I wanna cuddleee

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a few mintues silents later. "I love you Min" "I love you too baby. We are perfect together" he continues to hold her close, their hearts beating in sync. "Now, how about we clean up and maybe take a shower together? And fuck up Seonghwa" he winks at her. " I do love that" she smirks. He kisses her softly on the lips, his hands trailing down her body as he pulls nack to his feet, offering her a hand up. "Lets get cleaned up and have some fun in the shower."

as they went in the shower, she instantly went on her knees  to kitten lick Mingis tip. His hips arched back, and grunted slightly as his pleasure built again "Fuck you feel so good, babe" his hands found their way into her hair, pulling her closer to him "Dont stop, keep going princess..." while she looks deep into his lust full eyes she gaggs, trying to take him deeper. Mingi groans loudly, his fingers digging into the tiled wall behind him for support. The water splashing around them as he loses himself in her mouth around his cock. "Im close, baby... so close" right before he was about to cum, she stopped to tease him. His eyes widen in surprise, but then narrow with lust "You are such a tease baby" He grabs her by the waist, lifting her off her knees and pressing her body against his.

"Finish me." "How would you like me to finish you, sir?" she smirks "What do I get for it?" "I want you to swallow my cum baby" he pushes his hip forward, slamming his cock deep into her throat. "And you wll get a big reward. Just wait and see" she deep throats him. Mingi growls low in his throat, his breath hitching witch each thrusts as he gets closer "Fuuuuuuck, baby... Im close, Im close..." she starts humming to give his dick vibrations.

His eyes roll back in pleasure, and then he grunts loudly as he finally releases his seed into her throat, his hips jerking violently "Oh fuck, here it comes..." "Mhmm, thank you daddy" He groans softly, his cock throbbing as he oulls out of her mouth and realeases his hold on her "That was... intense" she licks her lips and looks uo at him. Mingi looks down at her, eyes filled with lust. "You enjoyed that, didnt you?" he steps out of the shower, his massive member still somewhat hard. "Now, about that reward you mentioned..." "What is it?" he smirks, stepping closer to her amd runing his hands down her now wet body "I think I will make you yours, baby. And do all kinds of naughty things to you." she clearly gets excitet "Is that so?" smirks. "Oh yes, it certanly is." he bends down and takes one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking gently "And I think you will love every second" "Oh shit- ahh" his fingers spread her open, his thumb rubbing over her clit. "You like that, dont you baby?" he leans in closer, breath hot against her pussy. He begins to slowly work on her clit with is mouth, sucking and licking, knowing her sweet mectar is just inches away, aching to be set free "Tell me what you want, baby" she rolls her eyes in pleasure "I- ahh I- please-" "PLease what baby?" he smirks against her skin, his cock twitching slightly.

"I want you to beg for it" "PLease fck me until I cant take it anymore!"  with that command, he gave her clit one last, hard lick, and finally pushes his cock into her sliding easily into her warm, welcoming folds "Fuck yeah, thats it, whimper like slut you are" she gasped and let out a long moan, "Look at you, all for me, so beautiful" he starts thrusting in and out of her slowly, giving her just enough time to adjust to his size. "Fuck me harder!" "Harder?" he pics up the pace, slamming into her witch each powerful stroke "Is this what you want, baby?" he leans down, his cock rubbing against her swollen clit, grinding against her sensitive nub." she tried to get a hold on the shower because her legs got weak "Mingi-"

"I got you babe." he wraps his strong arms around her waist, holding her close as he continues to pound into her, her cries filling the steamy room. "Come for me, baby" he fucks her so good, she starts seeing stars "Shit! Im coming!" "Thats it let go sweetheart" he picks up the pace even more, hitting her G-spot perfectly with each deep thrust "Cum hard for daddy" she came really hard. "So fucking beautiful" he groans as he feels her itghten around him, her walls clenching on his cock, milking him for every last drop "Take it all baby, i know you can! Fuck you feel so good!" she moans really hard "Dont hold back now, baby. Fucking release it all for me!" he feels her cum slowly start to drip out while he continues to fuck her, his cock throbbing with every single twitch of hers.

He grabs her hips tighter, slamming into her over and over again. His body shaking as he finally feels the wave of pleasure wash over him "FUCK!" as he released in her, she was instantly looking for hold onn him because her legs were shaking and she was really weak. "Easy baby" he senses her weakness and slows down their movements, still buried deep inside her, his cock twitching as he tries to  regain control.

"Can you stand on your own?" he asks, his voice slightly hoarse from their intense session. She said no and giggled. "Alright let me help you" he carefully pulls out of her, still somewhat inside due their positon, and wraps a towel around them both "Lean on me, sweetheart" she enjoys the caring moment "mhmm" "Gosh you are so fucking beautiful" he brushes a strand of her hair behind her ear and gently kisses her forhead "Come on, lets get you to bed" as he wanted to bring her to bed, their bathroom door opened,

"OK, Im trying to stay calm but CAN I FUCKING SLEEP NOW? LOOK AT THAT POOR GIRL SHE CANT EVEN WALK ANYMORE. YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT, I WILL SLEEP AT HONGJOONGS TONIGHT, BYE" as as he walked away, San stood behind him, laughing. "HAHAHA good one Min" gives him a high five and then leaves.

"He is really sleeping at Hongjoongs now?" she asked "Yes babe hahah, lets get you comfortable now, shall we?" he carries her to the bed, beinf careful not to move too much "Yess" she cuddles up and he tucks her iin, making sure she is warm and cozy before leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips.

"Sleep well my love" "Good night Min, I love you" "I love you too sweetheart, sleep tight" he switches off the lamp by the bedside and crawls in next to her, spooning her gently.

She wakes up the next morningand goes to the bathroom, well she tries, her legs are still weak. "Are you alright baby?" Mingi asks, concerned as he noticed her struggling to stand up straight. "Oh, did I wake you up Min?" "No, i woke up  when you stumbled. Are your legs still weak?" He offers his hand to help her balance. "well... yeah" she laughs.

"Come on, lets get you to the bathroom" he supports her weight and helps her walk slowly, ensuring her safety. "Thank you" "You are elcome sweetheart" once she safely arrived at the bathroom, he waits outside for her "Take your time" "I just wanna pee!" "Alright, go ahead" hr smiles and waits patiently for her to finish. The door went open "helloo sir" "Hello there, sweetheart. How did you manage?" "Good" "Thats great to hear. Now, lets get you back to bed where you can rest some more" He extends his hand to help her stand up straight. "come hereee" He leans down, his eyes filled with love as he gazes into hers "What is it love?" she gives him a kiss on his cheek.

He smiles and presses his lips on her forehead in return. "Is there something on your mind? You can tell me anything, okay?" he asks, his heart aching for her. "I want to cuddleeeeeee" He holds her close, their bodys pressed against each other "Of course, lets snuggle up" he pulls the covers over them  both.

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