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olivia thomas had been through a lot in her 22 years. it started out with her alcoholic, drug addict mother began abusing her when she was eight. her brother was fourteen and was always in school so he didn't know. the girl always hid it from her father and brother, not wanting them to find out and her mother turning her abuse on them. from a young age she'd always been protective of the ones she loved.

her father divorced her mother when she was fifteen and she could honestly say that it was the happiest day of her life. granted the girl got a beating that night too but she honesty wasn't phased as she knew it would never happen again.

when she was sixteen she began showing an interest in surgery and due to her fathers ties to a hospital in london and the girls amazing mind, she got into medical school early and began learning.

fast forward six years and she now found herself in her intern year at seattle grace hospital. olivia was extremely excited about starting her internship is seattle, a new adventure always put the girl in a happy mood. she loved it.

she had been living in seattle for around five months when she met derek shepherd. the pair met back in a cafe when olivia moved to seattle, he'd just moved their too and the pair were quick to become friends. best friends.

they'd spend most days together gossiping and talking about their past. derek even opened up to the girl and told her all about his old best friend mark and ex-wife addison. olivia found the strength to open up to him too and tell him all about her mother, she told him about the abuse and drug problem and through all of their trauma, the pair became inseparable and found themselves as each others person during their time in and out of the hospital.

the girl was also good friends with all of her intern friends, especially alex and george. she'd slept with alex a few times, however the pair had no romantic feelings for each other, he was more like a second brother to the girl.

olivia was put through trials and tribulations at the hospital, like learning your best friend was screwing one of the interns in your group and his ex-wife was also now working in the hospital.

one of the scariest though was the bomb. olivia refused to leave meredith's side through out the whole ordeal and after she'd gotten a scolding from everyone who loved her. they wouldn't admit it but olivia was the favourite intern among all of the doctors in the hospital.

through out it all though, the girl still smiled and made jokes. it was typical olivia fashion. she was always joking and making serious situations somewhat funny and sometimes that got her into trouble.


the interns all sat in the locker room when cristina barged in, "you know, he's acting like i committed a crime. like my apartment is full of stolen goods. he's acting like i kept my apartment to hide studf so i can do illegal transplants for money." the woman blabbed and she shrugged her jacket off and bundled it into her locker.

"that would be cool though." olivia mumbled as she sat next to meredith on the bench.

"are you sure he's not just acting like you lied about moving in?" meredith blankly quizzed.

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