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   It felt like I was in this car for what seemed like an eternity.

I had been slipping in and out of sleep listening to the soft tunes play as Tim and Brian held small conversation. Occasionally from the reflection of the window I could see Tim glancing over at me, sometimes Brian would too, but through the mirror instead. This situation I was in was one that left me hopeless and feeling alone as throughout the duration of the ride, my restless mind had me thinking about my deceased family, my siblings, my father, and even my mother. Apart of me had even began to wonder if these two played apart in it.

By then I must've fully fallen asleep because when I woke up, we had been parked in front of a large gothic manor that overhung a mountain with large pine trees surrounding it.

Tim opened the door and pulled me out while I took more in, noting the yellow glow coming from the windows, and the dusty steps near the front door, the chimes which sung an almost melancholy melody as the breeze gently weaved through them. In the distance children's giggles, and even a bark. Still, I didn't find it to be home like. Who had lived here?

Brian firmly took hold of my arm and dragged me along to doorway then proceeded to fish out a skull shaped silver key which unlocked the entrance. At that moment he shoved me in and slammed the door behind him which instantly locked on its own.

"Geez Bri do you always have to be so rough?" Tim asked sarcastically, that was rich coming from him.

Brian grunts in response and flicks his eyes upwards toward the long everlasting hall of darkness.

"Wonder where's everyone at." Tim is saying, raising his bushy brows in curiosity.

Tim had took yet another cigarette out and offered one to me in which I awkwardly shook my head 'no', "Suit yourself then." He shrugs, placing the box of cancer sticks back within his jeans pocket.

I thought about what he commented, "There's..more?" I asked aloud, he smiled grimly. Tilting his head at me as to gesture a yes before throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Let's go see Slender-man shall we?"

"Slender-Who?" I gave him a confused look that he ignored and motioned for me to walk up the stairs. I had no choice but to follow directions and treaded carefully upward.

In the corridor of the hall I viewed various amounts of paintings and frames that featured people who looked uncanny and bizarre, murderous. Some were artistic and some gruesome and evidently real. It was like walking into the Sawyer family's home if they weren't secret about how evil they actually were.

It grossed me out.

Tim and I now stood in front of a large black wooden door with a red symbol etched into it, a symbol that I had seen somewhere but couldn't remember and in the inside we could overhear muffles—as funny as this may sound, him and I attempted at being nosy only for the door to swing open and reveal a large ash white man with long black hair and a red scarred smile, aside him was a short curvaceous woman with piercing silver eyes and dark voluminous hair that passed her butt.

She was shooting daggers up at the man who seemed to crack a horrifying smile at us.

"Are you going to get out of our way?" The woman asked, I glazed my eyes over to her and couldn't help but shudder.

For someone of her stature she had an intimidating aura and appeal to her that I, even if I did somehow manage to understand, wouldn't ever mess up with. That being said I took a step to the side and closer to Tim who chuckled.

"Forgive little miss Jhean here, she's new here, like you. That there, is Jeff, he won't hurt you, unless you're alone."

Why would I care to know this? Wasn't I going to die.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑-𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓、 TICCI TOBY.Where stories live. Discover now