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996 AD

Arabella was good at this. She enjoyed it a little bit too much.

But who could blame her? Manipulating, fucking, killing.

She had done it so much times, but she could never get tired. When her humanity was off, Arabella turned into a new person, an old friend. She enjoyed taking visits to her old friend from time to time.

It was always the same - humanity off, killing on. She wasn't insane when it was off, no. But she couldn't control herself very well either.

Which is why she did what she did.

Basic rundown?

Arabella liked fooling men.

She would find an evil, easily to manipulate man who only enjoyed his pleasure. Someone who was so self-centred and cruel to others - someone who would easily be sent to Hell. She would get to know them, make them fall in love with her and then...kill them. Suck away all their blood. It was thrilling.

Today's victim?

Salazar Slytherin.

Although he seemed more difficult than any other man Arabella had done this to, she was up for the challenge. Salazar thought of himself too highly. She thought he needed to be humbled. He was one of the most powerful wizards, despite his age. She knew he would rise to do great things - but he was evil. He was prestigious. He thought he was far better than muggles. He thought muggleborns should die. Which made him the perfect target.

At first, it was surprisingly easy. She lured him to her. She captured his attention enough by making herself all anyone could talk about in town. He approached her, she shared her opinions regarding muggleborns and magic, they got close.

Then one night, after some fun, they lay in bed together. Arabella brought up the idea to meet with Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw who were some of the most powerful witches and wizards of the time. She could see the hunger in the Salazar's eyes every time they talked about teaching magic or opening a school. If she could make that happen, it would be so much more fun destroying him.

So, they did it.

There were initially 5 houses:

Gryffindor, for the brave and daring, represented by the lion and the colours of red and gold.

Ravenclaw, for the intellectual and curious, represented by the eagle and the colours of blue and bronze.

Hufflepuff, for the trustworthy and hardworking, represented by the badger and the colours of yellow and black.

Slytherin, for the cunning and ambitious, represented by the serpent and the colours of green and silver.

And finally, Arabella's house, Feywood, for those who valued independence and elegance.

Arabella had chosen a wolf to represent the house, in honour of her brother. And her colours were purple and rose gold, simple yet elegant. She had chosen her father's last name, since Chambers sounded too... boring. Feywood carried an air of grace.

Slowly, Arabella lost sight in her original plan. She bonded with the founders, and creating Hogwarts was enjoyable compared to her normal life. She was helping create a future, a future for hundreds of people.

Arabella convinced herself this was better than killing Salazar - she could keep herself occupied for at least the next 100 years.

She was now 145 years old, which meant she had been trapped in her 18-year-old body for 127 years. It wasn't boring, per se, just a bit... repetitive. Arabella had been thinking of finding something to keep her interested, and running Hogwarts was perfect. She could maintain the school, even after the founders were dead.

And, as much as she hated to admit, she has begun to gain real feelings for Salazar. And he too, for her.

As the years went by, Hogwarts was coming together nicely. It looked magnificent. But something still irked in the back of Arabella's mind.

"We need something to ensure the students get selected in the houses they are meant to be in," Arabella brought up one day.

Salazar smiled at Arabella, a smile he never gave to anyone but her. It changed the features of his face from cold to warm. "Certainly. A magical object of a sort."

Godric leaned forward, his eyes flicking between them. "A magical object, you say? What about a sword? It is a noble weapon, and if we enchant it, it can determine which students are brave enough to join Gryffindor."

Rowena raised an eyebrow. "What about those who are not 'brave enough to join Gryffindor'? What about those who deserve to be in Ravenclaw? I suggest riddles and puzzles, or a quiz of some sort that can determine their house."

Helga chimed in. "No, that is too... long. We need something that can determine the students full qualities, not just of one house. Something fair and equal."

Salazar rolled his eyes. "Fair and equal? That is stupid. Let us create a test to see which ones are cunning enough to enter Slytherin house."

"I agree with Helga," Godric said. "What if we combine these ideas into a single enchanted hat?" He whipped off the hat he was wearing - brown, patchy, wide-brimmed with a pointy top.

Arabella curled her lip in disgust. "That tattered old hat?"

Rowena leaned in, a thoughtful expression on her face. "That could actually work. We could enchant it, place it upon the students heads. It will read the minds of students and determine their rightful place."

Helga smiled in agreement. "The Sorting Hat! It is perfect. It can sort the students even after we are dead and gone."

Arabella looked around nervously. She still had not told them that she was immortal, that she was a vampire. And Helga's comment made her even more scared. What would they do when they find out? Kick her out? She tried to believe they would not do that. They were friends, partners. Arabella would do nothing to ruin Hogwarts or the other houses. She would keep their legacy alive. Surely they would understand. If the rest did not, Salazar would. Of course he would, he loved her.

Salazar seemed hesitant. "It could work, I guess. But it has to be enchanted with precision, ensuring no bias or miscalculations."

"Of course," Godric said. "Let us put it to a vote." He raised his hand. "I vote yes."

Rowena and Helga raised their hands.

Salazar looked at Arabella and then at the rest of the group. After a moment, he raised his hand too, leaving Arabella the only one without her hand raised.

She sighed. "The hat is so ugly, Godric. Surely we could enchant it to look more... wearable. I do not want to put the students through hell while they are being sorted. Think of them, please. Think of the poor souls who would have to put that on. It could carry lice!"

Rowena rolled her eyes. "We will enchant it, Arabella. It will not carry lice."

"At least make it look appealing."

"We will not be changing how it looks, Arabella. It is already perfect," Godric said sternly.

Arabella was grasping at thin air now. "This hat will become even older throughout the years!"

Salazar put a hand on Arabella's thigh. "Calm down, love. It looks fine."

...She finally conceded and raised her hand.

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