Chapter 14

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Its been 3 weeks, lance is arriving to school tomorrow.

"I miss Lance so much!" Said romelle

"Yes, darling but he's coming tomorrow. Just be a little patient alright?"


"Now lets go, we are needed to the office, again."

"But its been the 2 time today. Why do we have to go anyways?"

"Like I said before, Mell, we are kinda responsible for lances missing work. We have to pick of his papers. Maybe we can visit lance today with Keith. Keith said he might drive us to his house."

"Really!? Yes! I'm so excited!"

Allura smiled at Romelles happy face.

"I'm sure you are Mell."

"Now hurry up. We don't wanna get in trouble again. Plus, we're helping out Keith a bit. Hes usually at the office because of Lotor and James. Speaking of them, have you heard of them recently?"

"I heard they were suspended for 2 weeks for creating the accident. Sounds like that its their fault anyways."

"Your right"

"Hey look! Keith is waiting for us outside! Hurry!"

Allura grabs romelle hand and runs to Keith

"Hey Keith! Is the request of giving us a ride to lances house still open?"

"Of course, lads. Its always open unless im busy"

"Yes!" Romelle said happily

"Now now, dont get to happy romelle, you still have to do lances missing papers. Dont worry, I've taught him the things we've learned. Maybe you can bring some papers to lances house to see if he really remembers"

"Fuck the papers, I just wanna see Lance."

"Language, hon" said allura

"Oh well, you sảy bad words all day, its normal at this point for you"

"I guess so, but still. No bad words"

"Ugh, your no fun"

Keith opens the door then allura and romelle walks in

"Hey Shiro! We are here to pick up papers for lance?"

"Ah yes! Over there, too shelf to the left"

"Thanks shiro" said Keith

"No problem bro"

Keith rolls his eyes. "Whatever"

"Alright, math, science, ugh not history." Said Romelle.

"Are y'all ready to go? Schools almost over" Keith said

"YIPPY! I finally get to see Lance! It feels like forever" Romelle said

"Come on ladies, cars this way. And don't get to loud. I'm tired" said Keith softly

"Awww keithy cat is tired" said Allura mockingly

"Shut up"

Romelle and Allura laughed

Romelle, allura, and Keith arrived at the car.

"Sweet car" said allura

"Thanks, its shiros"

When all three of them went inside it only took 10 minutes to go to lances house.

"We are finally here! Does lance know we came?"

"Actually no, I want it to be a surprise. Only lance knows that I came."

Romelle knocked the door.

No one answered.

Romelle knocked again.

No answer.

"Just wait a little, romelle" said Keith

Then, finally, someone opened the door. It was Lmaces mom.

"Come in my dear, come in. Keith told me about you two. Romelle and Allura is it? You ladies look so beautiful. Lance has been expecting Keith but he doesn't know that you two are coming! He's in his room. He's slowly recovering."

Romelle, allura and Keith walked into lances room.

"Hello lance? We have visitors, darling" said Keith

"Who is it Keith?"

"Allura and romelle!"

"Open the door! I wanna see them!"

"Omg lance, its been so long since I've seen you. Are you alright? How are you feeling." Said romelle frantically.

"I'm fine romelle. Keith has been taking care of me."

Romelle gave lance a big hug.

"Me and allura are just glad your alright."

"Would you like to join us for dinner? My mom won't mind at all" asked lance

"Us? For dinner? Are you sure? Making a dinner for a lot of people is a lot of work." Asked allura

"Of course it's alright. My mom thanks all of you."

Romelle started to cry in happy tears.

"What did I do to deserve someone so pure like you!?" Said romelle

Keith was just standing smiling.

Allura picked up Romelle.

"Is there anything we can do to help for your mom? It's our thank you" said allura

"You can help her by playing with my niece and nephew. There a lot to handle. Oh and maybe help her ready the table. Forks, plates, all those stuff"

"Will do!" Said romelle

"So, what do you do with Keith on your free time?" Said romelle

"He usually plays my guitar for me. He's really good at it!"

"Guitar? I never knew he played the guitar! I didn't even know he was into sports!" Said romelle

"It's because you didn't ask." Said Keith

"And you, I didn't even know you owned a guitar in the first place!" Said romelle towards lance

"You never asked" said lance

Romelle sighed.

"Okay, forget all that. Where is your niece and nephew anyways? I'm really good with children."

"There is their play room."

"Come on allura!"

Romelel and allura ran to the playroom leaving Keith and lance alone.

Keith walked over to lance.

"I love you"

"I love you too, darling"

"Can you play the guitar for me?" Asked Lance

"Anything for you mi amor"

"Spanish? Since when do you want to learn Spanish?"

"I heard your family speak Spanish all the time."


Keith walked over to lances guitar and sat next to lance

"What song do you want me to play?"


Keith started to play the first song he ever played to lance.


"Yes, lance?"

"Im ready"

"Ready for what?"

"Im ready to go back to school"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, im very sure"

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