Chapter 8

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It was the next day. Lance has not one hundred percent fully healed but he said he could manage.

Lance and Veronica arrived at school and say their goodbyes to go to their first class. Lance was trying to find allura to show him where Language arts class was.

Then, he finally spotted her talking to someone else.
"Hey allura! Who's this? Your girlfriend?"

Allura chuckles, "yes lance, this is my girlfriend. Meet Romelle"

"Hi! Nice to meet you. Allura has been talking about you recently"

Lance and romelle shakes hands. "Hey allura, can you show me where language arts class is?

"Sure lance, language arts class is the classroom next to math class"

Lance quickly ran to language arts class because class was gonna start in 2 minutes. When he arrived to his class, he saw no other than Lotor. The schools most popular kid. Lotor was the type of guy who would steal all the girls but he never wanted them. Lotor was gay. After all the girls found this out, they all were disappointed but some girls ignored that and still went after him.

As soon as lance step foot into class, he caught lotors wandering eye. Lotor walked towards him.

"Hey, beautiful" said lotor

"Go away" said lance

Lance was going to find an empty seat to put his stuff on.

"Sorry beautiful, I haven't properly introduced myself. I am lotor. The most popular and most dashing boy in the whole school"

Lance wasn't looking for anything popularity. Lance was looking for someone who would give love.

"And?" Said lance

"Looks like you're a bit feisty, but dont worry I like that."

Lotor put his hands around lance making him uncomfortable.

"Hey! Back off" said a voice behind

It was Keith.

"Keith! Oh my god I'm so thankful your here" said lance. Lance walked towards Keith feeling rather safe around him.

"Oh... I see. I guess lancey lance has another interest" said lotor.

The bell rang and everyone sat down. Lance sat next to Keith but it seems like lotor was following him. Lance always sat in the front, this time he sat in the back next to lance. Lance was in the middle, Keith in the right, and lotor on the left.

Lance felt uncomfortable and Keith noticed that.

"Hey lance, wanna switch seats?"

"Sure, Keith. Thanks you"

Lotor followed to what they were doing and he did not like that. Lotor gave Keith the stink eye. Keith did the same to him.

15 minutes past. Language arts class was over.

Lance asked Keith what his next class was. Keith said science. So did lance.

"Thank the ancients" thought lance.

They both walked together to science class. Allura saw them both and walked towards them.

"Hey guys!" Said allura.

"Hey allura" said lance

"What did you guys do in language arts class?" Said allura.

"Oh, you know, the usual" said Keith finally opening his quiet mouth.

Speaking of quiet mouth, lance notice how quiet he is towards other people other than his close friends. Lance didn't mind it at all. Keith talked a lot towards lance and lance of course loved how he trust him.

They were both heading to science with allura until someone got hold of lances hand. It was James. James was looking for another fight.

"Let him go" said allura

"Of course of course. Not until he gives something to me" said James

"Ugh what does he want" thought lance

"Alright, what do you want from me?" Said lance

"You~" said James

Lance looked at Keith and Keith looked at him. I'm sorry James but I really can't say yes. Your not really my type.

James looked at lance but this time more angerly.
"Come on, it wont be so bad"

Oh but it was, two people fighting over one person. Lance doesn't even like them. He loves Keith instead. Lance, Keith, and allura ran to science as fast as they could. They shut the door behind them.

"Im scared, Keith. I don't know what to do"

Keith looked at lance with a sad smile.

"Don't worry lance, me and allura will keep you safe. We will promise you that. Right allura?"

Allura looked at him with a confidence smile.

"Yes, we will lance. Don't worry. Lets just start science class. When school starts tomorrow, we both will keep you safe. I mean, all of you classes are either with me or Keith, right?"

"Right." Said lance more calmer now.

"Thank you guys so much"

Words: 756 (holy quizknack, this is the longest chapter so far)

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