39. World-Class (Part 1)

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They lined up, both teams of five staring each other down.

To Y/N, three things were immediately clear. One, was that the World Five were unlike anything he'd ever faced. Two, was that there was a clear difference in height and build between the two teams. Compared to the likes of Dada Silva, all of Team Red looked like twigs.

And third, they weren't taking it at all seriously. Only Julian wasn't laughing with the others, talking with a polite smile on his face. Everyone else was joking, messing around, without any care.

Rin looked mightily pissed off, his entire body tensed up as he placed a soccer ball down in the centre of the field. Y/N scurried over to Bachira, whispering quietly. "What happened to Rin?"

"He spoke some English with them, while you and Loki were having that talk. Said something about sigh-see-ing? Oh, and trau-ma-tic, whatever that means." Bachira attempted to pronounce the English words.

Y/N laughed. "Does he even know what those words mean?"

"Do you know what they mean?"

"Yeah." Y/N grinned, momentarily switching from Japanese to English. "I know a bunch of different languages."

"What does that mean?"

"Wae nahante malhaji geulae?" Why don't you tell me?  Y/N spoke in Korean next, grinning even wider at Bachira's confused gaze.

"That was Korean, right?"

"Yěxǔ, yěxǔ bù shì。Dàn bù zài shì le!" Maybe, maybe not. But not anymore!

"Stop playing with me!"

"Mais c'est tellement amusant!" But it's so fun!

"I'm serious."

"Ernsthaft ungebildet." Seriously uneducated. At Bachira's frustrated, pouty expression, Y/N relented, returning to Japanese. "I'm kind of a language freak, alright? They just come to me naturally."

"It is pretty cool." Bachira admitted. "Just not when I don't understand a thing-"

He darted off in an instant, surprising Y/N. He hadn't been paying attention at all to the game, and he didn't realise Rin had just started it. He'd begun by passing to Isagi, who had been ready to receive.

The whistle blew overhead to signal the game's start. The field was immediately a rush of action, as both teams headed headfirst at each other.

Bachira received the ball off Isagi, going up against Cavazos. The World Five member looked more like a boy than a man, even though he was much older than all of the Bluelock players. His rainbow-dyed hair shone brightly, and he seemed half asleep as he faced off against Bachira.

Y/N was near Bachira, ready to steal- support the ball in case Bachira couldn't get through. It didn't really matter though, as Cavazos barely bothered moving. Instead, he just watched Bachira as the bumblebee did a roulette around him, moving to block off the obvious route.

Cavazos made a small noise of appreciation, moving across Y/N's field of view. "Oh! Good spin!"

Before he could be cut off, Bachira tutted. "No, I'm taking one more touch." He switched the ball from one foot to the other with lightning speed, pushing past Cavazos as he used his body to shield the ball.

"Nice, Bachira!"

With that, everyone kicked it up a gear. Y/N eyes flickered around the field, drawing in all the information he needed. He was going to try this game, as hard as he could.

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