9 | Saint

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Saint had put in his best effort to burn any excess energy so that he could sleep in the next day. He had no plans for Halloween, but he knew he would be watching the clock and counting down the minutes until it was time to head over to Cerise's apartment.

Had she not invited him he probably would have busied himself with chores or immersed himself in one of his random hobbies like he normally did on his days off from work. Now, waking up with too many hours of free time sounded pretty dreadful to him, especially with the new addition to his life that had pretty brown eyes.

That's how he found himself still awake at 2 a.m.

It's 11 degrees and I can see my breath,


So I know I'm breathing,


But I got no pulse, I swear to Thelema,


My heart ain't beating.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

His labored breaths and the sound of his jump rope smacking against the gym's hard floor filled the air, his pace increasing alongside the beat of the music drifting from his headphones.

He slowed down as the music abruptly cut off, and the trill sounding from the speakers indicated that he was receiving an incoming call. Figuring Elliot was calling to check on him, he swiftly clicked the button to answer the call and resumed his pace.

"Yeah?" He panted, and his eyebrows furrowed as he heard silence from the other line.

"Hello?" He questioned and almost tripped over the rope as a voice that was not Elliot's finally spoke up.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to call." A soft feminine voice stuttered before he heard the beep that signaled the call had been cut.


The voice instantly registered as Cerise, and he was quick to drop the rope he was holding.

Saint picked his phone up from the ground a little ways away from him. The first thing he noticed was that he had an unread message from Cerise.

New Message!
Cerise: Did I leave my bag in your car? :o  Sent at 2:22 a.m.

His phone was vibrating as more messages came in.

New Message!
Cerise: Sorrrrryyyyy!!!!! I was trying to leave the app and pressed call without noticing. You answered too fast before I could hadnf up.  Sent at 2:23 a.m.

Cerise: Hang*  Sent at 2:23 a.m.

Saint shook his head and decided to just call her. The dial tone sounded for a couple of seconds, and just when he thought it would go to voicemail, she answered.

"Hey, sorry about that. You didn't have to call me back," Her voice sounded softer now, an embarrassed tone paired with it.

"Don't be," He stared down at her blank contact photo that only displayed a 'C', wishing that he could see her face instead.

"Okay," It was said so quietly the words were almost inaudible, "Did you see my text?"

"No," He lied, "What's wrong?"

"I think I left my bag in your car, I was just looking for it but I can't find it."

Saint was silent for a moment as he thought back to earlier that night. Indeed, he didn't remember grabbing it from the backseat for her as he usually did.

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