2.9. Done Playing Games.

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The chair was cold.

Leaning back into the hard plastic, Y/N raised his eyes to the sky. It was a beautiful day, with the sky a bright colour of ultramarine. A few white wisps of cloud drifted across the open roof of the stadium, looking like something out of a cartoon.

Y/N had tried to not pay so much attention to the game. After he'd got the news he wasn't going to be put on at the start of the game, he hadn't just felt annoyed. No, he'd been terrified.

Because this was his one chance at getting his name out into the world. If he let it go here, where would he be? What would all of his work be for? What would his skill be for? Y/N had to get out there, but his emotions had, like always, gotten the better of him.

So now, after having a full-blown argument with the coach, there was probably no chance he was being put on. It was his own fault - and that was what made it so much more infuriating. Y/N tipped his head back, knocking it against the chair gently. I just don't want it all to be a waste.

If I don't get my name out into the world... What was the point of Ascension? What was the point in trying to survive all that, what was the point in letting that project ruin my life? If I don't play, all that effort is worth nothing... He was calmer now, much calmer. And sort of worried.

But when he heard the announcers calling the end of the half, butterflies of hope sprang to life in his stomach. Sae had told him the U-20 would only put him on if they were losing badly, and a 2-0 scoreline was definitely bad. He had a chance.

"U-20 against Bluelock!"

"Who could've predicted the half ends with Bluelock in the lead, 2 to 0?!" The announcers' excited voices rang out across the stadium, as the players began walking off the pitch for half time. Everyone in the audience was talking about the game, excitement clear on every face Y/N could see.

"Despite the U-20's fierce attack at the end of the half, Bluelock managed to hold on! Half time will last 15 mins!" One voice said. "Any thoughts, Natsuki?"

"Bluelock is amazing! We've never seen a team like this in Japanese soccer, but they're both equal to the U-20 players in skill, and incredibly entertaining to watch!"

"I know, right? They play a different style of soccer compared to what we've seen so far, with every player on their team standing out like crazy!"

"Yeah! And sure, the talk of the town is all about their goal scorers, Nagi Seishiro and Rin Itoshi, but I just want to bring some attention to their defence." Y/N's ears picked up that sentence, and his eyes flickered down to the players momentarily. "Niko Ikki, and Gagamaru Gin! For a team made completely out of forwards, they look like born and bred defenders!"

"That's right! I'm impressed all around with this Bluelock squad! Their coordination could use some work, but they more than make up for it with energy and pure talent!"

"Will it be enough to carry them to victory, though? It has to be noted that no matter the score, the game will instantly end at the 90 minute mark. And no way will Sae Itoshi let it end in a loss!"

"It's been great so far, but enjoy the break! Refreshments are being served as we speak, and you'll need them. The second half is going to be even better!"

Y/N sighed. They're not talking about me. He hadn't done anything, so of course they wouldn't be, but he really, really, really wanted it to be his name coming from their mouths.

A pair of boots stopped in front of him. He looked up, meeting familiar teal eyes. "What are you moping for?" Sae raised an eyebrow.

"I fought with the coach..." Y/N mumbled, dejectedly slouching into his seat. "He probably won't put me on."

Ascension│Bluelock x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now