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  𝕯ark eyes watched the girl closely, she's on her knees with a rosary in her hands and one can only assume she was praying to whatever she thought existed. He wasn't even aware people still did that, hell, he didn't think any of it was true.

Did she really believe in that stuff? There was no way Toby was convinced she still had some faith. Though the truth is in the pudding, still, he considered it something to add into his personal arsenal of things to break her with; her connection with God.

"Hm." He'd sigh, thinking to himself about how there is no God. There is only the onslaught of the mornings after, that repeating of days, over and over. There was no time to praise some all mighty—innocent being. Because;

"If God really existed, why do so many of us suffer now." He muttered towards himself.

Sneering, Toby lowered the binoculars in favor of picking up a box cutter, when he wasn't taking an eyeful of Cleo, he'd be making long jagged cuts along his wrist, even with all the blood rushing out he was unfazed. The killer was bored, and when he's bored, he liked pretending that he could feel certain things—such as a little burn or tingle.

"I hate when you do that weird shit." An all too familiar low, and husky voice interrupted.


"I-it's a good thing I didn't ask nor do i care , what you find weird."

Toby found himself overwhelmed with a sudden annoyance, the weird feeling pushed him to go just a-bit deeper but before he could even do that Tim had snatched his wrist up and wrung him up by the arm to get Toby to stand firmly in front of him.

He snatched the blade, tucking it deep in his pocket before letting go of the other.

In return, Toby stared on at him like he was crazy. His dark eyes seemingly hollow as they peered into the almost completely black sockets of Tim's mask. He didn't wanna believe Tim cared, he believed Tim just wanted some sort of control, his own agenda and domination to fuck him over.

The two kept eye contact for what seemed like forever before Toby finally broke it, Tim turning his back to him in response, muttering some shit under his breath.

"C'mon Toby, the family misses you." Tim chuckled, Toby adjusted his mouth guard, shoulder bumping past him to descend into the dark woods ahead.


﹒⟢ ﹒

Echoed voices bounced off the interiors walls, there was red which decorated frames where family photos should've been, and some miscellaneous characters running about throughout the halls of the gothic mansion.

"Toby you're home!" A blonde haired elf exclaimed, that which was followed by the random pings and retro noises of a booted up Mario game.


"Are you done being a prick already? SM is really growing tired of you." That was Sally, he could tell by the teen's bored tone of voice.

The brunette was busy with her emerald green eyes glued to the same screen Ben had aggressively been leaned into. Brows furrowed with his tongue poking out of his mouth as he looked focused.

Toby on the other hand, dragged his feet toward the couch to join the two. He observed the ongoing game the duo competitively played, and he had to laugh alittle.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑-𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓、 TICCI TOBY.Where stories live. Discover now