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POV: no one

Woosan was laughing and gave each other a high five.

"I have to admit, it was hot. Now I know why she likes it when i dominate her", Mingi winks at her and she just laughs and shakes her head. "Ew, straight peopleeee", Wooyoung teased.

"Woo, when is food ready? Im starvingggg" "Girl, get yourself together and wait or suck Mingis dick, jeeez...", Mingi smirked but San told her it will be ready in a few minutes which made Mingis smirk disappear.

San soon told Wooyoung to set the table which made him blush, damn, this man has a problem for real. Food was finally ready and they all sat down and ate the food. "Mhmm, this is good!" "Thanks Y/N, its because me, your best friend made it!", she just laughed.

Mingi was the first one to speak after a while, "Any plans for today?". San answered immediatly, "Bro, we have a fotoshooting today, actually in three hours", "Oh" is all he said. "Babe, you will be there too right?" Mingi asked, the way he looked at her she couldnt say no. "Of course Min!", she gave him a kiss on his cheek and he was happy.

The front door opened once again, showing Seonghwa. "I hope you guys know that we have a fotoshooting today..." he mumbled, he looked tired. Y/N was the first one to notice, "Hwa, are you okay? You look really tired". "I-uhm, I didnt sleep well...", he blushed and went to his room. Everyone was confused, but Wooyoung smirked. "What are you smirking about?", "You guys didnt know? Well...". He thought a moment about it but decided to keep it to himself which made the other three not so happy, but they didnt inqire further.

《time skip, 2.5hours》

POV: no one

"ARE YOU GUYS READY?! WE HAVE TO LEAVE!" Seonghwa yelled. Everyone yelled somethig back which no one could really understand. After some mintues they were all ready to leave and made their way to the car.

When they arrived at the fotoshooting, Y/N was drooling when she saw Mingis outfit. "You look good today Mingi" she said while smirking, "Thank you baby". He gave her a quick kiss and everyone went into a diffrent room were they had their fotoshooting. When she saw that they had to do it with girls, she got mad. Yunho noticed it and chuckled, "Dont worry Y/N, your man has only eyes for you. Trust me, when me meet up to get some drinks he cant stop talking about you". It gave her more confidence but she was still jealous of the other girls.

Mingi had a chat with the girl he had to take pictures with, Y/N didnt liked it at all. "NEXT ONE IS MINGI" someone of the staffs yelled. She really tried to hold back her jealousy, but when he had to hold her on her waist and stay really close to her, it was enough for Y/N. She quickly made her way out of the room into a bathroom to let her anger out. Soon after she left, she heared a knock on the door.

"Baby, are you alright?", Mingi sounded concerned. "yeah, just do your shooting...", "Im done actually, please let me in". After a minute he opened the door, his heart racing as he sees her sitting on the toilete, er face buried in her hands. "Hey...", she looked up at him "And... did you have fun?". "What? Are you serious? We just took pictures??", "I-" she sighs. He kneels down infront of her, taking her hands in his, "You know I love you right?". She pouts, scared that he will leave her for someone else. "Yeah...", "Good, because I promise, nothing will ever change that". He kisses her softly on the lips, trying to ressure her. "Im sorry...", "Its okay. Everything is okay now.", he smiles and leads her out of the bathroom. Mingi holds her hand tightly as they went back to the shooting, "Sorry for acting like that, its just... she is really pretty and-" "No, stop. I love you because you are you! You are pretty, sexy and a wonderfull person okay? Dont lose any of your confidence just beacuse of a random girl!", he hates it when she talks about herself like that.

Before she could speak up, Yeosang came and took her hand and went into a room with her. "I was looking for you everywhere, I need your help", "What is it sangie?". "As you know Im an MC, I need to learn a new girl group dance and I was hoping that you know that one and could teach me", he pouted and she chuckled and told him she would do it which made him happy. "Which one is it?" "Wife from g-idle", "Looooovveee that one, of course I can teach you that one!". It was impressing how fast he picked up the steps, it was fun and both laughed a lot.

"Alright, I think you got it now, do it alone", he was confident and it turned out really good. "SLAY!" she gave him a high five. "Damn, its impressing how fast you pick up everything", he laughed "Thank you Y/N, but Im an Idol, that shouldnt impress you". He smiled which made her smile too. "I dont know what you think but Im starving, everyone should be done by now! Lets get something to eat, I know a good spot where we can get really good chicken!", Yeosang LOVES chicken, she was hungry too thats why she agreed.

"Hey Wooyoung, do you know were Mingi is? Yeosang and I wanna get something to eat", "Uh, I dont know, probably fucking that hot bitch". He laughed but it soon vanished when he realised what he just said. He knows how much she struggles sometimes, "I- Im sorry!". She just left with Yeosang. "Are you alright?", he looked concerned. "Yeah Im alright just hungry!", she smiled.

POV: Mingi

I cant find Y/N, where is she? "Yo Woo, do you know where my girlfriend is?" "Well, about that... So she was looking for you because she and Yeosang wanted to get something to eat. And when I told her I didnt know where you are, I mightttt have said something that made her sad- BUT I didnt meant to, I wasnt thinking!" "I swear to got Im gonna beat the shit out of you. What did you say??". "So, she asked me where you are and I said I dont know he is probably fucking that hot bitch that you had your shooting with", he whispered the last words but I could hear everything. "Great". I have to call her.

Heyyyy ^-^
This is a small chapter, I have to do so much for school Im sorry!


I got ranked #1 ateezyeosang and #2 mingixreader

Im so happy! (I love kpoP xD)

No seriously, it means so much to me! Thank yall!!! Have a great day/night Xx

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