Worried for her

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Addie held her breath as she got up. Her left arm was swelling and turning an odd shade of purple and green, like a less beautiful version of the northern lights. The sunshine bathed her room in resplendent, butterscotch-yellow light as the sun continued its journey into the sky. She walked to her door and tugged on the handle; she would not be getting out anytime soon. They were in an apartment so she couldn't climb from the window and she couldn't exactly pick the lock. She waited and waited and waited. Normally, her father would wake up around eight, however, according to the sun it was much later than that and her door still wasn't open. She grabbed a book with her good arm and began reading. This time she had picked up 'The Hunger Games'. She thought about what Katniss would do in her situation; she certainly wouldn't wait around expecting to be saved. Katniss would break her way out. Addie surveyed the room. There wasn't much in it to break out with. A hairbrush against a door would not be a fair fight.

Emily had abandoned calling Addie. She tried so many times that Penelope made her sit in the lair so she could watch over her. Penelope was about to ask Emily if she needed a phone charger when the team called. Jj's and derek's face popped up on her screen in an instant, soothing some of Emily's nerves. "Hey Baby girl," Derek said, "and Emily?" He ,unintentionally, voiced the last part as a question. "What can I do for ya?" Penelope inquired. "We have a brief describe: brown hair, brown eyes, most likely above six foot, had a brother who died in the last three or so years." He rattled off. "I'm going to need a bit more than that sweetheart."  "He would be good at maths and logics, so a possible degree in stem." Jj chimed in, glancing at her girlfriend through the small screen. "More information would be helpful but until then..."  "Bye Penelope." Jj and Derek said simultaneously.

Addie wasn't sure what to do. She couldn't shout and there was no obvious way out. Taking another book, she wondered if Emily was thinking about her at all. Her muddled thoughts were broken by the sound of a bolt clicking: she was finally being let out. As she opened the door she was met with her father and his stern expression. "I'm sorry," she mumbled uncertainly. He barely glimpsed at her puffy eyes or sore arm. "I did it for your own good. I'll take it off when I can trust you again. Okay?" She nodded and walked into the kitchen to quench her thirst. They didn't have much but water and toast was all she needed. Addie willed her arm to stop hurting as she reached over the sink to clean up. When that didn't work she scavenged the cupboards for painkillers; there weren't any. She heard the door shut and assumed her father had gone to work. Picking up the controller, she turned on the tv and turned it to a random show. She watched for what felt like hours before her stomach rumbled and demanded more food. Quickly, she made sandwich and ate it in less than four minutes. She grabbed some biscuits and water too and hid them in her room in case the same situation happened tomorrow morning as well.

Upon hearing her father's hefty footsteps she got up and walked to her bedroom (after hurriedly using the bathroom and brushing her teeth) . Wordlessly, he came in, checked she was there and backed out, locking the door. She figured this would be a routine thing from now on. She understood some of her father's reasoning: finding out that your missing daughter was willingly living across the hall with your neighbours, she might have been mad too. Yet, she failed to understand how he could lock up and hurt his only daughter - his little girl.

You didn't need a genius to work this case ( although it did help ). Jj and Derek had collected enough solid information to profile their unsub and tell the team. Reid, and his amazing geography skills, had worked out the unsub's approximate area they lived in and killed in. They hadn't got an exact location but they would soon.
Jj took her phone out of her pocket and called Emily. "Hey Em. Just checking you're alright. We're close to tracking this guy down so I should be home in the next day or two." Emily had managed to do some paperwork and was now drinking coffee in the break room. "I'm fine. It's just... Anyway it's good that you've almost tracked him."

At 6pm Emily had finished most of her work and decided to stop of at the shops before heading home. She turned the corner, to the hardware isle, and saw Addie's father buying duct tape. Conflicted on what to do, she finished shopping quickly and called Jj. "Jj. I just saw Addie's father at the shop buying duct tape. What if he's... do you think she's okay?" Panic spreading into her voice. "Maybe it's for work... we can't assume something that vague," Jj replied. "I know but I just have a bad feeling." She said, getting into her car. "How about this, I get back tomorrow and if you're still worried we can go to their apartment. I'll get Morgan for backup. Okay?" "Yeah...mhm. Sure."

Emily got back in a hurry and put away the shopping. She didn't bother making anything to eat. Instead the brunette sat in her room with the tv on low. She leant her head again the wall which connected to Addie's apartment, listening for any concerning noises or sounds.

Addie drifted in and out of rough sleep; her arm pulsing with pain and her forehead burning up. She laid, uncomfortably, on her springy mattress, constantly rubbing the sweat of her head. "Ariadne." The voice got closer as she tried - and failed - to sit up. Abruptly, the door opened and her father came into her room. "Get up, we're going to..." he stopped talking after looking at Addie curled up in the corner. "What are you doing?" He stared at her expectantly. The small girl shook her head as her eyes filled with tears. "I...I...cant..." she stuttered, suppressing a sob. Her father came towards her and put his hand to her head. Addie flinched away until she was almost part of the wall. "Stop hiding." His gruff voice demanded and slowly began walking around the room, debating what to do. She had a fever but they couldn't go to the hospital... He went into his room and grabbed a bottle of old medicine he had. He then went into the kitchen and got a spoon while skimming the back of the bottle. Addie retreated from the corner slightly when he left and didn't have the strength to move when he came back. He thudded towards her and sat on the bed. "Come closer," he said, reaching toward her. Gradually, she inched across the bed. He opened the bottle and poured the gloopy syrup onto the spoon, "open your mouth," he said, placing his hand on her chin. She complied. The taste was sour like a lemon but sweet like artificial candy. Her throat burned as she swallowed the sickly mixture. Her father watched her with scornful eyes; it was ( of course ) her fault she had gotten sick. "Here." He fed her another spoonful. He didn't wait for her to swallow before leaving her in silence. She winced as her vision swam and she laid back down. Addie felt a two things: confusion and pain. But mostly pain. Gingerly, she closed her eyes and willed herself back to sleep.

Thankfully, the pain eased and she was able to sit up with out her vision faded. Her arm - although still broken - felt better and her fever had gone down bit. She stared at the ceiling and thought of Emily and Jennifer. Despite her time with them being short, she couldn't help but look back at the time she had spent with them fondly. She pictured Jj's vivid blue eyes and Emily's black curls, similar to her own. Hopefully, she would see them soon.

Emily heard footsteps through the wall: they came for a few minutes then left. She had previously guessed the room was Addie's but she had no way of knowing if she was right or not. Emily gravely wanted to go to the apartment and check on the girl but she had agreed that she would wait until tomorrow; and so she sat around aimlessly, watching the hours pass by.

Addie's fever worsened as the hours grew and night took over. The medicine had worked for a bit, relieving her from the sharp flares of anguish, however while the temperature dropped, Addie's only seemed to rise. Her breath came out short and staggered and she was now shaking. Her father came in to check on her again. He stood imposingly in front of her, inspecting her and taking her temperature. He didn't let any panic show on his face when it had rose alarmingly high. He got the bottle again. "Here." He had to hold Addie up to feed it to her: all her energy had been drained. He laid her down and moved the blankets away from her. She shivered, "I'm...cold," she stammered. "You're burning up." He left her again, not even bothering to turn the lock.

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