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CLEO 𝜗𝜚.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Toby's voice came to me as nothing but a distant muffle. I slowly rose up from my exposed position, dragging my feet across the cold wooden floor before sweeping up my shorts. I felt gross, a deep sense of guilt began pervading my body as I gradually made my way back to my room. Just three doors down from the serial killer's.

Once inside, I slumped against the wall, feeling something in me boil up yet the oxygen I tried to hold felt like it was escaping me, it was hard to swallow and my eyes painfully pricked with tears. Things quickened and I found my limbs tensing in a dull ache that made me tremble, body suddenly a mix between hot and cold as I let out a pain-filled scream.

There was a weight on me that I couldn't rid of, instead, I lashed out. Throwing things around—a vase, the loud buzzing radio, a glass cup, anything. I wrecked the space i'd been forced in, I wrecked myself. Hurling my head at a wall repeatedly as shreds of tears raced down my face.

I punched til my knuckles were bloody and I cursed myself, I cursed them all, him especially.

Had it mattered? I laughed outwardly, a sudden tiredness overcoming me as my sobs came to soft weeping. I muddled through the desk reaching for the taurus pistol, it beamed at me. I could only cry, the thoughts so loud it felt like my head going to explode.

Disgusting bitch.

Go ahead kill your self.

no kill them.

I screamed once more launching the lamp at the door as I sunk to the floor, it hurt. Everything hurts.

Everything hurt and so there I sat, replaying everything in my head up until this point—receiving the pleasures that mingled with the painful reality of me losing my sanity. I was becoming a shell of myself, an empty void made of a rapid red; bloody, and twisted.

I panted as I brought the gun to the side of my head, how bad could it be? Death, she was the sweetest thing I could taste. So I took a deep breath, then sucked it in again before I clicked the trigger.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ "She killed herself?" Tim questioned, stepping aside as Dr. Smiley poked around the bullet hole. He stayed quiet, examining her cold, lifeless body.

"What a moron." Toby deadpanned, for once he was taking a cigarette from Tim's jacket pocket and signaling Brian to light it.

Toby puffed out the smoke, sneering at the naked body of Cleo's, not that he wouldn't defile it—but because she was so, weak—minded. Though there was a small part of him that did hate seeing her like this, dead with her eyes dully staring at the ceiling.

He coughed a-little, "Fuck this." The stoic man ashed the stick on her thigh before brushing his fingers against her lids to close them.

With a clenched jaw, his eyes raked over her once more before he left the three to do whatever the fuck in search of some booze.

There was chatter as usual, it was never complete silence in the mansion and maybe that's why less than a few heard the shot, obviously himself who had just been stepping out the bath. He replayed the whole thing in his disembodied mind, a pause in his action when the sound reverberated.

He just kept thinking, as he grabbed a cold beer, the same brand his dad use to drink before becoming a cooked corpse.
He popped the bottle open, taking a swig before grabbing a few more and heading back to his room.

He sat, lonely, with a dim yellow light, drinking himself til he felt empty.

Flashes of the blood, her twitching body, and the scanning of her eyes as they met with his almost shocked expression, she was trying to say something but coughed on blood before passing completely.

This played again and again, as he hyper fixated on what she could have said—"fu-fuck this." Toby cracked, taking another swallow of his toxicity.

He tossed maybe his fourth bottle and giggled to himself, when he stood he wobbled, pushing forward the door and sloppily closing it as he stumbled forward and back—catching himself on nearby walls or railings.

There was this strange feeling of hate, for himself, of course but not for his usual reasons. The small inkling of what it could be is what had him bursting into his good 'ol buddy's room, Jeff.

"J-Jeffrey!" Toby giggled more, ignoring the fact that Jeff had been deeply involved with admiring the other new bitch. His eyes unwavering as he had no lids to blink.

"Go away." Jeff flatly replied, not turning his head.

This caused a jerking movement in Toby as he felt angered by this—"Yourr—," He hiccups, "You're j-j-jok-ing right?" He mustered up, getting close enough that Jeff could smell his regret.

"Leave before she wakes up."

Toby froze at this, he faced the other's back as a fake pout formed before his brows furrowed and his eyes went low.

In an instant, there was yelling, sounds of things breaking, and blood splatter from the fight the two engaged in shortly after Toby's attack on the man before him.

Jhean sat up with her back against the headboard, a red blanket covering her naked body as she watched anxiously as the two wrestled on the ground. She looked around, before whipping out a camera the two had stole from one Jeff's victims.

"Yeah! Beat his ass babe!" She cheered.

Jeff straddled Toby's lower half as his fist pounded down onto the drunkard's face. He was a coughing, wheezing mess as he received more blows than he could count.

It lasted awhile and he choked as Jeff, who was much more buff—more lean, and overall bigger than him, brought his weakened body to the air. He dared fight back.

Flashing the pale man a broken tooth smiled which earned him another punch, and another.

Til a tentacle wrapped around his arm, and even then he fought against it til he couldn't, he was being restrained by SM who brought him to his knees as Toby's body thudded on the ground before him.

Jeff's eyes were filled with bloodlust, a rage so raw he felt like the boy he once was. That's when he just breathed. Seething as he felt the many piercing eyes oogling the two.

Still He was fixated on the boy before him—he was coughing up blood only shortly before he passed out. An official K.O

"See I told you J still has it." Sally snickered at Ben.

That was how the night had ended, with a battered Toby, a dead newbie, and a functional killer being tamed by some mythical creature.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑-𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓、 TICCI TOBY.Where stories live. Discover now