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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"No." Tim rolled his eyes at my outburst, though it wasn't my fault—this monstrous creature was uncanny and strange, and being that it couldn't read my thoughts or hear them, whatever. I abused it.

Its claws tapped against the table as silence fell over us, I was less tense by this point—just abit, I mean—what could you
do in a situation such as this one? Pray for the best, yet I was having trouble in keeping my faith—reaching my hand up where a silver cross necklace decorated my neck.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. Between Tim's feminine mask and that creatures lack of expression I was on the verge of imploding. What had my life turned to, what even was this. I zoned out to the sound of a ticking clock and the nails of the thing before me, until finally I grew frustrated.

"Okay, what the fuck. Am i going to die or not?" I deadpanned, pure irritation flashed across my face as I had moved forward the move being sudden and yet neither took me as a threat.

Infact, Tim let a low laugh slip before pulling out what seemed like his hundredth cigarette, raised his mask and brought the toxic stick to his lips before lighting it.


I furrowed my brows, a sudden anger washing over me.

What? I was kidnapped, driven miles away; just to be ridden of at once. I couldn't help but suddenly feel sick, an icky feeling rising as a lump formed in my throat. I felt like I was losing my sanity.

Still, a hollow breath passed through me as I leaned back in my seat and folded my hands.

"Fine, then do that." I hardly cared anyways, the spark and the dreams I had for my life slowly became fragments of memories being lost as the hardships began to take over.

I lulled my head to the side, aggravated, hurt, and feeling a loss like no other.

What was the point of breathing when my entire family was dead and I hardly know nor can I grasp how it happened.

Apart of me was looking for someone to blame, anyone, and my thoughts stuck actively to my mother. Two dead kids, no father, no mother, and a daughter that's ready to let go of her humanity.

What was the point?

"SM doesn't like how quiet you are and demands you speak your thoughts, since he can't read nor hear them." Lady Mask interjects.

I roll my neck, heaving then I snicked and grumbled, "If I go to hell, I should make sure you go down with me."

This must've pissed the creature off because suddenly he wasn't tapping his claws, he was streaking them loudly against the desk leaving marks behind. O' great. I was going to say some other thing but Tim snatched me up by my arm which had really hurt.

He dragged me not caring that I stumbled abit and pushed me outside of the office and into the dark corridor. When I regained my footing he clicked his tongue.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" I guess he was frustrated too, and he looked at me for an answer to which I shrugged.

Why should I answer to anyone? I'm a victim.

Before I knew it Tim had thumped my head with his thumb and middle finger to which I winced and attempted to back away only to be quickly snatched and brought closer.

"If you don't start cooperating, you will die. SM only has so much patience, and trust me you think it'll be a quiet death. He will tear your apart bit by bit; you will feel agony like no other.."

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑-𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓、 TICCI TOBY.Where stories live. Discover now