31. ...And The Devil

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Y/N's mouth flapped open and closed as he stared at the man in the room with wide, dilated eyes. He physically pressed himself into the wall, as if he was trying to phase through it to get away from the huge person in front of him. When that didn't work, he slid down it, back against the wall with legs splayed out in front of him.

The man wore a large hoodie, but removed it entirely, tossing it to one side. Underneath, he had on a white dress shirt that was practically bursting, tight around his enormous, muscular frame. His neck was thick and strong, and his face had perfectly sculpted, sharp features.

To most people, he would've looked like a Greek god, with the ruggedly handsome features of a model, the physique of a bodybuilder, and the voice of an actor. But Y/N wasn't fooled by all of that. His eyes held something very different to the average person - a predatory, wicked gaze that had him trembling on the spot.

"Not going to welcome me, little godling?" The man brushed a few stray black hairs from his forehead, showing teeth as he smiled at Y/N.

Y/N was too terrified to reply. Too terrified to even think straight, a primal instinct ignited that screamed at him to get away. This man was danger. This man was pain. This man was death.

This man was the single reason Y/N was so good at soccer. This man was the man who had headed the Ascension project, the brutal, borderline criminal project that had turned Y/N from a talentless kid into the soccer player he was now.

He wasn't a Greek god. He was more of a devil, and at the sight of his hands resting on the desk, Y/N swallowed nervously. Those hands had dealt him so much pain. Those hands had held the needles and scalpels that had cut into him. Those hands had moulded him into the monster he was now.

"Hmm?" He edged closer to Y/N, and immediately the teenager shook his head, shaking like a leaf. "Do you remember my name?"

"G-go away..."

"I can't do that, can I? After all, I came all the way to see you, my little godling." The man chuckled darkly. "Tell me my name."

Of course Y/N remembered. How could he forget? This man haunted his dreams. This man had destroyed everything in his life - his dreams, his innocence, his happiness, his friends and family, his body and his mind.

Y/N took a shaky breath. "K-Kuroi Jigoku."

"Well done." Kuroi praised sarcastically.

"Why are you here?" Y/N kept his gaze on the floor, unable to even look at Kuroi. He fought to keep his voice steady. "Don't you have things to do?"

"Who says I can't come see my little godling?" Kuroi turned his hand over, inspecting his own fingernails idly. "You were so much of my life's work. My most successful experiment yet."

Y/N shuddered at being called an experiment. "Don't call me that."

"What? An experiment? A godling?" Kuroi laughed lowly. "That's what you are, little godling. You won Ascension. You're a demigod, someone far more capable than a normal human."

Y/N avoided Kuroi's eyes, hands clenched into fists. "And you're a monster."

The room fell silent. There was no instant response from Kuroi, and Y/N froze. Did he go too far? What would he do? A few agonisingly long seconds passed.

Kuroi laughed.

"I'm a monster, sure!" He stepped closer to Y/N, crouching slightly so he was Y/N's height. One huge hand grasped at his chin, forcefully raising his head. Y/N tried to resist, but the older man was overwhelmingly, terrifyingly strong.

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