7 | Cerise

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It was Monday, the day of the exam that had been stressing Cerise for the last few days, and it also happened to be the day before Halloween. She had considered requesting the whole day off from work but opted to still go in later on after her exam. She decided she wanted to be preoccupied while awaiting her test results. 

That course in particular had a small class. Though she wasn't happy she couldn't blend into the sea of students like with her larger classes, she was thankful that the professor was efficient in grading and responding to emails. Professor Roberts was so efficient, that the exam she would take today would be posted later that night. 

To her surprise, she felt more confident in passing the test as she prepared for class. The day before she was back at her peak stress level, and it didn't help that she was distracted by thinking of the few hours she spent in Saint's home.

Cerise was listening to him even when she didn't realize it.

During her studying, she heeded his words. She considered her body's needs more, took more breaks, and remembered to at the very least snack while she reviewed her notes. She wouldn't admit it, but she knew that the confidence she felt today was mainly due to him having faith in her, and not from taking more breaks, as silly as she thought that was.

She hummed as she dipped her small makeup brush into a tin of black face paint. Leaning back into her bathroom mirror, she finished filling in the inverted triangle under her eye. Staring at the spray bottle on her countertop, she scrunched her nose before giving in and spraying the mist on her face.

"'Cause if you cry...You're gonna look a hot mess."

Cerise pointed at herself in the mirror. Laughing at herself afterward and then cleaning up the dirty wipes and brushes. She was wiping her brush dry with a soft towel when her phone started going crazy on the countertop. Picking it up her curious face quickly morphed into a large smile.

New Messages!

Saint: Good luck today, Cerise.

Elly: Ohh shi, ur test is today right??? gl u got this 

Noah: gonna ace that shit ngl. how much yall wanna bet she's still studying rn

Alex: fr. if youre worrying stop that shit. but GOODLUCK ANYWAYS


Saint replied to Noah: $100 says you're wrong.

She laughed as she read over the argument happening in the group chat, waiting until it seemed like everyone had their bets in before responding.

Cerise: Thank you all <33 No I'm not studying! I just finished my makeup, about to leave.

For proof, she sent a picture of her painted face.

New Messages!

Elly: When u said makeup I wasn't expecting that

Chiaki: Girl you look great but what class is this again??

Noah: cer i didn't know you went to clown school!!! :o

Her professor had decided to be kind and offered extra credit that could be earned if you wore a costume during the day of the exam, and being so, Cerise decided to adorn herself in a black long-sleeve dress with black and white striped leggings underneath, and her favorite black flats. Paired with her thick hair tied into two fluffy pigtails, she painted on some simple jester makeup and called it a day. 

Cerise attempted to be mindful that she would likely be too drained and lazy to remove her makeup after her test, so she chose a simple costume that she was sure she wouldn't feel too silly wearing when it came time to greet the incoming clients at work.

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