The Summer I Fell In Love With A Boy (End)

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The next time they met were in the boys' washroom. Jake was standing in the corner when Ezra entered, his eyes downcast. He closed the door behind him. He had unzipped his pants and was about to do business when Jake's arms slid around him. Ezra gave an audible gasp and looked up. His hands instantly covered his crotch. 

"You-you-" he choked on his words, anger turning his face red, "What-what-what do you want?"

"Nothing," Jake grabbed his hands and pried his fingers open. As soon as his fingers touched that part of Ezra, both of them swallowed. In Ezra's eighteen years life, it was the first time, after he'd grown up, that someone was touching his private parts. As much as he hated it, he couldn't control his body or his reaction. A noisy stream of urine left him shocked and ashamed. 

"Here, done," Jake chuckled, "You came to pee, right? I helped you in it."

No answer. 

"Ezra? Are you mad at me?" 

Still no answer. Jake had tucked that part in Ezra's underwear and zipped up his pants. He nudged at Ezra's face with his own, "Ezra?" 

When he touched his face and lifted it, Jake's eyes widened. The rims of Ezra's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face. His long, thick lashes were wet and heavy. He must be feeling too humiliated to even get angry at Jake. 

"I..." Jake started, suddenly feeling like trash. Ezra shied away from him and buttoned his pants. He then washed his hands and face and left. Jake groaned. 

"The fuck have you done, fucker..." he cursed himself. 

Since then it had been nearly three weeks, and Ezra still hadn't spared him a glance. No matter how much Jake tried to melt his ice or persuade him, the boy would not even register his existence, let alone getting angry at Jake or glare at him. It started to annoy Jake, too. Even when he pestered Ezra or sat down beside him, Ezra would continue doing whatever he was doing and act as if Jake was no more than empty air. Slowly, all the people in their class started to notice Jake's behavior. But no matter the students or the teachers, they never dared interfere in Jake's business. After they all witnessed Jake's painfully obvious obsession with Ezra, they even stopped whispering about the latter like they used to. 

Three whole weeks. Jake was at his limit. He kicked his chair away, "Enough, Ezra."

His classmates all glanced at them both. The girl with shoulder-long orange hair gasped aloud. Jake glared at her. She was knitting a scarf or something like that and talking with her friends. She quickly looked away, lips pressed together. 

"Ezra, look at me, right now," he turned back to Ezra. No response. Ezra kept looking out of the window as if deaf. 

"I get why you're mad at me, but I've said I'm sorry, haven't I? And I've lost count of how many times I apologized to you, damnit!" Jake was furious. Just then the classroom door opened and their teacher entered. 

"Everyone, settle down."

Jake had no choice but to return to his seat. He regretted not moving his seat next to Ezra's and kept glaring at the boy who sat there. Finally, after two more classes, school was over for today. Jake snatched his bag and followed Ezra out of the class. He kept calling Ezra, telling him to wait for him. 

"Ezra, stop," he grabbed Ezra's hand when he realized the boy had no intention of slowing down or talking with him, "Please, listen to me."

"Don't make a scene in the middle of the street," Ezra's voice was too cold. Jake didn't let go of hand, nonetheless. He lifted his chin and said, 

"Come with me to a place. We'll talk there. If you don't go, I'll hug you tight and won't let go until you've forgiven me. I swear it."

Ezra's eyes showed naked repulsion. But then the glanced around them and snatched his hand free, "No matter where I am, in the classroom or outside, you won't stop messing with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24 ⏰

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