Nothing compared to you

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Yeosang and I arrived at his favourite fried chicken spot and ordered food plus something to drink. I really wonder what Mingi is doing right now... "Y/n, arent you happy to eat fried chicken?" Yeosang asked, he smiled and looked like a child which is getting ice cream, cute. Did I act wrong? *sighs*. "Whats wrong?", he raised an eyebrow and looked serious. I can tell him. "Look, Mingi and I had a little fight? I was jealous and Wooyoung didnt helped at all, I couldnt find him-" my phone is ringing. Mingi.

"Y/N???", I didnt say a word, I didnt know what to say. "Y/N, I know you can hear me. Wooyoung told me what he said, nothing he said is true ok? I love you and you know that, baby. And where are you?". "Mingi... uhm Im with Yeosang-" "Hello Mingi!", gosh, Yeosang. "Yeah, well Im with Yeosang, he wanted to eat chicken". "Im glad that you eat, we will talk when you get back home ok?", "Uhm, yeah, sure" "OK good, I love you" "I love you t-", he ended the call.

"You look like San when I dont let him kiss me" do I? "Yeosang is it ok when I go back to the dorms?". "Nope, eat with me. Your boyfriend can fuck you later" "YEOSANG!", he looked unbothered, just eating his chicken.

* time skip, 2hours *

"Girl you know I love you, but dont you think you overreacted just a little bit?". Yeah I did but I wont say it. "No.", he gave me a side eye. "Well, this wont work then..." "What wont work?", what does he mean? "You know, say sorry to Mingi. But what if-" "Y/N!". What the fuck? I was confused until I saw a gay person running towards me.

"Y/N!" "Wooyoung what do you want?" "W-wait! Just lemme catch m-my breath real quick-", did he really run all the way? I swear I cant with this child. "EY YO! YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Yeosang yelled. He slapped Wooyoung. "Did San fuck you that stupid?! You cant say something like that to Y/N!", Wooyoung rubbed his cheek and slapped Yeosang back. It turned into a bitch fight. "YOU WHORE!" "BITCH!" Jesus.

"Just let me know when you two are done... EY WOOYOUNG DONT PULL HIS HAIR-" I tried to pull Wooyoung away from Yeosang and after a few minutes Yeo and Woo calmed down. "Apologize." I said, "No" "YES. APOLOGIZE." "FINE. Wooyoung Im sorry." "Yeah me too". "What do you want anyway?" I asked him, there is no way he was just runnng because its fun. "Huh? Oh, yes. So, I deeply apologize for what I said earlier. And I wouldnt be your best friend if I wouldnt warn you of-" his phone was ringing, DAMN IT. "Sorry I have to pick this up its important, bye" "WOOYOUNG YOU CANT JUST GO AWAY LIKE THAT!" he blew me a kiss and went back to company.

Yeosang was trying not to laugh and it annoyed me. "Can we just go home?" "Yes, I will call an uber for us", I smiled and hugged him "Thank you"

* time skip *

   POV: third person

Mingi has been waiting for hours, his anticipation growing with each passing minute. As soon as he hears the front door open, he jumps up from where he was sitting on the couch and rushes towards her. He wraps his arms around her, pulling her close. "I missed you," he whispers, his lips brushing against her neck. His touch sends shivers down her spine. "Im sorry about erlier," he adds sincerely.

"Do you think that girl was hot?", Mingis grip tightens slightly at her question, but he doesnt show it on his face. "She wa pretty," he admits honestly, "But nothing compared to you." His voce is steady, making it impossible for her to doubt his words. She just sighs "You know I only have eyes for you," he says softly, nuzzling his face into her hair. "Thats unfair, it is impossible to be mad at you...," "I know," he murmers, pulling her closer. "But I promise that I will neve let anything or anyone come between us." He kisses her forehead and she hugs him "Im sorry for overreacting," Mingi smiles softly, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Its alright, baby. I understand."

He holds her tight for a moment longer before whispering, "Now, what do you feel like doing? Im all yours for the rest of the night." She smiles softly, "I dont deserve you, baby," "Dont say that," he replies with a small chuckle. His hand slides down her back, gently kneading her soft flesh before moving lower still. As she looked him deep into his eyes, his eyes meets her gaze, darkening as they roam over her body. Heat flares between both of them, and he takes a step closer. "What are you thinking about?" He asks softly, his voice husky with desire. "You."

A slow, wicked smile spreads across Mingis lips. "I like the sound of that," he murmers before leaning in to catch her lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue sweeps against her bottom lip, urging entry as he presses his body against hers. When she melts into the kiss, he breaks it, leaving both of them panting. He looks into her eyes, his espression filled with lust and affection. "I want you so badly," he whispers, nibblig on her earlobe. "Please," she whispers. He smirks, unbottoning her shirt slowly, leaving a tral of kisses along her collarbone. "You are so beautiful." He continues, pushing her shirt off her shoulders and down her arms.

With a soft moan, he pulss her bra down, exposing her breasts to his hungry gaze. "Perfect," he murmurs, running his fingers over her nipples, causing them to harden under his touch. She lets out a soft moan at the sudden contact and Mingi leans down, taking one of her breasts in his mouth and sucking gently. He continues to fondle your other breast, teasing her with his touch."Fuck, you taste so good," he groans against her skin before switching breasts, repeating the process. As she moans louder, he moves his hand lower, teasing the waistband of her pants. "I cant wait to feel you wrapped around me," he whispers, sliding his fingers inside her panties and brushing against her wetness. 

"Fuck Mingi," she softly moans. With a smirk, he rempves his hand from her pants, bringing it up to his mouth. He licks his fingers, a sensual and dominant gesture that leaves her breathless. "You are soaked," his eyes are gleaming with lust and dominance. She bites her lip and Mingi leads them to their bedroom.

In the room, Mingi pushes her against the wall, his body flush against hers. He starts to kiss her deeply, their tongues tangling as he groans against her lips. His hands roam over her body possessively while one hand slips between her legs once more.

Hi guys! ^-^
Im sorry for not updating for so long! I will try to do more!

Dont forget to vote and tell me how you liked the chapter so I can get better Xx

Have a good day/night!

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