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"Five more seconds," his icy words lingered in the air as he held her head under the water. She thrashed and shook, anything, for a taste of air. When he let her go she gulped for breath; hungrily swallowing all the oxygen in the small room. He placed his hand on her cheek, inspecting her cracked, blue lips. A moment later and he threw her back onto the bed, using rope this time, to tie her down. "Please...please," she tried to wiggle out of his sharp grasp. He shoved his hand over her mouth, "you talk too much," he spat, grabbing her arm roughly.

"Please...please..." Addie tossed and turned under the thin hospital blanket. "Stop... I... please..." she mumbled, shaking violently. Emily removed Jj's head from her shoulder and went over to the small girl. Slowly, she went over to Addie, "Addie, honey, you need to wake up," she gently touched her shoulder. Addie flinched and pushed herself to the wall. "It's ok. It's just me - Emily. You're ok. We're in the hospital, remember ?" She continued to tremble as Emily approached her again. "Addie. Can you open your eyes?" Addie shook her head hesitantly. "That's ok. Listen to my voice. It's just me. You're ok," Emily continued to whisper comforting words, helping Addie came out her daze. "Emily? Where...what...? I want to go home," she rocked back and forth. "Can I come over and hold you?" The brunette questioned the small girl. Addie nodded, cautiously making space for Emily on the bed. "What happened in your dream?" The brunette asked, cradling the young girl. "no." Addie could barely string together full sentences as she thought of what she wanted to say. "I...home..I want to go home," she stuttered, her heartbeat racing faster than a hundred cheetahs. Emily wiped the tears of her cheeks. "Honey..." she trailed off.  Addie continued to shake in Emily's arms. Emily furrowed her eyes as she watched the helpless girl. She thought for a moment before beginning to sing an old nursery rhyme she learnt "Stella stellina. La notte s'avvicina. La fiamma traballa. La mucca è nella stalla." Confused, Addie stared at the older woman. "I learnt it in Italy," Emily said. Addie stopped crying, "keep going,". Emily, racking her head for the lyrics, continued, "La mucca e il vitello. La pecora e l'agnello. La chioccia e il pulcino. Ognuno ha il suo bambino.Ognuno ha la sua mamma. E tutti fan la nanna." She brushed Addie's hair out of her tear stained face, "it's ok. You're going to be ok." "I don't...want to go back asleep," Addie mumbled. "You don't have to. Do you want to watch a movie instead?" Emily said, reaching for the remote control. JJ had woken up and was subtly watching them. "No... just...can you just talk?" Addie questioned, her eyes glancing around the room. "Yea, sure. I lived in France for a while, how about I tell you about that?" Emily replied, smiling at the fact Addie had calmed and was talking - mostly - in sentences. "That sounds cool. I've been there once too."

"Have you heard back from Penelope yet?" Emily turned towards Jj.
"Yea, everything's set, we just need to sign a few things. She said she can bring them by tomorrow."
"We'll have to set up the spare room. We....I... there's so much to do. She keeps asking to go home...We haven't even asked her. What if she doesn't want to - live with us I mean. She can't go back home." Emily rambled, chewing her nails aggressively.
Jj took Emily's hand, "we'll figure it out. Why don't you go get some food or coffee?"
"Yea, I'll bring you one back."

Jj watched the girl sleep as she patiently waited for Emily to get back. It had been an hour since Addie had went to sleep and Jj realised what fostering Addie meant. Another five minutes went by, jj silently tapping her foot against the share, before Addie began to toss and turn again.

"No ones coming to save you. Stop fighting me." He shoved her into the wall. The lights flickered on and off as she backed into the corner of the bare room. "Please. I didn't do anything - I won't do anything," she stuttered, eyes darting around the room. "There's no where to hide..."

"Please..." Addie muttered, curling up by the wall. Jj quickly noticed the small girls distress and got up. "Hey Addie, it's jj. You're safe," she walked over while maintaining a safe distance as not to scare the girl even more. "Addie, honey, open your eyes. It's ok." Addie slowly opened her eyes, taking small glances at her surroundings and the blonde woman standing in front of her. "You're ok now. We're at the hospital." Addie sat up, trembling slightly. Jj's instincts took over at once, climbing into the bed and holding the small girl while stroking her hair. "Jj?" Addie whispered. "Yeah, it's just me. Emily's gone for food but she'll be back again. We haven't left you." Jj whispered back. "Safe now?" She murmured. "Safe now," the blonde promised.

The next morning came about soon. JJ woke first, gently untangling herself from the small girl before waking Emily up. "Morning," Emily grunted, rubbing her eyes. After getting breakfast, Jj and Emily sat waiting for Penelope to bring the papers while talking about everything that had happened over the last few days. Penelope arrived, papers in one hand and a basket in the other. "I know you said I can't meet her yet...but I brought her a basket. It's only small, it's got a few cute teddies in and some goodies!" Her cheerful tone filled the air. "So, are you going to adopt her? I've been obsessively checking her fathers case - no updates yet. Is she alright? I dread to think of the things that man did. I should have bought her more. What does she like? Maybe some new clothes..." Penelope's thoughts wandered. Emily picked at her nails, she didn't know what the girl liked. Jj took Emily's hand and signalled to Penelope to calm her ranting.

Sixteen minutes later, Emily and Jj walked back into Addie's room with the papers - and the the basket Penelope had brought her. Slowly, Addie's eyes adjusted to the sunshine peeking through the window. "Morning Addie." Jj spoke quietly. "Can I go home now?" Addie mumbled into her shirt. Emily and Jj shared a furtive glance. "We were wondering if...if you'd like to stay with us for a while?" Emily asked, doubt filling her voice. Addie was silent for a few minutes; the nervousness in the air practically palpable. "Why....My father... he isn't that bad. He still..." she blinked back tears, "he still loves me even if he..." "Sweetie, you don't have to, we just thought you'd like to stay for a while some of our friends talked to your dad." Jj said. Addie picked up on Emily's sadness and covered her face with her short, dark hair; she chewed her nails as she spoke, "I want to, I really do but... my father... he doesn't exactly love you guys." Emily smiled, though she could tell there was another reason the girl was holding back.

"What's that?" Addie pointed at the basket on the table.
"Oh! Our friend Penelope gave it us to give to you actually." Jj handed it to the girl.
Addie looked through it, examining the little bear and unicorn teddies ( all bright colours ). While Addie didn't love unicorns or brightly coloured bears she appreciated the thought and smiled to herself after reading a small note that was tucked at the back.
Dear Addie,
I didn't know what to get you but I hope you like unicorns!
Love, your new friend ( hopefully ), Penelope Garcia
"Penelope loves giving gifts. She wanted to meet you but we were waiting until after we asked you." Emily shrugged. Addie nodded before hesitantly taking out some of the sweets out of the basket. She looked at Emily. The brunette nodded. She ate the sweets greedily, only stopping to offer some to Emily and her girlfriend.

Authors note
Heres a short chapter with some fluff. Hopefully Addie will be having a better time in the next chapter..
I don't have any specific ideas for where this story might go so suggestions are welcomed.

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