10. Grass Angels

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In the end, they lost horribly.

Y/N didn't do much, just hanging around his own half of the field talking animatedly with Chigiri. The pink-haired boy was somewhat trying to defend, but Y/N only bothered to move slowly towards the ball.

They got past him every single time, but unlike the rest of Team Z, who were looking more defeated by the second, the sweet smile didn't fall off Y/N's face as he lay on the ground, making funny faces at Chigiri.

Despite his tiredness, and the fact that they had lost five to one, Chigiri cracked a small smile.

As the game's closing whistle filled the pitch, Y/N grinned. "Sooo, that didn't go so well."

"It might've gone better if you tried..." Chigiri hadn't meant to say it, but he was feeling frustrated. He wasn't meant to be, because his entire reason for coming here was trying to quit soccer, but he still felt annoyed at the way Y/N didn't seem to care about his soccer career.

"I did try, I just wasn't good enough." Y/N lied through his teeth. The smaller boy laughed, skipping over to Chigiri and taking the princess's wrist. "Come on, I'm sure it'll go better next time!"

"Mhm..." Y/N's words didn't quell the frustration inside Chigiri, but it was somewhat nice to see that he was still happy. For some reason, the idea of Y/N being upset didn't sit right with him.

"Y/N, did you see that last goal?" Bachira hopped over, grinning at Y/N. "Sure, we lost, but did you see it?!"

"Not one bit!"


"I was making grass angels." Y/N solemnly said.

Chigiri joined the conversation, looking very confused. "The only words I heard were grass angel."

"Like snow angels, but with grass. Duh."

"Huh." Like always, Bachira threw an arm around Y/N, which the smaller boy leant into naturally. Bachira was a bit sticky with sweat from the 45 minutes of running., but it didn't really matter to him.

Team Z headed towards the tunnel they'd come in from. Everyone except Y/N and Bachira looked utterly defeated. Their heads hung low, and their feet dragged on the turf as they walked off the pitch.

Oh, and Isagi sat alone on the pitch, staring at the enemy's goal. His legs were crossed, head bowed, and Y/N knew that it was better to let him think by himself.

So he just stuck close with Bachira, the two sharing small smiles as they made their way through the tunnels and back to the team's dressing room.

Nobody spoke. Everyone seemed far too wrapped up in their own thoughts. Y/N supposed it was good. If they didn't feel a sense of defeat from this game, then they wouldn't have the drive needed to become the world's best striker.

He knew he was being hypocritical, because he didn't feel an ounce of sadness at the loss. These games meant absolutely nothing to him, and besides, he wasn't at risk of being eliminated from Bluelock yet, so he didn't have to try.

Team Z continued their walk of silence back to the changing rooms, a few of them heading straight for the showers, and a few choosing to just sit around, taking deep breaths.

Y/N just sat down, hands behind his head as he sighed contentedly.

After a few minutes, Raichi made a quick comment. "It was a mistake making Isagi the centre forward. Next time, it's going to be me."

Naruhaya quickly interrupted. "No, we can win if I'm the centre forward."

"No, I scored. Let me be the centre-forward." Kunigami's low voice came next.

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