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The first thing Jj noticed as she forced open her eyes was that she was in van; a small, dirty, noisy, damp van. Her hands were tied tightly behind her back and her mouth shut closed with tape. Darkness engulfed the vehicle, the only light coming from the minute crack between the side door. She didn't remember a lot of what happened - it had all been so quick. All she knew is that one moment she was there and another she was here with a splitting headache and blurred vision.


"Are you sure?" Hotch questioned the voice on the other side of the road. An anonymous tip had come in reporting 'strange activity' and seeing a blonde woman be dragged into a van. The voice confirmed what they saw and promptly hung up. According to the unknown person, they had a license plate and a rough description of the van and the road they were travelling. Hotch prayed that this tip was about Jj, he hated watching Emily deteriorate with every hour they lost. Calling the team into the room, he told everyone what he knew. For a second, he saw hope in Emily's eyes, sparkling hope which he silently begged not to be shutdown.
"Ok, we aren't positive this is Jj, so we won't all go. Okay?" Hotch said, surveying the room and deciding who to bring. Of course Emily should be there but if it wasn't Jj... Morgan would definitely be helpful, especially if the unsub was a runner.
"Morgan and," He paused slightly - hinting to the team his uncertainty, "Emily and I will go check this out."

The van they were tailing was a normal van: no sign of a woman trapped in the back, no reason to stop them. Emily and Hotch were in one car while Morgan was in another. "How you holding up?" Hotch inquired as they turned left onto a shadowy road. Emily sighed, "I'm... fine. I'll be better when we find her," she added to stop Hotch correcting her. Hotch nodded, acknowledging that Emily wasn't about to admit anything else.

"Red light." Emily suddenly blurted out. Hotch glanced at her, wondering just how far the woman had sunk into her own mind.
"They ran a red light, you can pull them over." Emily clarified, her eyes glued to the back rattling doors of the van in front.
Hotch agreed and notified Morgan of what they were doing and to keep watch. Immediately after Hotch had asked the drive to show his driving license, Emily went to the side door and began pulling it open. However, much to her dismay, it seemed to be firmly locked in place. "Can you please open the side door?" Hotch asked in a polite manner.
"You got a search permit?" The person retorted. Hotch quickly pulled one out of his pocket and showed the man. The man cursed quietly and whispered to the person beside him. Hotch watched as the two had a silent conversation. "Sir..." His voice was interrupted by the loud roaring of the van's engine.

"Morgan, you following? They sped off."
"Yeah, I've got them. I'll try to cut them off as soon as possible."

"You're under arrest..." Emily heard Morgan's booming voice before she saw him. She raced to the car door and motioned for Hotch to do the same. With both their strength, they were able to pry open the sliding door to reveal a small figure backed into the corner, their body covered in bruises and their arms and legs bound. Emily held her breath as she walked over to the person, keeping her footsteps light.

At the sound of the voices, the woman sat up ( as best as she could ) and pushed herself further into the corner, wildly shaking her head. Emily crouched down, moving her hands to a place the woman could see them and gestured that she was going to take the tape off. The woman thrashed violently, her head hitting the back of the van multiple times. Despite this, Emily was able to move closer and cut the tape of the woman's feet. Emily winced as a kick was planted straight at her stomach. "Hey, it's ok, we're here to help." She whispered.
Suddenly, the woman stopped wriggling at the sound of Emily's voice and looked directly at Emily, her eyes glazed over.
"See we're not going to hurt..." Emily's voice hitched as the blonde's hair parted and she saw her face. Jj. "Oh my... Jj," Emily mumbled, taking note of the colourful bruises which were streaked across Jj's face. Emily took off the tape slowly, trying not to cause anymore damage to Jj's fragile skin. "Emily?" Her voice was hoarse.


The hospital. A place Jj and Emily often ended up in; they had basically become inured to the strong smells of antiseptic and vomit and the sound of squeaky wheelchairs going up and down the hall. Deciding it would be faster to drive themselves, Hotch, Emily and Jj had rode to the hospital together and were now waiting for a doctor. Throughout the journey, Jj had spoken only once and the words came out slurred, 'Addie'. Emily had reassured her Addie was safe and okay but Jj barely registered anything was saying apart from the word 'Addie'.

The bed Jj was laying was uncomfortable to say the least. Both Emily and Jj had huddled onto the bed, Emily soothing Jj every so often. When the doctor finally came in, Jj was asleep in Emily's arms.
"She's dehydrated and malnourished. Is there anything else we should be worried about? Do you know if she was hurt in any other way?" The doctor inquired, glancing between her clipboard and the sleeping woman. Emily knew what she meant.
"I'm not sure... I don't think so. She might hit her head back in the van. It wasn't bleeding or anything but..."
"She might have a concussion then, make sure she doesn't sleep for long and if her vitals change," she pointed at the numbers on the screen by Jj, "then tell a doctor and we'll check if she's alright." Emily nodded.

Jj awoke to someone touching her arm. "No... stop it. Please don't..." she mumbled tiredly, slowly moving away from the other person. Her eyes adjusted slightly to see a tall man standing by here. Panicking, she quickly moved off the bed into the corner of the room. The room looked unfamiliar: light blue walls and a large widow. Where was she? "Emily? Addie?" She called out uncertainly, her eyes rapidly scanning the room. "Stay. Back." She said, watching the man attempt to get closer.
"Your wife will be back soon, she's on a phone call. I just need to check your blood pressure, that's it. It won't hurt."
Jj shook her head. Did they have Emily too?
"Jj? Jj it's okay. You're in the hospital. You're safe." Emily came in, scrambling to get to her girlfriend's side. Jj shuddered, her eyes focusing on Emily. "Is Addie okay?" It took her a while to form the words and even when she said them, her words hardly reached Emily. "Of course. Addie is with Elle, remember? She's fine. I promise." Emily whispered, guiding Jj back to the bed.
"He's gonna take her, Emily." She mumbled under her breath, quickly looking towards the nurse who was trying to get her vitals. "Huh?" Emily said. Jj didn't reply, her gaze fixed on the nurse. Emily walked over to him, "can we get a female nurse please?" She pleaded. The man nodded, glad to be given a way out.

Authors note
Sorry for not posting! Exams are killing me, only two left though. This chapter was going to be longer but then my iPad decided to delete 500 words :(
I'll rewrite them in the next chapter I guess. Comments and likes are greatly appreciated and great motivation!

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