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Jj tugged at the handcuffs biting into her wrists. It had been less than six hours since she had been taken yet time seemed to slow and the headache in her skull bloomed and blossomed repeatedly. The blonde froze, hearing the distinct click of the lock that was keeping her trapped in the dingy room. "Jennifer...Jareau..." Her captor drawled the words out slow and spiteful. "Aren't you gonna answer me?" He moved closer to her, placing his cold hands onto her chin and gently caressing her face. She spat in retaliation, trying her best to scurry away from the monster. "That wasn't very polite. Was it ?" He moved closer again. Blood spluttered from her nose as his fist connected with her face. She hissed in pain but did her best to remain stoic.

Emily paced the room, her hands messing up her dark waves. It was her fault; she should have been there with Jj. A man with a dog - why was it always a man with a dog? Jj - kind, helpful, loving Jj - had only wanted to help. If Emily had been there with her, it would have been fine. Jj would be okay. But she wasn't and it was her fault.
Emily had been profiling with Rossi for the last half hour and yet they appeared to be no closer to finding her than they were an hour ago.
"Have you called Penelope?" Rossi asked. "Of course. She's doing all she can to help. Even called Reid and was helping him with the geographical profiling. Jj..." her voice hitched at her girlfriend's name.
"We're going to find her." He promised solemnly.

Addie stumbled into the room and looked towards Elle. "What happened?" She asked, despite knowing it was obvious ,to both of them, that Elle was going to lie straight to her face. "What did you hear?" Elle replied.  Addie mumbled the words she had heard before glancing back at the older woman. "Jj...is going to be fine. You know there job, right? It can be dangerous sometimes but she's going to be fine."
Addie decided it wasn't worth asking anymore questions and went back to her room. Remembering she had a phone and Emily's number, she picked it up and dialled it. It rung three times. No answer. Panicking would be no good; if Jj was in trouble Emily would have told her...right?

Elle had decided to order lunch instead of leaving Addie to eat her not-so-good meals. Pizza was a safe option - what kid didn't love pizza? When the food arrived Elle knocked on Addie's door and brought in the food. The girl looked as if she had been sleeping but upon ,hearing the noise, was wide awake. "You hungry?" Elle asked. Addie shook her head tiredly. Placing the pizza box on her bed, Elle moved to sit next to her. Addie tensed slightly and looked towards the door. "Two slices. Okay?" Elle said. Addie huffed but didn't attempt to argue or tell the woman to get out. Slowly, she reached out and picked up a slice. It was warm and stringy in her mouth and reminded her of the times when she would eat left over pizza for breakfast when her father wasn't home. Elle ate too while making small talk with the girl. After her second piece, Addie looked up at Elle.
"I used to have pizza a lot." She said.  "Like, before I was staying with Emily and Jj I mean."   Elle didn't understand what Addie was saying and moved the box closer to her. "When my father wasn't home, he left money for pizza so I would have it for dinner and breakfast." She said nonchalantly and picked up another slice. Elle nodded uncertainly. "I'm tired." Addie mumbled.
"You can take a nap if you want? You ate so I can leave you alone now," Elle shrugged and moved to get up.
"Wait!" Addie tugged on the women's hand. "Can you stay? I... I miss Emily and..." She muttered to the floor.  "Are you sure?"
Addie paused for a few seconds before nodding. "Okay then." Elle sat back down next to the girl.

"Can you um... tell me a story? Or..." Addie knew she wasn't a baby and shouldn't be asking for such things and avoided eye contact completely. "Emily sings songs... in French..." Addie faltered - she shouldn't be missing Emily so much.
"Er, I don't know any songs but... I can tell you a story in Spanish?" Elle was thrown of at the request at first however, she quickly realised Addie needed this. Addie hummed in agreement. "Ok so..." Elle racked her brain for a story that wasn't too childish. "Había una vez, en medio de un espeso bosque, una casita donde vivía una pequeña y bonita niña llamada Caperucita Roja. Un día soleado, su madre la llamó a la cocina de su pequeña casa." She continued until she felt the girls head gently rest on her shoulder and her breathing slow. She pulled out her phone to check for updates on Jj: there were none.

Addie twitched in her sleep, causing Elle to frequently pause her scrolling and check on the girl. When the girl finally woke, she felt slightly warm and sweat lingered on her brows. "You okay?" Elle asked, not looking up from her phone. "Mhm," Addie mumbled sleepily. "You didn't leave?" She looked at the older woman who she had been leaning on. "You looked too comfy." The reply came swiftly. "How about we go on a walk? We haven't done much today." Elle commented, slowly reaching out to smooth Addie's wild hair. "Mhm. Sure." Addie whispered, moving to sit up and stretch. "I'll let you get dressed while I get ready too." Elle said and left Addie.

Addie dressed and brushed her hair. She heard Elle walk towards the front door and left her own room to put on her shoes. Elle - who was now wearing a scarf and her boots - stood by the door waiting. She hurried to put her shoes and coat on, preparing herself for being in trouble for dressing too slow. Addie raised an eyebrow when Elle merely opened the door and lead her out.

"Ariadne? Who is...that?" Her father's heavy words filled the silence. Addie shivered and moved closer to Elle. The stairwell felt a lot more smaller than it was six seconds ago. Her father's eyes were dark and narrow and his impending vitriol was aimed directly at her.
Elle grabbed her hand, angling her just behind her. Elle stared the man down, noticing every faded mark and crease in his face; this was the man that had left young Addie for days at a time. Suddenly, they were jogging down the stairs, quickly leaving the man alone.
"You okay?" Elle questioned as they reached the bottom. Addie hummed in agreement but didn't utter a single word for the rest of the walk.

Jj bit her lip as she felt her captors hands wander down her freezing body. Opening her eyes was painful and standing was almost impossible; Her head felt heavier than ton of bricks and her matted hair hung lifelessly down her back. She had long resulted to begging despite knowing it would only egg her captors on. The anguish radiating off her was practically palpable.
She lifted her head to look him in the eyes, although the man looked barely older than her, his eyes had a distinct sense of anguish which made Jj shudder. "Just tell me what you want. My team can make a deal." She whispered.  "How about a trade?" His words filled Jj was hope - not much, but more than she had had. She nodded in agreement, "what do you want... instead of me?" The man watched her for a few seconds, clearing debating if he wanted to continue. A smile flickered across his face and he spat out the words, emphasising the last.
"I hear you have a child, a daughter." He remarked. Jj shook her head frantically. "Anything else, please." The words tumbled from her mouth in a mixture of begs and cries. "She's such a beautiful girl." He told her.

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