42. Wedo-nes-doey?

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Over the next few days, Y/N felt the frustration of being a teacher.

More specifically, being a teacher to Bachira Meguru, the seventeen year old boy who just so happened to have never spoken English before. Isagi knew a few words, and was a good student. Aryu knew a decent amount from listening to English music, even though his pronunciation was off.

Rin was pretty good too. He spoke enough to be able to hold a full conversation with Y/N, even though he had a strong accent. But Bachira was just... something different.

"W-wed..." He hunched over an English textbook, currently opened to the days of the week. "Wedo-nes-doey?"

Y/N sighed, sitting next to him. "English people say it like 'Wenz-day.' It's strange, I know."

"Huh." Bachira stuck out his tongue childishly. "Thurs-day."









Before Y/N could reply, Rin groaned. He rubbed roughly at his temples, hunched over his own English textbook. "Monday. And can you shut the hell up?!"

Y/N looked at Bachira. Then he looked back at Rin. Then back to Bachira. "Nope. Bachira, continue."


"Tuesday-" Rin lunged for Y/N, completely catching the smaller boy off guard. He grabbed his shoulders, pressing him back into the sofa as he scowled fiercely.

"Let me concentrate for one minute. Just one. That's all I'm asking."

"Why don't you be smart like him?" Y/N pointed at Isagi, who was plugged into a pair of earphones listening to an English text. "Go do something else."

Isagi paled, removing an earphone. "Hey, don't draw me into this."

"Too late."

That wasn't the only thing they did. After their loss to the World Five, it was like they'd become closer as a team. Sure, Rin always tended to go off by himself at the end of the day, and Y/N always began the day at least an hour after everyone else, but they did more together.

Y/N had been quite curious as to what Rin got up to in the evenings. After dinner one day, he tagged along, stalking him all the way to a secluded training room just a few corridors away from their dorm room.

As usual, Rin was doing his cooldown, meditation, and stretches. He was midway through a headstand when Y/N came flying into the room. He cartwheeled, turned 90 degrees, and finished off with a flip. "You never told me you did gymnastics, Rin!"

Rin frowned. He lowered himself to the ground. "What?"

"Gymnastics!" Y/N chirped. He placed both hands on the floor, swinging his body into a handstand as he grinned at Rin.

"These aren't gymnastics." Rin sighed. "It's my cooldown for the day."

"Oh, okay." Y/N flipped upright, placing both hands on his thighs as he sat down next to Rin. "So, what's next?"



They stared at each other. Rin rubbed his forehead, exhaling slowly in an attempt to keep calm. "Who said you're doing it with me?"

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