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Marinette had to do what the prince told her to do around the temple or get executed.

"Okay, what do you want me to do now? Massage you or scrub all the floors?" She asked him.

"Worse and I hate having my father angry. Ladies would offer me everything" Adrien leads her to the room where royalties get massages, cleaned, and everything.

They see Felix getting relaxed by ladies tendering him, "Greetings cousin" He saw Adrien and Marinette.

"Greetings" Adrien goes to his seat.

"You have got to be kidding me. You're bringing me into hell" Marinette said.

"Of course not," Adrien said.

"Who's she? Newbie?" Felix said before his lady servant popped his shoulder joint.

"Yeah, serving her punishment of trespassing" Adrien placed his headwear aside.

"It wasn't intentional, damn it!" Marinette said before she's forced to feed him grapes, "Next time, stop having your father control our lives"

"Right," Adrien said.

Marinette couldn't help but admire his well-built torso. He could see she was admiring his built body which made him blush but also liked the way she was looking at him.

"Umm, now what?" Marinette snaps out of the trance.

"I saw that. Like what you see?" Adrien chuckled.

"You're built like our gods," Marinette said.

"We get that a lot from women. Even that obnoxious princess brat we hate" Felix scoffed while eating grapes.

"She only sees us as garbage" Marinette waved a fan at Adrien.

"Tell me about it. She always claims she's prettier when there's nothing else to gain beauty enough. All women are equally beautiful" Adrien said.

"Except her attitude is beyond ugly," Felix said.

"Yeah, all loud and ugly," Adrien said.

"Especially the queen too. Far too much selfishness" Felix said.

"Hmph, they are so alike" Marinette gave more grapes.

"Except me and Felix. We both don't want to be like our parents" Adrien said and ate his grapes.

"My own father despised me," Felix said.

"That's another thing I hate about royal arranged marriages," Adrien said but groaned at the massage that popped his spine.

"They never let the descendants choose who they want to love with" Felix scoffed.

"I'd never marry Chloe," Adrien said.

"Chloe hates how I'm the opposite of you," Felix said.

"Yeah, being very opposing towards her," Adrien said.

"Are you sure you're not separated or just twins?" Marinette asked with annoyance of these two looking exactly alike.

"Our mothers are twins" Felix explained.

"Figures. You two really need a new hobby in life rather than just being princesses" Marinette making fun of them.

"Excuse me?" Adrien looks up at her.

"When was the last time you had a friend? An interest? An adventure? Or even life outside the palace?" Marinette crunched his shoulders hard.

"Ah! Well, aside from my pet panther, I don't have many friends" Adrien groaned.

"You need a real friend that's a person rather than just an animal" Marinette crunched his neck.

"Mmmhm! Yeah," Adrien moaned a little.

"And don't get used to my angry hands" Marinette still hating royalty.

"Well, you serve me now" Adrien retorted slyly.

"I don't serve anyone" Marinette does a chiropractic move to crunch his neck joint.

"Ay! Sheesh! Easy!" Adrien said.

Marinette only chuckled at this torture, "You still deserve that for putting my people in misery" Marinette did it again.

"OW!" Adrien yelps.

"And that was for you doing nothing but letting your father control everyone's lives like he owns them!" Marinette did another one out of anger.

"STOP!" Adrien grabs her wrist.

"Heh, she's got a strong will" Felix laughed.

"No kidding!" Adrien sighs.

"Next time, never treat me like a slave!" Marinette eats the grapes due to being angry.

"You really got some spirit" Adrien said.

"A wild and pissed off spirit I had my entire life when my parents died by your father's hands" Marinette looks away.

"Hey I never saw them die but I had nothing to do with it either!" Adrien almost shouted.

"Cuz, go easy on her. She's been through a lot because of your father" Felix said before shooing the ladies to leave.

"Very well. Perhaps a tour to the garden?" Adrien suggested to Marinette.

"I hope there's another chaos outside" Marinette nodded.

"Follow me" Adrien brought her outside.

He took her to the flowery garden behind the palace. It was his mother's creation to help Adrien feel happy to find beauty in a world one day than just the desert.

"You see, Marinette. This was my mother's garden. She often showed me around here when she was alive" Adrien said.

"What happened to her?" Marinette asked.

"She was sick and it broke my father. Her last words to me were to never let my grievance get the best of me but to continue to be happy and continue living my life" Adrien replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry for your loss," Marinette said.

"She hoped one day I put an end to the chaos my ancestors did your people but my father refused me to make new changes," Adrien said.

"You got to take a stand," Marinette said.

"I tried but my father is still pharaoh. He never pays much attention to me and I've been neglected king enough to one day hate my father for making my life more depressing than ever" Adrien said before sitting.

Marinette sat next to him, "Maybe I judged you too harshly"

"You have every right to be angry. If I become pharaoh, my father would still control me" Adrien said.

"He won't once he has no power," Marinette said.

"When he's dead, yes. But he still has his life ahead of him" Adrien said

"That may be true but sometimes nature can punish us when we don't look into the right path," Marinette said.

"Yep," Adrien nodded.

Suddenly, their jewelry glowed by flashing like their gods were calling them that there was danger coming.

"Huh? Why is it glowing?" They both asked each other at the same time.

"You're him/her!" They soon realized.

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