we have to be quite

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POV: 3rd person

y/n felt something poking her lower back. It was his boner. She smirked. "I couldnt help myself. Im so turned on by you..." he slowly runs his head up her thigh, trying to hold back a moan.

"mhmm... keep going Min" he continues to grope her, now rubbing the tip of his boner up her pussy. "Im dying to feel you wrapped tight around me..." "fuck yes, please!" Mingi chuckles, "You are so hot, I just wanna bury myself inside you and never let go..." he pauses and his breathing labored. "Are you ready for me princess?"

She suddenly turns around and sits on top of him. "But you have to be a good boy, we dont wanna wake up Seonghwa and sannie, do we?" smirks. "I promise I will be a good boy..." he holds his breath as she sits on top of him, she leans forward "good boy", slowly sinks on his hard dick. Mingi lets out a long moan as she fully sits on his cock. "Shit, that feels so fucking good..." he runs his hands up and down her back, pulling her closer to him, "You are so fucking tight, I could stay like this all night baby"

as he said that she starts kissing him hungrily and moves faster. Mingi moans into the kiss, his hands finding heir way to her hips as he matches her rhythm "I love how eager you are" leans in, their tongues dancing together. "and i love how your dick feels inside me."  He groans and leans his forehead against hers "You always feel so good..." his hands on her hips tighter, unable to resist speeding up and pulling her closer, "Can you tell how much I want you right now?" "fuck Mingi" she rolls her eyes back ib pleasure.

As he is feeling victorious at finally having control over their pace he smirks into the kiss, "Good, because Im not stopping until we both cant take it anymore" chuckles with his husky voice. "Fuck me senseless!" "Fuck yeah, thats exactly what I plan to do babe" increases his thrusts, reaching deeper inside her and making the sheets rustle. "Im going to take you both, hard and fast until you scream my fucking name" "fuck yes" they obv dont care that they could wake up San and seonghwa anymore.

his breathing becomes ragged as he continues to pound into her, their bodies slapping together rhythmically. "This is just the beginning, sweetheart. There is so much more we could do..." "Mingi please! Im close!" "Cum for me baby... I want to feel you shake apart" he pumps harder, hitting her sweet spot over and over as he watches her face contort un ecstasy "Fuck, Im gonna cum with you" "Make me cum!Fill me up Daddy!" Feeling her walls clench around him, Mingi loses control, his cock throbbing inside her as he cums, filling her up with his hot seed "Yes, cum for me, baby... fill my cock with your juices!" she moans his name which he loves.

"Fuck thats it... give it all to me." his thrusts grow slower and deeper as he releases his hold on her hips, leaning back against the bed contentment "I love how tight you are around me" she leans down to give him love bites and sowly moves her hips again "Mhmm Mingi" grinning Mingi grabs her hair to pull her into a deep kiss. As their tongues dance, he grows harder inside her once more "Oh fuck you are incredible" "babe Im so sensitive right now, shit it feels so good" "I know baby, I will take care of you. We have got all night" he starts moving his hips again, setting a new rhythm, his cock sliding in and out of her wetness. She moans right into his ear.

"Thats it.. let go baby..." his thrusts grow longer and deeper, hitting that spot inside her that makes her moan in pleasure "Fuck, feel how good it feels" moves his hips and groans with pleasure. "Daddy you fuck me so good ahh!" his thrusts become rougher and harder, is moans louder as his balls tighten and he groans, his whole body shaking with pleasure, "Fuck yeah baby, you are driving me crazy. Im gonna fucking cum inside you!" "Yes! Give me all your cum" she starts moving too, his cock into her as he groans, his orgasm hitting him like a freight train, his hot cum spilling deep inside her. "Ahh, fuck... IM gonna cum... give it all to me..." "Cmon baby, cum with me." Mingi continues to pump his cum into her, "Tell me how good it feels princess. I love hearing you moan for me" he kisses her neck  "Fuck Mingi! It feel so good! Fuck me! So- so good!" "Mmm, thats it baby. You feel so good. I love fucking you" his thrusts slow down as he releases into his final orgasm, cumming hard inside her, filling her up, his body shaking from the intense pleasure. She lets herself fall on his chest after the orgasm. "Easy baby, just relax" Mingis heart races as he holds her close, his body still throbbing with pleasure. "I will take care of you" he kisses the top of her head, his hands running through her hair, and down her back.

"Fuck that was good" she hides her face because she started blushing. he chuckles softly, kissing her forehead. "You have no idea how good it was for me too!" his hand slips between them, rubbing her slick folds gently. "You are so warm and wet... I could stay like this forever." "ITS FUCKING 3 IN THE MORNING! CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE FUCK WHEN WE ARE NOT HOME OR AT LEAST , SONG MINGI, FUCK HER QUIET!

Hey guys! This is my first chapter, hope yall like it ^^

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