I was." I said, clearly annoyed.

I then continued to explain the rest of the story. From walking to science with the girl to asking to partner up, seeing the groups facial expressions change if I said something shocking. 

"So this girl likes Stray Kids and her bias is you?" Changbin asks. I nod. "Well damn. Thats surprising. We literally just debuted." He added. 

"And the fact that she's performing My Pace for the pep rally is crazy."

"Are you gonna ask for her number?" Minho asked. "HYUNG! WHAT THE HELL" I yelled. Maybe I should ask for her number. I thought. After school. When I see her walking towards the gates. Thats when i'll do it. 

Then the lunch bell rang. We all stood up and headed for our next class. 

I snuck a few glances at Y/N. Realizing I accidentally locked eyes with her. Again. She must have thought it was awkward because she tried leaving as quickly as possible.


Shit.. he's looking at me.. I thought as I quickly tried to grab my things and get out of the lunch room, feeling my face get hot.

I put my headphones on and continued my playlist. Drowning out the sound of all the teenagers walking out of the crowded lunchroom. 

I need to relax.



I finally published the second part! 


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