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TOBY 𝜗𝜚.
I returned to the house, one so desolate. Cleo had spiraled into madness, and I was far from pleased about it. Yet, there I was, grunting as I drove the tip of my spare blade deeper into her aunt's flesh, a chuckle escaping behind my mouth guard as she writhed in agony.

She lay there, pleading with wide eyes, begging me not to end her life, and damn if it didn't send a thrill through me. I couldn't resist grasping her chin, pulling her closer, my mind wandering to fantasies of another woman in her place.

But it wasn't her. So I released her, watching as she crumpled to the ground, only to be yanked back towards me as she tried to crawl away. She struggled against my grip, her wrists pinned above her head.

Through sobs, she pleaded, "I don't know where Cleo is! Please, just let me go... I won't tell anyone, I promise... I won't tell the police."

I rolled my eyes, nodding dismissively before releasing her. As she scrambled to her feet, I spun around and brought my hatchet down onto her knee. Her screams of pain fueled my excitement as I struck again and again, heedless of her suffering.

When I finally relented, she was barely clinging to life, shock etched on her face. "Does it hurt?" I asked softly, but she could only offer a trembling glance through tear-streaked cheeks.

With a huff, I jammed the end of my hatchet into her wound, eliciting more agonized screams that echoed like a symphony of hell itself. My time with Marie was short-lived; by the end, she was nothing more than a mangled corpse.

I meticulously rearranged her remains, crafting a grotesque masterpiece. As I stepped back to admire my handiwork, I couldn't resist capturing a photo of the scene. .that'll do.

I took off my gloves, wiping my palms on my jeans before putting them back on, and leaving the house through the backdoor. I wondered, where could that bitch be.

﹒⟢ ﹒

CLEO 𝜗𝜚.
With shades covering my eyes, I stepped into the nearly deserted diner. Setting down my book bag, I scanned through the window, occasionally glancing over my shoulder or outside. The sun was setting, and I needed both fuel and momentum to keep moving forward. I had ventured miles away from my hometown, driven by an urgent need to escape whatever awaited me there.

I couldn't shake off the persistent thoughts about who or what might be pursuing me. Dark and intrusive, these thoughts haunted me whenever I pondered my circumstances.

In my world, I found solace with my father and two beloved siblings, despite the challenges posed by my difficult mother. However, my feelings of contentment began to unravel as those unsettling events unfolded, here, it left me questioning where I had gone wrong and when the missteps had occurred.

I grappled with accepting my reality, increasingly aware of the darkness looming around me. Just as I felt myself trembling, a waitress interrupted my thoughts.

"Hey sweetie, can I get you anything?" she asked kindly, noticing my distress.

Sniffling, I nodded. "Could I just have a cup of black coffee, please? And, do you happen to know of any nearby places to stay?"

The waitress nodded, pausing to recall. "Yes, there's a motel just a few miles west of here! Sunset Haven, I believe it's called, Miss."

I managed a faint smile of gratitude. "Thank you."

The waitress hummed in acknowledgment, giving me a nod before she turned to head back toward the kitchen area.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑-𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓、 TICCI TOBY.Where stories live. Discover now