Little fight

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"what should i do today~ should i take a walk in the market?" she thought then her eyes searching for her husband.

harvey already went to the patient house...winston also went outside...curtis?

"Curtis let's go to the market?" she walk towards curtis who making something. "lets go" he lift her up and bring her to the market.

at the market~

"curtis put me down" she tap softly at his body. Curtis slowly put her down and change into human form. he wear his skirt and hold tight Aria hand.

They walk slowly inside the market while holding hands. 'wow so many things that i didn't see last time' she looking around and something shining caught her eyes. she drag Curtis hand heading to the stall. "so pretty" she touching the necklace.

"female ! this one only 2 crystal ! it's will look really pretty on you" the beastman try to make her buy the necklace. 'this is pure pearl...just where did they get this? from the mermaid beastman?' she thinking. "love do you want it?" Curtis ask her.

"'s fine..." she try to refuse but Curtis already saw her really want the necklace. He hand 2 crystal to the seller and take the necklace. "here. let me help you put it on" Curtis put the necklace around Aria neck, she touching the small necklace around her neck ' first gift'

"thank you hubby!" she kiss him on the cheek. For a moment, he was shock with the affection. "Love. Should i buy all of it?" he asked determined to make her happy.

"What- no no !! This is fine!" She try to stop Curtis from buying all the stuff.

"Now! Lets go~" she hold curtis hand again and walk around the marketplace.

When she walking around, her eyes look at the woman who walking with her mate. Well... it's Bai girl. 'Hm~ what beast man are they?. Poor guy' She thinking alone.

'Never mind~ not my problem!'

"Aria?!" Bai girl say shout her name and walk slowly towards her.

'Never mind'

Aria did not like this girl one bit at all. She can see that bai girl have 2 other beast man? Mate? Besides her other than Parker.

"It's been a long time right!" Bai stop in front of aria.

"Ha..ha... yeah.. i see that you another mate besides Parker" Aria looks at her changing expression the moment she say that word. "No the one been following me and I don't want many 'mate'. One is enough"

'What the'

"If you don't want them, why don't you just let's them go? Why would you give them hope" somehow this make Aria angry.

"I need some protection and"

"And? You trying to say that you just using them and leaving them thinking they have a F chance?" 

Curtis who stands beside Aria sense that his love is not in good mood. He can see her hand almost throwing hands at bai, he quickly lift her up and hold her.

"Control your female, feral" one of the beasts man said while putting Bai behind them.

Hiss~ "she can do whatever she want. If she want me to eat your female. I would gladly do" Curtis hissing and ready to attack if they decide to attack Aria and him.

"We are two and can easily win against you" the other beast said feeling confident against Curtis who already 4 mark.

"Since when he only one?" Muir who been watching Aria, come out from his hiding and walked beside Aria who in Curtis hand.

"Muir?" They both look scared.

'Muir is more scary than Curtis? Mmm~'

"The female the one almost hit Bai! She should apologise to her" the guy said. "I'm not apologise to her" she mumbles on Curtis neck.

"She will not" Curtis hissing. "Stop. Let's just go" Bai said trying to stop the fighting. 'Eew'

"Such a Pick me" Aria said. "Muir~ they also tried to push me!" She try to get Muir attention because Bai keep looking at Muir directions!

"The beast man did?" He asked while looking at her. She nodded.

"We are sorry! We leave now!" The beats man said. The reason why they afraid of them because Curtis is Feral 4 marks and Muir is 3 mark.

The three of them walk away from Aria and the gang. "Idiot" she muttered.

Aria then look at Muir and thinking about him. 'Is it today the day?'

"Aria. Are you ok?" Muir asked softly as he see the other already left them alone. "Yes..yes...I'm okay! Thank you Muir!" She feeling thankful even she know Curtis can win easily against the other.

Curtis who been holding Aria in his hands suddenly grip her tighter. He knew Aria will accept another male which is Muir.

"Have you think about what I ask Aria?" Muir asked Aria.

"Yes... my answer is i will accept you as my mate...if you, won't start any fight with my other mates" she told him. "I promise I won't!" His voice sounded excited as he heard Aria.

"Hmmm~ you can comes later. You know my house right...."

"Yes! I will go and pack my things" with that he gone from both Aria and Curtis sight. "Mmm what a day" she hug Curtis neck tightly.

"Lets go back home, they must be waiting for us to come back" She miss Winston and Harvey.

          ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧ See you again! Might take few day before another chapter (๑>؂•̀๑)

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