the first lie

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"I'm sorry for coming here at this hour." she sniffled. She stopped to wipe her eyes with the sleeve of the All Might Shirt she was wearing. She'd never seen the zero-gravity user in a state like this. Uraraka was one of the many bright, cheerful, and kind personalities in 2-A, much like Mina before all that had happened last semester.

"Oh, um, it's okay." The horned girl rubbed her arm awkwardly. I was just cleaning up. Would you like to come in?" Mina offered.

Please say no, please say no, please say no. She chanted in her head.

"No, that's okay, but um, is Izuku here?" The brunette peered over Mina's shoulder, looking around the room for her boyfriend."Tsuyu said he'd be here, some kind of group gathering or something?" Straight to the point, huh? Mina thought to herself. Thank God Mina made him go in the closet when she heard the knocking, but she really should stop letting people in her room after 10. She didn't know why Tsuyu would push Uraraka to believe her boyfriend was here, but she would have to deal with her later.

Uraraka's worrying gaze pulled Mina out of her thoughts, and the horned girl frowned. She took a deep breath, looked straight into Ochaco Uraraka's eyes, and said, "No, sorry. We haven't really talked much in the last few weeks." She pursed her lips tightly, clenching her teeth and swallowing the saliva in her mouth.

Mina didn't lie often. Her parents- well, mainly her father, did their best to instill sound values within her. Always be kind; you never know what someone is going through. Don't be afraid to ask for help, stand up for yourself and your beliefs, and don't lie.

Ochaco Uraraka stood firm in her doorframe, eyes red and puffy, face swollen, looking a goddamn mess - which probably had something to do with her boyfriend and probably even Mina. Her boyfriend in question was hiding in her closet, roughly two feet away, probably deathly afraid of being found out and listening to this conversation as it went down.

Mina had not checked the time since Kyoka and her friends had all left. Guessing by the amount of time Midoriya had spent over here, Mina would assume it would be at least 11 pm. With eyes and ears already on her and Midori, coming clean to an already hysterical Uraraka would cause a massive scene, drawing more attention to her. She had to lay low, play it safe, and, more importantly, get to the bottom of all this. With all of this to consider, Mina lied.

"Oh, um-" Embarrassed, Uraraka's cheeks reddened, and she stared down at her fuzzy slippers. "I'm sorry again for disturbing you at this hour." She bowed her head ashamed in the doorway.

"Oh, that's not necessary," Mina said quickly. "It's okay, really."

"I should go. It's late," Uraraka motioned. She began to close the door behind her when she stopped.

Maybe something inside of her had finally snapped, for she opened the door again. "Sorry, I can't do this anymore." She stared into Mina's eyes; a fire burned inside them. She was hurt, angry, and ready to lash out. Mina held her breath and hoped for the best.

"Maybe I'm overstepping, and maybe I'm gonna regret this later," She started. "But I cannot sit here anymore and act like I'm okay!"

Before Mina could even question what the brunette was on about, she pushed her way past her into her bedroom.

Okay, rude, Mina thought, but she closed the door immediately. She didn't need the hall to hear this, too.

"What's going on between you and my boyfriend?!"

"Excuse me?!" Mina blurted without thinking.

"What is going on between you and Izuku?" Uraraka said in one breath. Her words cut like blades into flesh as Mina realized she was being interrogated about the one thing she was scared about by the one person she never wanted to have this conversation with.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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