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Felix knows that his uncle will have to be the sacrifice to save the world but he knows it won't change his mind when his wife is brought back. Unless....the price to pay for an exchange is Adrien but never like this.

Queen Emilie's undead body is still not complete because the curse is not completed without a living human soul. If she's not stopped, she will endanger everyone.

"Stay here and do not move!" Felix puts his tied-up uncle at the library before trying to find his cousin before more undead come back, "Please don't let my aunt be around here!" He rushed.

"Felix?! Where the bloody hell are you?!" Black Sphinx called out for him.

"I'm right here!" Felix ran in.

"There you are! We have a problem! The undead is not part of the plagues and it requires a sacrifice by the one who read the book to bring someone back from the dead!" Black Sphinx said.

"Yeah, I know! It says so in the golden book! The only problem is that your father won't do it! Not unless one of his descendants is dead to see the error in his outcome! To see the price to pay in exchange!" Felix said.

"Hmmm....." The feline knew this was very insane and drastic, especially since his father never changes his mind at anything.

The only thing his father cares about is him being the next new pharaoh but without himself, there's no heir to the throne.

"Felix, this is gonna sound crazy but....I have to pretend to be dead as in there's no heir for the throne" Black Sphinx said before transforming back to Adrien.

"This sounds stupid but I'll do it" Felix added the blood from the fallen corpses onto Adrien to give the impression he's been stabbed.

"Step 2, I need Anubis to make me look dead without breathing. My father gets suspicious of everything. Anubis, come forth" Adrien called upon Anubis.

The god of death appeared before the two teenagers, "This better be good. I'm losing more souls in my underworld" Anubis did not have time for this.

"Lord Anubis, this is gonna sound stupid but it's the only chance we got. My father never changes his mind at anything except my well-being. He needs to think I'm dead so he can sacrifice his life to put an end to this curse" Adrien explained about the plan.

"He has disturbed the balance, he has to pay the price of the disturbance," Anubis said.

"Exactly. I cannot bear to forgive him. Not this time. He has put so much misery not just on the slaves but on me and my family. I hope my mother can forgive for what my father has to do" Adrien said before pretending to look very lifeless but he can't hold his breath for long.

"You're the god of death. Can you make him look dead as in no pulse or breathing? When it's done, can you restart his heart?" Felix asked before holding Adrien.

"Yes, that can be done" Anubis touched Adrien to make him seem dead.


The pharaoh managed to get out of the library and go back to see if his wife was alive but when he reached the tomb, she was still undead and not the wife she used to be. It was as if she needed a living soul to be completed to be brought back to life.

"My Queen! No!" He saw her approach him.

"I warned you!" Anubis came forth.

"Anubis, please undo this!" The Pharaoh pleaded.

"I cannot! You also paid the price. Like you said to my son Set, you give anything to bring her back. Anyone to be the sacrifice!" Anubis brought Felix with 'dead' Adrien in his arms, "Your madness led to your son to be the sacrifice. To wish your wife back, you have to give up your descendant"

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