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Teenagers should not be covering bruises their parents gave to them in a fit of anger; Teenagers should not be dreading waking up each day; and 14 year old Addie should not be staring at herself in the mirroring praying her father will be in a good mood, silently hoping she won't end up like him. Today is going to be a good day, she repeated them words like a mantra. Addie was starting a new school, she had already picked her subjects and was happy to be getting out the house and away from all the adults. According to her schedule, she had: maths, chemistry, Latin and psychology today. Quietly getting ready, she put on her rose petal necklace before filling her backpack with books. Today was going to be a good day. Walking out of the apartment door, she saw Emily and Jj leaving theirs. She smiled at them before continuing.

"Hi! I'm Sloane," the girl was practically jumping up and down as her mouth twisted into a broad smile. "Hey," Addie said taking on the cheery tone of the other teen. "You've got the same classes as me so I've been assigned as your buddy," Sloane's voice was hushed by a passing teacher. "I'll introduce you to my friends at lunch. You are going to LOVE this school."

Lunch came about faster then she thought it would. Placing her lunchbox on the table Sloane had directed her to sit at, she was introduced to three new people: Sophie, a brown haired artist (who was currently covered in splattered of neon paint), Jason, a small boy who only seemed to be interested in Sophie, and Riley, who had recently won a national chess competition and had 58k on social media page. Addie said "hi" to each of them as Sloane shared details about the school and her friends.

After school, Addie came home to the sound of more than one voice talking at the kitchen table. "Ariadne," her father called out. "Yes, father," she murmered, tugging of her shoes and taking of her blazer. As she walked into the kitchen she noticed two men, apart from her father, Michael and - what it looked like - his older son. "A real heartbreaker you got yourself there," Michael boomed, looking her up and down in her uniform. Clenching her fists, she looked up to her father, "yes, father," her voice was was dwarfed by her father's voice. Her smiled at her, "I've left someone homework upstairs for you and there's leftover pizza in the kitchen. I'm going out for a few hours."

Emily spent most of their time at police stations or interviewing suspects but today her mind was clouded by a certain young girl. "Hey, Garcia, do you think you could look up a name for me?" Emily questioned, entering Penelope's den. "Sure, hit me," the quirky blonde said. "Ariadne. She lives in the apartment next to me, 14 - maybe 15 - years old. She moved in a few days ago. Short, brown hair and," Emily faltered. "14 year old Ariadne Addams? Brown hair, moved in to...blah blah blah...oh. Looks like she moves around a lot; like a lot, a lot. Countries, states, the lot. She isn't a suspect is she? She has a perfect school record... apart from a time she destroyed a science fair project. She's smart though, languages are her thing; makes sense really." Penelope finished. "No, I'm just worried about her." Emily kept her sentences short. "Well, I hope she's alright - she seems like a sweet girl."

When Emily and JJ walked down the hall to their apartment, three hours later, they slowed as they approached Addie's door. Jennifer shrugged, walking up to the door to knock. The door was answered shockingly fast. Addie stared up at the two women, she hadn't called them. She took turns glancing at each of them until Emily broke the silence. "Hi Addie, we were just wondering if you'd like to go on another walk with us or -" her voice was cut of my another sharp voice. "Ariadne has school work to do," the voice echoed from the stairs. Emily and JJ took that as their cue to leave and turned to their apartment, "it was a kind offer though. Wasn't it, Ariadne ?" She flinched at those words, holding the door open for her father. "What have I told you about opening the door to strangers? Ariadne you can't trust these people, okay? Look at me," he tilted her chin towards him. "You need to start listening." This time, she was prepared; the thwack of his hand only jolted her backwards instead of sending her to her knees.


Addie could tell her father was angry by his footsteps. As she approached the living room she could hear a few words being mumbled over and over again - none of them good. Addie chewed her her nailed as she attempted to listen in on the conversation. "You need to bring her tonight". The voice on the phone crackled before cutting out. Her father stopped pacing and screwed up his eyebrows, he sighed loudly while opening the window, allowing a strong breeze to rush in through the small opening. The harsh wind bashed against her bruised arm as she took a deep breath and walked in. "Hey, Ariadne. So I was wondering if you wanted to take a trip today ? I have an idea in mind..." Her father stated. She nodded slightly: she couldn't say no. "I've packed our bags already. We'll leave in half and hour." With not much time to think, she dressed and packed a small bag. "Ariadne. Time to go." She hurried down the hallway and almost knocked into the table. "Sorry," she mumbled, her glossy eyes glancing around her fathers face.

The rain hammered against her window, thrashing to get in, as they silently drove towards their unknown destination. About thirty minutes in they made a stop at a gas station. When her father got out the car she decided to make the bold decision of calling Emily. She was trying to forget about the conversation she had overheard and the sinking feeling she had in her chest but not everything could be avoided.
The phone rang three times before going to voicemail; she sniffled, remembering that Emily had a job and other things to do other then listen to her and her thoughts. "'s me. Addie. I um... my dad is um... he's acting.... I don't know. He... we're going on a road trip," she hoped Emily could hear the sarcasm in the last words, "he um... Sorry. I shouldn't have called." Ending the call abruptly, hearing her fate come back to the car.

Emily and Jennifer loved the jet ride back home: they got to think about the people they saved and look forward to sleeping in their own beds. The brunette had gotten up to go to the bathroom when JJ noticed a voicemail from an unknown number. Sinking back down into her seat, Jj showed her. Curious, her mind at once went to Addie ( she had given the girl her personal number just in case). She played the voicemail loud enough for Spencer and derek - who were sitting across the table - to hear. The team listened to the girls voice tremble a she described what ought to be a nice family trip. Though the profilers in the room knew better. Towards the end of the call the the girls voice hitched as the slam of a car door could be heard. Derek, eyebrows furrowed, voiced his concern first, "who is she? And is she going to be ok?" His voice rang out throughout the plane. "Only approximately 25% of kidnapping are done by strangers," Spencer filled in the silence, giving everyone chance to realise what he was suggesting.

"I'm tired, are we almost there?" She quietly inquired. "We'll be there soon Ariadne. Why don't you take a nap. I'll wake you when we're there," her fathers emotionless voice was strangely soft and comforting. "Yea..."

"I'm here."
"Open the door, with the key under the mat, and put the girl in the room."
"This is all you want, right ? I'm not giving you money as well."
"We don't want your money. Just the girl."
"What's gonna happen to her?"
"You don't need to know."

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