22. Racing Against Time

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The game restarted, for yet another time. Team V held the ball, with Reo receiving it off a teammate. The prideful, playful expression he wore at the start of the game had disappeared, replaced by desperation as he moved forwards.

Nagi watched, patiently waiting for the ball as always. If he was being honest, he didn't particularly like soccer. But at the same time... watching Y/N play, watching his small body move in such impossible ways, and watching his joyful expression as he fired off a shot...

It was so cool.

But Y/N worked hard for that skill. What have I done, besides hanging around waiting for Reo to do everything for me? Nagi sighed to himself, standing in the middle of Team Z's defence. They weren't scared of him anymore - in fact, there was a little bald boy trying to square up to him, even though he only came up to Nagi's chest.

I want to score... His grey eyes focused on Reo, mentally pleading to receive a pass. It didn't seem like one was coming, though, as yet again that weird blond boy was blocking off all of Reo's movements.

Reo, can't you just shake him off? You're amazing. Why aren't you giving me passes? Nagi knew that was unfair. Reo had been trying his hardest all game to give him shots on goal, but he couldn't help but feel annoyed at Reo's desperate look.

And concerned.

Nagi ran forwards, straining his voice to call loudly across the field. "Reo, pass me the ball. Now!"

He placed himself in a good spot, watching Reo's eyes widen with surprise. The purple-haired boy dodged to the side, barely getting off a pass as Nagi received it easily.

Then, turning on his heel, Nagi sprinted down the middle of the field. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Y/N. The other boy wasn't doing anything, just watching him closely as he waited in defence. If he doesn't get involved, this goal is as good as mine.

Zantetsu was on the wing. Nagi held onto the ball a bit longer, lobbing the ball up as a distraction before he kicked it through the tiny bald boy's legs. After he was past, he sent the ball out.

"Zantetsu! Hit me a pass into the box!" Nagi sped up, feeling his muscles beginning to strain and his breathing get heavier. He barely ever needed to push himself.

Why am I trying so hard? Is it because Reo thinks we'll lose? Because I'm worried about him? He received the ball from Zantetsu after a few seconds, now being a lot closer to the goal. Almost too close, right next to the goalpost.

Almost. He leapt up, pushing off on one foot like a ballerina. Swinging his leg up and around, he twirled midair, slamming the ball with the inside of his foot into the opposite corner.

Then he fell to the floor, momentum carrying him into the artificial grass. Panting heavily, he let out a sigh of pleasure as the whistle blew loudly above. "Hey. Soccer is kind of fun."

He pushed himself up on one arm as Reo approached, wiping a bit of sweat off his face. "How many more goals do we want?"

Y/N had watched the entire goal, start to finish. If he was being honest, that wasn't really Team Z's fault, but rather, Nagi's. The white-haired boy had finally awakened his ego, and had been rewarded handsomely for it.

He grinned, humming as he watched Team Z restart the game. "Now what will you do?"

Isagi kicked the ball out to Bachira, who as usual began working the field by himself. He attempted to push forwards, but his movements were beginning to slow, and he was quickly surrounded by Team V members.

"Here, Bachira!" The blue-haired boy managed to find a gap, and received the pass. He kicked it out to the wing, where Chigiri was there to receive.

Same as before, Chigiri squared off against Zantetsu. Both of them were tired, worn out by the constant sprinting, but they were going to race again. He kicked the ball far, using the same tactic as before to try and get past him.

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