39. World-Class (Part 2)

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The third play of the game began with Luna, pushing the ball forwards with swift, sharp motions. His green eyes stared forwards at Y/N, completely ignoring everyone else as he ran forwards.

Instead of letting his teammates take the fight, Y/N was the first one to attack Luna. He darted right in front, eyes flickering all over the man's position. Luna was doing the same right back, eyebrows furrowing as he attempted to read Y/N.

"You think you're so good, just because you scored one goal." In accented English, Luna smiled dramatically. "You're a kid. There's no room for you on the big stage."

He began to move fast, feet sweeping over the top of the ball. Y/N was used to normal players' scissor moves, but Luna just kept speeding up, his feet ghosting over the ball. He could move it either way, and Y/N would just have to react to it.

Y/N waited. Luna didn't stop. Y/N stared hard at the movements, ready to react off the slightest change. Luna just smiled.

When his body shifted, Y/N immediately shifted with it. Both of them ducked to Y/N's right, Y/N completely blocking off Luna. But instead of trying to go through him, Luna spun on his heel, kicking the ball in the opposite direction. "And your teammates will always hold you back."

It was a pass. Luna had never intended to break through himself, but to draw Y/N's attention away so a different player could go. Y/N gritted his teeth with frustration. Fight me fair, coward.

Pablo Cavazos was there to receive. He had plenty of space, back in the centre of his own half with none of the Bluelock team near him. He stopped the ball slowly, and backed up a few steps.

Y/N hesitated. There was no way he could get over there, and even if he did, Cavazos would likely just pass it on. In that moment, the baby-faced pro glanced across at him, winking cheekily. He took two steps forward.

The resulting shot was more akin to an explosion than a kick. The ball was a bullet, a laser guided missile that sliced the air in half as it travelled. Y/N could do absolutely nothing as it flew right over his team's heads, past the goalkeeper, and speared into the back of the net.

What the hell...? Y/N breathed. That wasn't your average shot. In fact, he hadn't seen a shot like that ever. Throughout his entire soccer life, he'd never seen someone shoot better. Maybe Noel Noa?

He remembered. Pablo Cavazos, the best in the world at taking free kicks and penalties. He could've punched himself. The reason why he'd had such a good shot was because Y/N had given him all the time and space he'd needed.

This time, Rin restarted the game.

He placed the ball down while Y/N was thinking of a game plan, and began. A pass to Isagi, who sent it back. Then, a pass to Bachira, who dribbled forwards a little before sending it back again. They'd formed a small triangle in the middle of the field, passing it between themselves as they worked upfield.

Y/N held back. The three players were drawing attention to themselves. "Rin, to Bachira!" Isagi shouted.

Two of the World Five closed in. Dada Silva went straight for the ball, and as Bachira passed it to Isagi, just followed. He barreled forwards like a truck, displaying crazy speed.

Isagi panicked. "Aryu!" He passed the ball backwards to Aryu, who nodded solemnly.

Silva didn't stop. In fact, he sped up, laughing as he ran straight for Aryu. Aryu couldn't even pass away - Luna had positioned himself in the perfect place to block any passes to Isagi, Bachira and Rin, and Blake was cutting off Y/N.

Y/N darted around Blake, forcing the larger man to follow as he grumbled under his breath. He moved back and forth, forcing Blake to also follow him. But, the older, more heavyset man was slowly losing ground.

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