"Girl chill, I am gay"

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His hands roam over her body possessively while one hand slips between her legs once more. As she moan into the kiss, Mingis hand starts to rub against her clit through her panties, increasing the pressure witch each stroke. "Mingi please", hearing her plea, he pulss away from the kiss and trails his lips dpw her neck to her collarbone.

With a wicked grin, Mingi leads her to the bed, where he pushes her down onto her back. He climbs on top of her, his hand muscles flexing with every movement. Without a warning, Mingi slaps her ass hard, making her yelp in surprise. His fingers find their way into her wetness, teasing and rubbing her clit while he slowly enters her with one thick finger. She softly moans and rolls her eyes. He starts to remove her clothes until she is naked.

With his free hand, Mingi squeezes her breast, pinching the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He watches her intently as he continues to thrust his finger in and out of her tight pussy. When she moans his name he smirks. "You like that dont you?" He growls, his voice deep amd rough. He removes his finger from her wetness and pushes it into her mouth, making her suck on it hungrily. "Mhmm" As she sucks on his finger, Mingi positions himself at her entrance again. This time, he slowly sinks into her, taking his time to fill her up. He watches her carefully, ensuring that he doesnt hurt her as he starts to thrust in and out of her tightness. She moans around his fingers and he pulss out and instantly fills her with his dick which makes her grab the sheets.

He grabs her legs and places them over his shoulders, opening her up even more for his intrusion. "ah fuck!" as she feels him hitting her deepest spot, he leans in close and whispers into her ear, "You are mine, baby." His free hand finds its way between her breast once more, pinching and rolling her nipple on his way down to her clit. She moans even louder which makes mingi pick up the pace, his cock slamming against her cervix with every thrust. He continues to play with her sensitive areas, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. "Cum for me, princess." "N-no! Not yet!"

A growl rumbles in Mingis chest as he picks up speed again. He thrusts harder than ever before, hitting that sweet spot inside her over and over again. His free hand pinches her nipple again as he dominates her completely. She is a moaning mess.

As she finally reaches her climax, Mingi doesnt slow down. He watches with a devouring gaze as her body shakes with pleasure, the orgasm washing over her. His thrusts become even deeper and faster, driving him towards his own release. "Shit Mingi!" With a low groan, Mingi pulls out of her and releases his cum onto her belly. He collapses on the bed next to her, his chest heaving as he catches his breath. "Fuck that was amazing," he breathes, still holding her close.

She tries to catch her breath and Mingi trails his fingers down her side, gently tracing the outline of her ribcage. "Im going to take care of you, baby," he promises softly. He pulls her into a tender embrace and lets her rest her head on his chest. "I love you," she says after a few minutes. Mingi smiles softly and kisses the top of her head. "I love you too, princess," he murmurs, running his fingers through her hair. "Mingi?" "hm?" "I just wanna say sorry again, I-" "Baby, its okay alright? I get jealous too, a lot." he chuckles. "Dont worry about it and go to sleep now," he gave her another kiss. And with that, both of them fell asleep holding each other.

POV: y/n

I woke up because someone knocked on the door. "Dickhead, are you awake?" what the fuck. I tried to wake Mingi up. "Mingiiiiiii. San is here." I looked over to San, "Give him a few seconds." But that wasnt enough for him, he walked towards us to the bed and pulled down our blanket, we were still naked because of last night "DUDE SAN!" Mingi yelled, I instantly pulled up the blanket again. "Girl chill, I am gay." he made the hand move "Mingi, I will give you five minutes or I am coming again!" He left the room and Mingi sighed.

"Are you okay?" he asked, I said yes and he pulled me into his embrace. "I want to stay like this forever" I said, "Me too baby but San will come in again" I pouted but he just gave me a kiss and before he left the room he slipped into some sweat pants. I should take a shower. I went into our bathroom and jumped under the hot shower. The water ran down my body and I stood there for a few minutes enjoying it. When I felt a bit relaxed I started to wash my hair and then my body.

After the shower I slipped into some shorts and stole a shirt from Mingi. I made my way out of the room just to find a note in the kitchen from Mingi.

Hey princess,

San Woo and I had to leave with the other boys and our manager because of our upcoming tour. I am sorry for not being here with you this morning. Make sure to eat something good and do not open the door for anyone! See you later, probably around 5.

Love you

I smiled at the note. I am used to it that he suddenly has to leave, he writes me a note everytime. Question is, what am I gonna do the whole day? I looked at the clock, 8.46 in the morning. I will cook something before the boys are back, they LOVE home made food. I will make pizza for them.

I decided to grab an apple since I am not really hungry and go to the living room to watch something so I can pass some time. I remember starting to watch XO kitty, I will just continue watching it.

When I finished it, it was 1pm. I could start making the dough for the pizza. On my way to the kitchen I looked in the internet for a recipe and after a few seconds I found one. Thank god we have everything I need. I put my phone down, grabbed everything I will need and washed my hands.

After making the dough I had to let it rest somewhere warm for a bit. I looked at the clock and its 2.42pm. After cleaning everything up and putting it back where it belongs it was past 3. So, for the pizza, I will keep it simple.

Hey hooo! Small update!
I will try tp update more now I am sorry! All my exams are over now and I have more time to do what I like :)
Please let me kow what yall think of this chapter, I dont really like it to be honest.

Thank you for that many reads tho?!!! it means a lot to me!

Have a great night/day ^-^

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