I want them to come back

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That night, Elle was awoken by screams. Between each yell was a group of quiet murmurs and pleas, mostly consisting of the words 'don't', 'sorry' and 'stop'. Elle's blood boiled knowing someone had hurt the young girl across the hall from her.

Like Emily, Elle was a light sleeper and quickly moved to Addie's room. Her hand hovered over the door handle nervously before she knocked twice. "Addie?" She questioned, her voice falling flat as she opened the door to see Addie curled in the corner. The girl was banging her head on the wall, not bad enough to cause a concussion but definitely hard enough to hurt. Elle surveyed the room to look for a solution. She needed to either move Addie or put something soft between her head and the wall. "Addie? I'm going to come closer, okay?" It wasn't surprising when Addie didn't reply, opting for continuing to damage the back of her skull.

Slowly, Elle moved closer, crouching down to level with Addie. "You need to stop banging your head." She said loudly. Addie did not respond well to the change in tone and hit her head against the wall with anger. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please just stop banging your head," Elle whispered to the girl. Elle waited for Addie to slow down before swiftly placing her hand between the wall and the girl's head. She winced slightly but decided it was the easiest option for the moment.

They stayed like that for a while, until Addie came out of her trance and started apologising profusely to Elle. The older woman comforted her and assured her that it wasn't her fault she had a nightmare. "Do you want to go back to bed? Or we can stay like this for a bit longer?" Elle asked. She didn't know if it was appropriate to ask if Addie wanted to sleep in her bed tonight since they hadn't known each other long. Addie shrugged and didn't make any effort to move. Elle took that as the latter of the choices and they stayed ,crowed together, in the corner of Addie's room.

When Elle slid her hand out from behind the girl's head, she felt how hot the girl was. Yes, a nightmare could cause your temperature to rise a little but Addie was nearing a fever. Elle's hand wandered to the girl's forehead and she felt Addie flinch at the movement. "Sorry. You just feel a bit hot. Are you feeling okay?" Elle noted the girl's ragged and uneven breathing. "Addie, are you here with me?" She watched Addie blink and stare intently at the wall. "Addie, can you hear me?" She said, trying to keep the slight annoyance out of her voice.

Addie's temperature was rising steadily: Elle needed to fix that before it became a problem. Jj had warned Elle this could happen. She had two options: give Addie medication or give her a cold sponge bath and cloth to cool her.

Elle couldn't decide which, so she returned back to the room with a cold compress and Addie's medicine. Touching Addie would be a bad move and she didn't know how the girl would react to the cold sensation, however, Addie wasn't going to open her mouth and Elle didn't want touch touch her face directly. She was stuck at a crossroad with only bad outcomes.

"Addie?" She tried again, inching closer to the girl. Addie jerked back violently, her eyes scanning for threats. "Addie, we need to lower your temperature." She thought maybe Addie would respond to less questions. Elle sat next to Addie and moved the girl's hand to the cold, damp cloth. Addie stiffened at once upon feeling the cool sensation on her skin. "No water...please." She spluttered, "I'll be good..."

Elle froze; she hasn't meant to bring up the memories of her kidnapping, the girl just needed cooling down. Medicine was the second option which, although would take more time coaxing her to take it, was safer for them both. Elle removed the cloth and got up out the medicine. She poured the recommended amount onto a spoon, "Addie, you need to take this medicine okay?" Addie nodded, despite her body colliding even closer with the wall. She moved the spoon to Addie's mouth and waited patiently for Addie to swallow it.
When Addie made no attempt to move from her position Elle asked her again to take the medicine. When that didn't work she gently placed her fingers on the girl's chin, prompting Addie to open her mouth. Elle smiled watching Addie finally take the medicine and prayed that her temperature would soon go down.

They stayed in this position for a while - Elle occasionally placing the back of her hand on Addie's forehead to check her temperature or reassuring Addie whenever she began muttering in distress. "Elle?" Addie asked, looking to the brunette next to her. "Yeah, it's me. Are you alright?" Elle replied quickly.  "I'm sorry for waking you," she apologised to her, "I'm tired," she added to stop any assurance Elle was going to tell her. "Your temperature has gone down. You can go back to sleep if you want." Elle said, her own eyes threatening to close. Addie nodded and laid down on her bed and Elle left the room to go back to hers.

The next morning was quiet. Addie had gone back to being quiet and reserved and Elle tried to give her space. They ate breakfast together in silence and then Addie went to read and Elle to watch Tv.
Suddenly, a loud ringtone sounded throughout the living room, scaring Elle into answering it at once. "Hello?" She asked, yawning.
"Hi, Elle. It's Emily... I was calling to ask about Addie?" Emily's voice sounded coarse and rough. Elle didn't want to tell Emily about Addie's temperature, worrying that she might get anxious and come back. "Everything's fine. There was a little problem but I sorted it." She replied.
"Good...good, that's good. Umm..." Emily trailed out, thinking of how to explain what was happening down with the bau.
"Emily are you alright?" Elle questioned.     "
Me? I'm fine, it's just...Jj..."     "
What? What happened to Jj?" Panic creeping into her voice.
"They were at the bar...it was a simple plan...it should have been me." Emily stuttered, brushing her hands through her hair.
"Emily, is where is Jj? Is she okay?" 
"I... the unsub has her." She finally got out, her breath hitching as at the word unsub. Elle was silent for a few seconds. She knew working at the bau was dangerous: she had faced it herself. But hearing Emily break down over her girlfriend... "You'll get her back. The team is good - Spencer and Penelope are good, you're good," Elle said. Emily nodded forgetting Elle couldn't see her. "I have to go..." Emily said. "Of course, go get Jj back."

Elle couldn't admit to Emily how much her heart broke hearing Jj had been taken. She thought of the small exchanges she had had over the phone with the blonde in the last weeks. She thought of how Jj had immediately welcomed her into the team. Jj shouldn't have been part of whatever plan the team had formulated; she should have never been at risk.

Addie stood on the other side of the wall, listening to Elle. She couldn't quite make out the other voice but the voice sounded troubled. Listening carefully, she made out the words 'unsub', 'Jj', 'good' and 'dangerous'. That combination of words didn't help soothe her hunch that something was wrong at all. The voices on the other side of the wall quieted quicker than expected. She hoped no one was hurt - she hoped Emily wasn't hurt.

Authors note
Sorry for the very late update and short chapter (I've been super busy with exam stuff and I'm writing another story).
I'm still not sure exactly when this story takes place but I think it's around season 3/4 maybe?
The next chapter may be from Emily or Jj's Pov ... we'll see

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