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Quirks aside, is it just me who kinda sees these two as brothers? Y'know, blonde, white costume, kinda keeps to themselves, it's just that similar vibe I guess.

Aoyama's pretty solidly an extrovert. But I'm not sure if Ojiro's an ambivert since his normal personality doesn't really entail much, but let's go with it. I'd say Ojiro's 'normalness' should be pretty noticeable in the fusion, so how about toning down Aoyama?

Like he dresses nice, he likes food, pays attention to his appearance but in an attempt not to stand out to much, very toned down generally. Where he really shines is how he interacts with people.

Hehe pun...

Ahem- Where was I going with this- Right! He really likes to bring out the best in his friends, particularly through clothes and such.

And now for the part I've been putting off, his quirk. Mostly because the first idea to come to mind was navel tail and butt laser and I wasn't mentally prepared for that. But how about shooting lasers from Ojiro's tail? Ehh... It doesn't feel finished. How about a tail made of light? Better yet it can be summoned and made tangible at will!


And in this corner, we have the mild-mannered gay best friend and his crippling self-doubt! Oh, aren't we all...
As I was saying- He feels quite insecure about his abilities and tries to delegate himself to the background, but he's very supportive of friends and believes they should get their chance in the spotlight. And he'd be damned if they didn't look their best in it!

His quirk is pretty simple by fusion standards, being able to form a tail of light and dismiss it at will. As light, it can not only light up dark areas, but also function as some sort of illusion where it's visible but not tangible. He's rather self-conscious about it, but is grateful he doesn't need to custom order pants like Ojiro did.

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