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𝕴t's Saturday and the sound of Mrs.Aikawa's children playing can be heard a couple of feet away from her. She's fiddling with her fingers, slightly anxious, and overall stiff.

Despite this, she does her best to give a smile as a man with shaggy brown hair and a black face mask sits down beside her. His dark green eyes seem kind enough, but it's not like Mrs.Aikawa really had the ability to read people, she barely could read herself at times. Still, the woman attempts to strike up a conversation.

"Hello." The elderly woman greets him.

Mrs.Aikawa is still fidgety as her eyes make contact with his for a moment before she darts them away. A few—still moments pass by between the two, and then the man lets out a yawn.

"How are you?" He asks lowly.

"I'm uh—I'm fine." She answers, making a quick thin line with her lips.

In return, the man nods, nudging her with his elbow to get her to peer down to the substance that's peaking out of his pocket. It's a little clear bag with white powder.

"You look like you need something to get your mind off whatever it is you're thinking." The mysterious man said.

Mrs.Aikawa shoots her hands up, shaking her head no only to realize how paranoid she probably seems so she relaxes herself alittle. The thing is, Mrs.Aikawa had became sober over the past two weeks, promising profusely to her eldest daughter that she would get her shit together for the sake of their family. So she had to at-least try. Besides she meant it!

Still though, as moments passed between the two, some words shared, and even abit of laughter. Mrs.Aikawa found herself giving in after the man explained to her that she deserved it.

"O-oh c'mon? A mother of three, a lost husband, and you have to worry about how the bills will be paid and all other expenses on top of that. . .wow." He releases a deep sigh.

"You really do deserve this! Besides. It's not like it's gonna keep happening. Give yourself a break."

The man sounded genuine to her, and though in the back of her mind she heard some little voice, she chose to ignore it. Surely she deserved it. He was sort—of right after all, she did have three children to cater to. Right, right? And a lost husband was the cherry on top. She needed an escape from the sad world she lived in.

Mrs.Aikawa nodded her head, "Okay, do I have to pay?" She bashfully asked, batting her short lashes.

Though the man found it embarrassing, he just let out a fake laugh. "Course not, it's on the house."

He had took her hand and placed the bag in her hands leaving the woman to stare somewhat shamefully at the powder. Mrs.Aikawa had began to change her mind and coming to a final conclusion, she wanted to return it, but by the time she looked up, he was gone.

The elder looked back down, suddenly drowning out the voices of her two youngest kids, in favor of an impulse that was just digging its way into her. Her eyes flicked upward to see where the children were last at before she snuck away to the park's dirty restrooms.

It was littered with grime, trash, graffiti tags, busted mirrors, and filth overall but she didn't care. She hurriedly entered the nearest stall, and slammed the door shut, sitting her behind on the seat of the toilet as she fished around in her bag for some sort of surface thing.

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑-𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓、 TICCI TOBY.Where stories live. Discover now