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  𝒯he clock reads. . .6:45AM. There's a slight drizzle outside Cleo's window and she can hear the frantic noises being made from her father attempting to get her two younger siblings and sloth-ful mother together.

Within this time, the girl releases a deep sigh before gradually sitting upright in bed; stretching her tired limbs. She does a full yawn just before she begins to prepare for the day ahead.

And for her that meant groggily wrapping her long tendrils of brown curls into a ponytail, followed by a brush to her whites, scrubbing along as she hurriedly got dressed, and lastly hearing the rapid approaching footsteps of her two younger siblings coming to ambush her with nonsense.

Despite all that, it's not unusual for Cleo to hear the rattling of her doorknob as the two enter, first her sister, Kayla, and then her brother, Joseph.

"Sissy! C'mon, foods ready." Kayla chirps, she's tugging happily on her sister's pant leg, attempting to get her attention, and in that moment she does, as Cleo looks down at her, flashing her a kind smile.

Cleo rubs the child's head, taking into fact that the pair are only half dressed, hell, one of them is missing a whole shoe.

"Alright, I'll be down in a second, in the meantime why don't you two go find dad and tell him to put on Joseph's other shoe." The young girl offers her a warm smile, her sister shares the same in return.

"K!" The child chimes. "C'mon Jojo, let's go find dad!"

And like that, the pair were off again, leaving Cleo to tend to herself once more. She eyes the clock mindfully, it now reads, 7:05AM. That meant she had a few more slim minutes to spare before she had to embark on her journey to school.

﹒⟢ ﹒

  6:45AM, and notorious killer, Toby Rodgers, has just finished cleaning his blood soaked blade of any other human remains. He's a house across from Aikawa's and he doesn't even pay it much mind until he sees the girl stretching her sore limbs. It interests him. The lanky man creeps over to the window as he watches her intently, breathing heavily through his mouth guard as takes into account the two children that have just entered her room.

He watches her for some time that morning, her general routine, and he thinks about how loving she appears to be, fruitful even as he moves with her through each room. The still hunt escalates even further as he leaves the murder—scene in favor of his curiosity; he moves onto the lawn of the family.

Toby can hear the chittering of voices, high, and deep, as he takes a total count of 5. The man takes an eyeful of the young girl as she awkwardly sat near the older woman. He's not too sure of what they're discussing but he does notice the sudden change in mood as the girl gets up swiftly and interjects whatever it is the man is saying in favor of leaving.

The girl quickly exits the front door prompting Toby to duck his head down near some bushes, he's peaking through some of the leaves though, watching as the older man rushes out just a moment after. The two exchange some loving words as the girl nods her head, pushing the frames of her glasses higher on her face, nose sort of twitching in the process as the man engulfs her in a bear hug.

"Agh, okay dad, geez." The girl quips softly, not very affectionate.

A downturned smile forms on her face as her dad gives a hearty laugh,

"You use to love my hugs you know? Gosh, just look at you. growin' up." Her father smiled softly followed by a deep sigh.

"Just ignore her okay? You've got better things to worry about and I know she can be a handful but you just gotta try to see the brighter things in life."

Toby's heart suddenly aches as he has flashes of memories of his own father. He wishes like hell he got a dad like that, and seeing the two interact so lovingly with one another made him suddenly remember the lack of family he no longer had.


He tells himself, now finding himself growing incredibly angry with the fact. Toby hates it, and he decides he hates her, and in that split instance—the man comes to a conclusion to create a living hell for her, and he knows just how to do it.

He's snapped back to reality when he hears the sound of a car door shutting, once more peaking through the leaves as he takes note of the worn down ford mustang departing from the driveway. Toby watched as the man sags his shoulders, sighing as he returns to his home, one which was filled with constant noise and chatter.

Oh the hell he'd bring.

A/N: I just wanted to say hey! And thankyou if you've reached the end of chapter 1. I hope you've enjoyed it and look forward to more. ❤︎

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