13 | Saint

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The pair found themselves walking to the nearby diner that was down the road from the parlor. Because Cerise didn't feel like eating at the bakery cafe they usually frequented, Saint suggested they try the diner as the food was decent.

The situation with that irritating guy in the parlor was still fresh on their minds. Saint maintained his typical silence, though mentally he was imagining how it would have felt if his ringed fist made contact with that smug face. Cerise on the other hand...

"Never in my life could I have imagined I would encounter someone else with that mindset. In today's day and age? Really?" She fumed while tightly clutching her bag straps.

Saint nodded in agreement.

"I knew something was up with him! I felt the yucky vibe as soon as I heard the dang bell jingle." She continued, slamming her palm into the crosswalk button once they approached it. "As if I'd ever be interested in someone like him."

They watched the cars pass by until the traffic lights finally turned red and the illuminated man appeared across the street.

"Maybe I was a bit naive to think I finally got away from that," Cerise muttered as they began to cross the street, not before Saint ensured a stray car wasn't going to come barreling into them.

"Family?" He questioned, watching as she lined her strides up to only step on the white lines.

"Mhm. My grandparents from my mom's side are super close-minded. I used to get so annoyed when they would start judging everyone who did something they didn't approve of. They've actually shunned one of my cousins when he came out as gay."

Cerise rolled her eyes before blowing a curly strand out of her face after a strong breeze brushed against them.

"My mom turned out better when it comes to stuff like that, but we still disagree on things all the time. Like when— sorry, am I talking too much?" She asks, looking up at him with an apologetic look.

Saint shook his head no, "If you need to talk, I'll listen. Always."

She smiled and nudged his arm, "Thanks, big guy. Oh look, we're here!"

Saint pulled open the door and she brushed by him as she eagerly stepped into the diner.

"Welcome to Frankie's Diner! Please take a seat, I'll tend to you in just a moment!" An older blonde woman called out to them, wiping her hands on her stained apron after she served a man his mug of joe.

Cerise's chocolate eyes were wide as she looked around the diner, a large smile on her face as she spotted an empty booth in the corner. She tugged on his sleeve as she pointed to it and tugged him in that direction.

He took his seat across from her, leaning back into the cushion as his legs stretched out under the table, brushing against her feet. Cerise threw a smile at him and nudged his foot back before her gaze returned to flitting around the interior.

Frankie's Diner was truly classic. From black and white checkered floors and red booths to the jukebox in the corner, right down to the attire of the server, it was a place that really brought the customers back in time.

"They even have the ketchup and mustard bottles! Oop," The girl exclaimed as she grabbed the all-red bottle, squeezing it a little too tightly causing some to leak from the spout.

"Do you think they have glass Coke bottles?" Her eyes shimmered under the dim lighting as she leaned forward to look at him, her eyes immediately connecting with his as he was admiring her the whole time.

Saint smiled and shrugged, tapping his idle fingers on the table. Suddenly, a menu was slid in front of him and he looked to his left to see the waitress from earlier.

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