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   I pulled quickly into Sunset Haven a deserted motel where only one other car was parked.

Slipping on a hoodie and a random truckers hat I ventured into the worn down building where a portly old man stood taking service from two stocky men, one had brown hair and sideburns with a Camel cigarette sticking out of his mouth which he withdrew as he tossed some crumpled money onto the counter. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't handsome.

The other, a-bit more taller than him, he was buff with a buzz cut and black shirt, I couldn't make out much of his features due to the half—faced shiesty mask he wore, but I could make out his dull black eyes and thick brows which furrowed, as though he were mad at the world.

I stood by, not too close, tucked away into the forest part of the lobby until the two were given room keys and left.

"Your rooms that way boys." The elder directed, he slowly lifted his shaky finger and pointed.

"C'mon." Sideburns told Buzz cut, Buzz cut cracked his neck, following behind the other closely.

When they were out of view I took a step up to the counter giving the man an awkward smile and adjusting my bag, "Hi Uhm, could I get a room?"

I never had to do this before, it was the kind of thing my dad would sort out if we went out on trips, but of course things weren't so normal anymore. The route I was going you'd think I was some type of wanted criminal.

The man nodded giving me a smile that missed a few teeth, it was kind nonetheless, "How long are ya stayin' darlin'?" He asked, getting out a clipboard.

I thought about it, i'm not really sure. I was running out of money but still I said, "Just until I get some things together."

He hummed, eyes turning into crescents, "Alright dear, I just need you to sign yer name here there and give a 30$ deposit fee, after that yer room will be down the hall where you saw those two gentlemen go."

I swallowed hard thinking about that but nonetheless nodded my head anyway, pulling out a crinkled up 20 dollar bill with a few dollars—and signing the paper.

"Thank you, your room is 208, have a nice day hon." He handed me a key and I took it before turning on my heel and heading towards the direction given. I kept my head down, and as I neared my room I could hear muffled voices from the door next to me.
I assumed it was the two men from the lobby and tried to calm my nerves about it. No need for paranoia, I'm safe.

For now.

I shook my head and opened the room, closing it quietly and quickly locking it. I attempted at flicking the light on and it did come on—dimly and practically blinking in and out before settling into a low glow. Great. The walls were outdated and had terrible decor, the bed looked like it was on its last life, oh and the bathroom? I saw a roach or two. Not to mention the smell of cigarette smoke which so desperately clung to the entire area. But, I was on the run. From what I could only accept as a stalker and other forces at play.

That last encounter really left me horrified, in thought and unsettled in the cold corner leather chair. What would my next steps be? I thought profusely about it, endless, and finally hoisted myself up from the corner to maybe go find some food. It would take my mind of the awful occurrence encompassing me, so I unlocked the barrier between me and the world.

As I exited I was greeted by Sideburn's back, stumbling for a moment and hastily regained my footing once he began to turn I threw my hands up in embarrassment, "I'm so sorry about that, I wasn't paying any attention." The man's eyes hardened letting  an unamused smile grace his face before putting waving off the statement.

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