Brother-In-Law Complex (2)

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"...that's it."

"...So that's why," Caleb said, sighing, "Why are you telling me all this?" 

"I have no one else I could talk to. After my marriage...I haven't been in frequent contact with mom and dad...and my other friends...I can't tell them about this."

"And it's not as if mom and dad will listen to you quietly over a cup of tea and sympathize," Caleb said, sarcastic, "You've really gotten yourself in trouble, sis."

"I know! But...I don't regret it," his sister said, sighing, "I love him."

"Is that asshole better than brother?" 

"Don't call him that! He's a nice person!"

"Yeah, so nice he started dating a married woman, sure," Caleb frowned, "But why didn't you break things off with brother first? He's a nice person. He doesn't deserve this."

"As if I don't know that! He's way too nice! The only guilt I feel is for cheating him, not because I cheated on my husband! But because my husband's Ken...God, I don't know what to, actually I do. But I'm worried about Min."

"Yeah, it's not as if she'd go live with you once you divorce brother," Caleb sipped his drink. 

"I know!" his sister snapped, "That girl is way too attached to her father. But so what, I won't leave her with Ken. I will take her with me."

"Isn't that too cruel, sis? You're ruining that man's family and love and now you're even taking his daughter away? He doesn't even have parents or any other family," Caleb told her. 

"Whose side are you on, exactly? You're my brother! So don't talk as if he's your real brother," sister rose, "Don't you dare talk about this to anyone. I'll sort things out on my own."

"Yeah, sure," Caleb watched her go. He knew it wasn't right for him to feel like this. But the flowers that bloomed inside his head and chest filled his insides with such a sweet, wild scent that he stopped caring about anything else. If she really leaves brother, that's work out for everyone. 

That was right before Caleb came to live a few days in his sister's house. Now he watched as his sister paced up and down in her room. Brother was in the guest room, cleaning up the mess of last night. Just thinking about him taking off the sheet and everything else that bore evidence of that incident, with a slightly sad expression on his face, was about to make Caleb hard. He focused on his sister instead. 

"This man...your lover, aren't you going to tell brother about him?" 

"Are you crazy? He'd never forgive me!" sis shook her head. Caleb frowned, "Why'd you need him to forgive you if you're leaving him?"

"Still...I...feel weird when I imagine him hating me...I feel like shit," she muttered, rubbing her forehead, "I can't imagine...the look on his face when he finds out the real reason why I want to leave him."

"What about Min?" 

"You heard her just a while ago! She wouldn't go with me! What am I supposed to do?" 

"Hmm..." he always knew Min wouldn't leave her father. When sis told him everything about her affair with her boss, she also told him how much Min loved her father. And if, by any chance, the girl found out that her mother had betrayed her father...

"Oh, he's calling," sis stopped and raised the phone to her chest, "I can't possibly talk with him right now!" 

"Hmm..." Caleb saw the door opening slowly. There were only the four of them in this house. No matter who it was, things wouldn't turn out good for his sister. 

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