The Last Homely House

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In the morning, Gimli learned that they would be spending the next two weeks in Rivendell, and while he ached to continue on as quickly as possible, he knew crossing the mountains and the Wilderland beyond would be difficult enough. His love would have to wait, and Gimli would just have to trust that Radagast would not let Legolas fade in the meantime.

Breakfast had been served sometime before he had woken, large platters of venison sausage and eggs with the flakey, airy breakfast rolls with honey that Gimli first sampled here at Elrond's council. There was also, more importantly, a large platter of fresh fruit, including a basket of apples that were surprisingly ripe for being so early in the season. Gimli grabbed an apple as he filled his plate and set it carefully next to him as he sat.

"Morning, Gimli," Bilbo said from across the little table. His plate was less full than Gimli had come to expect from the hobbit and, after a moment, narrowed his eyes.

"Morning, Bilbo," he said. "And which breakfast are you eating?"

"Second!" Bilbo said, beaming. "I've always been a bit of a light sleeper, and as tired as I was last night, I woke when they brought the food, and since no one else was yet awake, save for poor Dwalin—and really, is a watch absolutely necessary? He glared so hard at the poor girl she nearly dropped the kettle!" He shook his head. "There's security and then there's paranoia, I fear. Either way, since no one else was up, I helped myself, seeing as there was more than enough to feed us all, including Bombur."

Gimli swallowed his bite of egg. "And how long ago was this? The food seems fresh."

"I know!" Bilbo said. "It's a bit of a marvel, really." He paused, then looked sidelong at Gimli, eyes twinkling. "Perhaps it's elvish magic."

Gimli snorted a laugh. "And I'm sure it's one even the most hobbitish of hobbits could get behind, am I right."

"Absolutely," Bilbo said, raising his cup in a toast. He waited patiently, nibbling on a morning roll, for Gimli to eat more of his breakfast. It was good, there was no denying it, though Gimli had always preferred his eggs with a bit of red pepper—the kind that could be dried and ground into a hot powder. Bombur would come to be known for skill with using this spice in his chocolate confections, a foreign treat made by local hands. "I was hoping to do a bit of wandering today," Bilbo said. "I've never been to an elvish city, and I would very much like to look around. Would you like to join me?"

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," Thorin announced, appearing as if summoned behind Gimli. "We have been granted an audience with Lord Elrond," he said, clear that he felt slighted by the assumption that he could be denied audience, "and he has requested Gimli's presence."

Bilbo sagged. "Oh." He sighed.

"I could go with you, Mister Bilbo," Ori said. "The library of Rivendell is well known, and I would much like to see it."

Bilbo grinned, nodding his head to Ori. "Then that's settled. Ori and I will quest for the library," he turned back to Gimli, "and perhaps you can walk with me another day."

"Perhaps," Thorin said, and Gimli paused, mouth open. He closed it and turned to look at Thorin. "But right now, we are expected. Eat quickly," he said, then paused. "But not too quickly."

Gimli raised an eyebrow. "Of course," he said, and returned to his food. Thorin went to talk to Balin, who was waiting by the door with Gandalf, and Bilbo leaned into Gimli.

"What is his problem?" he asked.

"Thorin is not fond of elves," Gimli said, picking up the apple and examining its skin. It was smooth and unblemished, a young green-gold that faded to a delicate flushed pink. "Because when the mountain burned, the Elvenking in Mirkwood brought his troops to the mountain, then turned away, offering no aid. It was a betrayal of trust, and many dwarves see it as the elves' fault we lost the mountain." Gimli bit the apple, relishing in the resounding crunch and the burst of sweet-tart across his tongue.

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