Movie and chill?

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"So Min, any plans for today?" he presses a kiss on top of her head, "Just relaxing and spending the day with you, my love." he smiles at the comforting thought, "Yayyy" "We could watch a movie or just chat, whateve you feel like doing" he says with a gentle squeeze.

"YES! Lets watch a movie while eating breakfast!I will cook something REALLY delicious" she pouts and his eyes light up "Really? That sounds amayzing" What are you going to make?" he leans in closer to her, eager to know. "OK, I know its early but Im really craving kimchi fried rice with eggs right now!" "Oh, that sounds incredible. I cant wait to taste it! I will make sure we have everything we need in the kitchen" he kisses her head again, his heart full of love and anticipation for their cozy day together. "No no no, you will choose a disney movie we will watch and prepare the living room with blankets and pillows while Im cooking!" he chuckles softly. "Alright, you have got it planned out. I trust you, sweetheart" he plants a gentle kiss on her lips before heading to the kitchen to gather the ingredients for the kimchi fried rice.

As she makes the food, she watches Mingi preparing the living room. He comes back to the kitchen and gives a thumbs up "Everything is ready. Come snuggle up under the blankets and we can watch the movie." He exstends his hand to her, still holding a huge smile on his face.

"Alright! Food is also ready, what does my prince wants to drink?", he chuckles "Anything is fine, as long as its warm and comforting" he follows her into the kitchen where she is putting the kimchi fried rice and a tray with two cups of hot chocolate.

"Whar movie did you choose??" "I went with a classic one, the lion king" he says with a small grin, setting the tray down on the coffee table before picking her up in his arms. "I love the lion king!", he carries her over to te cozy spot he prepared, their warm breaths mixing together as they snuggle under the blankets. "I knew you would. Now lets enjoy our food and move, okay?" "Yes!". He presses play on the remote, the familiar opening scenes oof the lion king filling the room. As they begin to eat their kimchi fried rice and sip hot chocolate their eyes occasionally drift towards the screen, lost in tthe magic of the story unfolding before them.

"NO WAY! I HATE HOW THAT BITCH KILLS HIM!" Mingi laughs softly and leans closer, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Well, he did betray Scar, so its not entirely surprising" He takes another bite of his food, savoring the spicy mix of flavours. "Ok true, but stll" she giggles and he wraps his arm around her tighter, pulling her closer. "What else are you laughing about?" He teases, a soft smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "Nothing"

Mingis heart skips a beat as he feels the shiver ru through her body. H e sets down his food and drink, leaning in closer to her under the blanket. "Its getting kind of chilly in here, isnt it?" "Yesss" she puts her head on his shoulder. "Well, we can always snuggle a little closer, right?" he gives her a ressouring squeese before pressing the pause button on the remote.

"Do you want to take a break from the movie?" he smirks.


He chuckles softly, is breath tickling her ear again. "Just thought it might be nice to catch our breath and enjoy each others company for a moment." Mingi starts gently massaging her shoulders, his fingers warm and comforting.

"SONG MINGI! Its 8 in the morning and San could walk in any minute!!"

"I dont care, he knows it anyway" chuckles. His fingers circle around her neck, his thumbs rubbing gently a the side of her jaw. "Do you know how much I love you?" He whispers, his voice low and throaty. She shakes hear head and laughs softly.

His hand slowly moves to her cheek, tracing softly circles there, his thumb brushing against her pink lip. "Would you like a kiss sweetheart?" He asks softly, his voice husky with desire as he leans in closer. "Yes please" "Mhmm" Mingi deepens the kiss, exploring his mouth with her tongue, tasting her sweetness. He moans softly into the kiss, lost in the heat of the moment.

As he pulss away he grins at her, a mix of lust and affection in his eyes. "We should get back to the movie, huh?" he teases lightly, his hands still lingering on her skin. "Sure" smirks. He wasnt prepared for this answer.

With a small laugh, he moves to pick up the remote again, but his finger brush against hers instead. "Here, let me help you baby" he says with a smile, handing her the remote aas he leans in closer once again "Thanks".

Mingis hand slides down to hers, interwining their fingers, giving hers a gentle squeeze. "Is there anything you need, sweetheart?" He asks softly, his voice low and tender, eyes never leaing hers. "Just you, thats all I need to be happy!" she smiles.

His jaw clencches, a soft growl escaping from his throat. "Good to know" He leans on closer, pressong his body against hers, and pressing his lips tp her neck, niping gently at the soft skin there. A soft moan escapes her mouth. "Thats it baby. Let me make you feel good." His hand slides up her thigh, under the blanket, as he starts caressing her skin there, his fingers dancing along her inner thigh.

The front door suddenly opens, Seonghwa standing in it. "YOU TWO ARE SOMETHING! WATCHING THE LION KING AND ABOUT TO FUCK! ITS 8 IN THE FUCKING MORNING!" "Hyung! I was about to watch this! Dang it" San said, apperently watching them. "San wtf! Go fuck Wooyoung!" y/n said, Mingi was just laughing. "At least you two made food. Clean that up later!" Seonghwa said, grabbing a plait himself and going to his room. "Mingi, how is your horny ass gonna survive when we go on tour? huh?" San asked laughing while eating the fried rice. "Im taking my bitch with me! She aint staying here alone!" she gave him a big side eye " I mean MY lovely girlfriend can meet Atiny and cheer in the crowd for us, well for me" he smiles, giving her a kiss.

"Oi you two horny asses! Imma call Woo, I want to spill some tea and get drunk" with that, she stood up and went to her and Mingis room to call him and get ready.

"Yo Min"  "Huh?" "Our bitches are getting drunk, you know what that means right?" both of them are smirking. "A GOOD FUCK TONIGHT" "HELL YEAH".

Meanwhile y/n:
"Yo Woo" "Oi bitch wassup" "I wanna get drunk and talk shit, are you in?" "Babe of course" "I knew i could count on you! My place at 5!" "Alright see you!" "See you!"

Third chapter! Hope you guys like it, dont forget to vote! ^^ saranghae

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