43. The Big Game

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"Will the first team to clear please enter?"

The door in front of them swished open. Without missing a beat, Rin strode into the room. Y/N followed happily behind, Bachira skipping along next to him. Isagi and Aryu brought up the back, the latter looking around the room.

"I'm a bit nervous." Bachira commented, a wide smile on his face. "Who do you think the others will be?"

"They won't be weak." Aryu replied. "That's certain."

"'Course." Y/N added. "They've been through the same fights we have. Maybe even harder - the last few people would be running off desperation."

They grouped up in the centre of the room. Overhead, the electronic voice rang out. "Will the second team to clear please enter?" All heads swivelled to face a different door as it slowly opened.

The faces of Nagi, Chigiri, and Barou had barely been revealed before Y/N was running forwards. A high laugh rang out as he just about collided with Nagi and Chigiri. They staggered backwards as Y/N attempted to wrap his arms around both of them at the same time.

"You made it!"

Chigiri smiled, rubbing the top of Y/N's head. Y/N unconsciously moved into the palm of his hand. "Of course we did. What else would we do?"

Nagi's dull eyes immediately fixed on Y/N. He slumped forwards, all his body weight resting on Y/N's shoulder. "Tired." Y/N managed a laugh, suddenly under the weight of the much taller boy.

Next to them, Barou stared down at the small boy. "Tch."

"Are we queuing for something?" Behind them, Zantetsu piped up. "Is it food?"


"You're blocking the entrance."

The four boys' faces dawned with understanding. Y/N grabbed Chigiri's wrist, dragging him out into the centre of the room while Nagi was forced to follow. He revealed Zantetsu, who Bachira somehow knew but Y/N had no memory of meeting, and a new boy. Must be irrelevant...

"Wait." Chigiri stopped. "Let me talk to Isagi. I have a bone to pick with him."

"Yeah." Barou had followed Y/N to the centre. His eyes lasered in on Isagi, whose face was turning red under all the attention. "Stupid brat. Looking down on us."

"Will the third team to clear please enter?" Y/N decided it was best to leave them to bully Isagi. Ignoring the blue-haired boy's cries for help, he grinned, looking at the next door.

He didn't recognise a single one of the boys that came through. A tall guy with round glasses, and shiny styled hair. A boy with mostly white hair, except for a streak of green down the front. One boy that looked like a crocodile, and another who looked like a mushroom. The player leading them was hunched over, his spiky purple hair matching his sharp gaze.

Bachira and Aryu headed to meet them, exchanging greetings as the glasses guy bowed. "Pleasure to meet you!"

While Y/N watched them, another team entered. He knew none of them yet again. But they all looked decently strong. The second selection had definitely weeded out the weak. Three teams left.

"Will the fifth team to clear please enter?"

Y/N's head snapped to the door, nearly giving him whiplash. The door grinded open painfully slowly. But when it revealed the players, Y/N was dashing across the room for a second time. He nearly knocked over a player that stood in his way, apologising quickly before running towards the door.

Niko led the group. His lips parted with surprise to see Y/N running straight for him, and he barely had time to get out a 'hello' before Y/N barrelled into him. Y/N laughed, taking hold of Niko's shoulders. "You made it!"

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