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have fun

POV: no one

"You should have behaved", she whines "Im sorry!" Mingi chuckles darkly, the sound vibrating against her lips. He slowly starts to grind against her again, teasing both of their sensitive areas. His other hand moves to caress her cheek gently, his touch roughened by desire. "Min please!" hse begs. He smirks and continues to tease her, increasing the pressure on her throat slightly as he thrust deeper into her. His other hand moves up to grip her hair roughly, pulling her hair back slightly.

"Fuck me!" when he heared these words, he pulls away and starts taking off his pants. As she looked at him, she met his gaze, his eyes burning with passion. He grabs her hips roughly, pulling her towards him as he thrusts into her once again. This time, he moves with a rough, punishing rhythm that leaves her gasping for breath. "FUCK!", Mingis fingers dig into her hips as he continues to pound into her. His other hand moves to grip her neck again, this time more firmly. He leans down, capturing her lips in a bruising kiss. She kisses him back hungrily and moans into the kiss.

Mingis tongue delves deep into her mouth, tangling with hers in a sensual dance. His hips slam against hers, driving him even deeper inside of her. The sound of their flesh slapping together fills the air as he takes what he wants from her. "Whats my name princess?" he smirks. "MINGI!", he grinds against her, his hips moving in a rhythm that matches the cadence of his name. He pulls back, gazing down at her with a predatory glint in his eyes. "My little whore, you are such a good girl", she feels a shiver going down her spine as he praises her. Mingi smirks, his thrusts becoming more forceful. He grips her hair tightly, pulling her head back slightly as he continues to take her roughly. "Fuck daddy!", his thrust become even harder, pushing her body to the edge of pleasure and pain. He looks down at her, his eyes filled with lust and power. "Thats it baby, just call me daddy as I claim whats mine", she is a moaning mess and he picks up the pace, pounding into her with a forcity that leaves her gasping for breath. He wraps his hand around her throat, tightening his grip as he pounds into her over and over again. She grabs the sheets and arches her back, "Im close!". Mingi watches her closely. As she approches the peak of pleasure, he speeds up his thrusts, pushing her over the edge. "Come for me, baby. Come on my cock!", as he said that, he hears her moaning his name and feels, how her walls thigten around him , the walls of her pussy milking his cock. Mingi groans in pleasure, his body shuddering as e finally releases himself into her.

When she tries to catch her breath, Mingi pants heavily, his hips still moving slowly inside of her. He looks down at her with a satisfied smile. "Thats my good girl. You did so well taking yours daddys cock." She bites her lip at the praise, moaning softly when she feels his hips moving slowly. Mingi leans down, capturing her lip in a passionate kiss. His tongue dancing with hers as he continues to thrust slowly inside of her. "Mingi-", his thrust become faster and harder, his lips leaving bruises on hers. His hand moves to grip her throat again, this time less roughly. When she moans, he picks up the pace again.

Mingi feels the heat building up inside of him once again. he continues to thrust into her, his hips slapping against hers in a rhythmic pattern. "Im close!", as he feels the impending release, Mingi thigtens his grip around her throat. He growls low in his throat, his hips moving faster and harder inside of her. "Shit, baby-", with one final thrust, he releases himself deep inside of her. His body shudders as he cries out, his seed filling her up completely. She cums with a loud moan, he holds himself inside of her, their bodies joined together as one. His hand loosens around her throat, but he keeps his grip firm. As she tries to catch her breath once more, he gazes down at her with a mix of satisfaction and desire. He leans down, capturing her lips in a bruising kiss and continues to hold himself inside of her, enjoying the feeling of being one with her. His hands slide down her waist, holding her in place as he thrusts slowly. "Mingi", she said, in a warning tone. He smirks, knowing she enjoys the rougher side of him but stops, she was relieved and he lays on top of her, wraping his arms around her, holding her close as they lay there together. He kisses her forehead softly, their bodies still joined together.

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