bad girl

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POV: y/n

ok, what should I wear? I mean its just Woo so...
pants and a top should be good. Make up? Lets go basic.

"MINGI!" i heard someone running to our room. !"What did I do? I am sorry-" "Min you did nothing, I just wanted to let you know that I will steal some of your soju" I smiled, hoping he will say yes. "yeah sure, just dont drink to much alright? Me and San are gonna leave for the gym in a few minutes". he gave me a kiss and went out of the room. "Okay! have fun!"


POV: no one

y/n was watching a movie when she heard a knock on the door. "Who tf is that?" she opened the door to see no one. "Hello?" She was confused... until someone jumped out of the corner "BOO BITCH" "WOOYOUNG YOU LITTLE-" "Alright calm down, Im early because i got bored, jeez". She slapt his shoulder but went inside right after. They sat down on the sofa and started drinking immediately. "girl I will miss you when we go on tour", she just laughed and Woo felt offendet. "Y/n I am being emotional right now dont laugh!" "No, hahah, its just... Min said he is gonna take me with you guys" Wooyoung smiled "-so we can fuck", his smile droped "jinjja?" "yeah" ... both of them bursted out laughing at the same time.

After some time they heared someone coming out of a room."why does it smell like-" "shit Woo!Its Seonghwa! hide the Soju!!!!" "Oh shit" they were hiding it under the table.

When Seonghwa arrived at the living room he raised an eyebrow. "You two know the table is see through right?" Seonghwa was looking at them like he was scolding two kids. "Oh" "Well, I mean-... hyung we are both adults fuck you!".

"suck Sans balls and watch your attitude you brat. I wanted to drink with you guys." both, Woo and y/n were shocked. Seonghwa never really drinks since he cant handle the alcohol so well. But they accepted him and had a fun evening, they even did karaoke.

"I CAN SEE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT ME, WAITING TO ATTACK" Wooyoung sang and danced to the music, y/n had some more shots and Seonghwa couldnt stop laughing but eventually had an idea. "GUYS! Lets play truth or dare!"

《30min later》

"OK Wooyoung, truth or dare?" Y/n smirked at him, already having many ideas "uhm... TRUTH!" "Did you and San fuck in my bed last weekend?" She raised an eyebrow and Seonghwa gasped like the dramaqueen he is. "Well, you see... We were looking for condoms and then... OK YES BUT IT WASNT ON-" She threw a pillow at him "YOU FUCKING WHORE I KNEW IT!" Both of them started laughing.

"Your turn bitch, truth or dare" "I will choose truth" "BORING" "SEONGHWA SHUT UP! So, what gets you weak?" He smirks.

"Uh, I guess when-" "She loves it when I choke her while telling her she is a good girl". They didnt noticed Mingi and San came back home. When he saw all the soju bottles he got mad. He slowly went into the living room, not looking happy. "You are in big trouble". Wooyoung laughed. "You too brat" San said, he grabbed his wrist and took him to his room.

"Jesus not again..." Seonghwa quickly made his way out of the Apartment.

Mingis face hardens, his eyes darkening with Anger. He takes her roughly by the arm, pulling her to her feet and dragging her towards their bedroom. He throws her onto the bed, looming over her as he pulls off his clothing. She knew she is in big trouble now.

Mingi grabs her wrist, pinning them above her head. His other hand moves between her legs, rubbing against her through the thin fabric of her clothes. he growls low in his throat, angry but also aroused. "Oh baby, you are being such a bad girl"

Mingis eyes flash with lust and anger as he continues to rub against her. He kisses her roughly, his tongue demanding entry into her mouth. She kisses him backbut he pulls away, he does not want to give her what she wants. Mingi smirks, his eyes darkening even more. he slowly starts to grind against her, teasing both of their sensitive areas throuh their clothes. His other hand moves up tp grip her throat gently, reminding her who is in control. She bites her lip and moans softly.

Mingi chuckles darkly, he continues to tease her, his hips grinding against hers as he increases the pressure on her throat. "Fuck, Mingi, please..." he laughs, a deep rumble that vibrates through her body. When he slowly stats to remove her clothes, his eyes never leave her and she wants to touch him but he does not let her.

His eyes are filled with lust and power. he continues to remove her clothes, revealing her naked body beneath. Once she is completely bare, he climbs onto he bed with her, pinning her wrists above her head once more.

Mingi leans down, his warm breath fanning across her neck as he teases her with gentle kisses and soft bites. His other hand moves between her legs, rubbing against her slowly, tormenting her with pleasure. she starts to move her hips and moans softly, trying to get more friction. He smirks, his hand moving faster as he feels her hips start to move in rhythm with his. He pulls away slightly, looking down at her with a mix of lust and control. "d- dont stop"  Mingi chuckles darkly and slides his finers inside her wetness again, teasing her with circling motions that make her gasp and arch against him. As she whines, his fingers stat moving faster insde her as he feels her body respond to his touch. he leans down again, capturing one of her nipples between his teeth and tugging gently.

she moans and his fingers move in and out of her when he takes her nipple into his mouth. He watches her closely, enjoying the way she responds to his touch and his dominance. he suddenly slows down, his fingers teasing her gentlyy as he increases the pressure on her throat once more. he looks deep into her eyes, challenging her to resist his control. "Mingi, please!" she whines out. he slowly increases the speed of his fingers inside her again, pushing her closer to the edge of pleasure and pain. He watches her closely, enjoying the way she struggles against his control.

His thrust are getting harder and faster now. He feels her body tese beneath him as she nears her climax. Just as she was about to release, he pulls away completely, leaving her empty and unsatisfied. "fuck you!" she said, trying to catch her breath. Mingi smirks, his eyes filled with triumph. He leans down, capturing her lips in a bruising kiss. As he kisses her, he whispers, "You should have behaved"

small update! Next chapter is going to be really good smut hehe

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