Away from home

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Musty air filled Addie's nose as she took a deep breath in. Where am I ? She opened her eyes and gave time to allow her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting - it had been morning when she left. Sitting up, she attempted to tuck her knees under her chin only to find her wrist handcuffed to low bed frame. Her heart thudded while she replayed the moments leading up to this. She had been in the car. It was raining. She called Emily. Her thoughts slowed as she came to the last realisation. Emily would help, she would know something is wrong.

Jj pulled Emily's hand away from her phone. "Replaying it won't help her," the blonde said gently, gripping Emily's hand in hers. They sat there in silence for a few minutes listening to Reid and Morgan profile. "We need to know more about her family," Reid stated, shaking his head. A second later and Penelope was on video call, "chocolate thunder. Boy wonder. What can I do for ya both?" she greeted them with a perky smile. The boys stared at Emily and Jennifer. "Garcia, can you tell us about Ariadne's family. Mother, father, siblings ?"Jj spoke up.
"Oh that sweet little girl Emily asked about? Sure. Let's see.... It looks like her father has been sending money to someone every month. He also seems to have two hour long calls about the same time everyday. Maybe a work thing ? Let's check.... Not official business with the company he's at. What else? There's not much about her mother: presumed dead a few years ago. No siblings; just a single dad with some sketchy calls and transactions." The other blonde finished at a rapid pace. "Thanks Penelope," Emily smiled before standing up and walking to the bathroom. She ran her hands through her hair. How could this happen? She was safe. Emily splashed her face with water before smoothing her hair back down. "We'll find her, Em. Promise." Jj's words settled on her heart. They would find her.

It's hard to tell time in a dark room with no clocks or windows. It's even harder when you can't move more than five inches away from the bed you're on. Addie was stuck. Trapped. She trembled slightly as she began to think of the last things she saw outside: violent rain, her new friends...her father.
It was if she was at the bottom of a pool and her legs had stopped working. Chlorine swimming pool water filled her lungs. Her legs failed to move though she knew how to swim. It was if the lifeguard was watching but not giving her any effort to save her.
Addie's clammy hands shook as she tried to twist her body to look around. She was in a square room, one tall window - with no light coming through, the walls were cement and grey. Was she in a basement of some sort ? She tugged at the handcuffs, willingly them to come loose. Suddenly, she heard the slamming of the door followed by footsteps. "Well, well, well." The gruff voice eyed her like a new flavour of candy. "You're a pretty one aren't you". Addie gulped as she tried to hide behind her short, messy hair. "You can't hide from me love." The voice made her shudder. "Please...please let me go," she pleaded, trying not to sound as weak as she felt. Her heart quickened with every step he took towards her. When he was finally in front of her, he lifted his hand to her cheek. She jerked away, trying to hide on the corner. "It's ok... it will all be ok..." he growled, inching closer to her.

The rain tormented them as they got closer to their destination, recklessly slamming against the plane window. "I asked Garcia to make a file and send it to us all," Hotch announced. "We haven't been invited in on this case. We don't even know if there's a case to begin with. But I understand you guys want to help this girl. So we'll try our best." Rossi and Morgan discussed the logics of kidnapping and profiled Addie's father with Reid chiming in with important faces and/or statistics. Jj watched as her girlfriend stared off into space, desperately wanting to reach out while trying giving her space as well. "Wait...Ariadne had her phone with her, didn't she?" Rossi stated after re-reading the 'case' file. "Garcia said it was turned off minutes after the voicemail to Emily." Jj explained. "It was most likely her father. Every time Jj and I met him he was very controlling of Addie. Always grabbing her shoulder, steering her in the 'right' direction. If only i had answered. I could have helped her. She could have.... I could have... she would have been alright." She fidgeted, biting her nails and playing with her hair. "I told her any time, day or night. Day or night I told her! And I wasn't there. If her father is to blame for this, I swear.." "Em, it's as much your fault as it is mine. You are not to blame."  "If he hurts her.. that poor girl," she shook her head, looking down.

Addie's ragged breathing was the only sound filling the room. She hurt. He hurt her. He left the room, his feet pounding to towards the door. He locked the door with what sounded like at least three locks. Emily and Jj would be here soon...right ? She pushed her hair out her face, leaving room for warm, salty tears to shed from her eyes. Normally, she would hold her breath or desperately look up, anything to stop the tears from burning her cheeks. But today was not normal. She tried to think of a plan but her thoughts had gone stagnant.

The plane touched down at exactly 3:16 but it seemed later. By 3:32 Emily and Jj and Morgan were speeding back to their apartment, reading to pull rank if any police officers pulled them over. Emily rapt on the door of the girl's home. She stood there bouncing on the balls of her feet, ready for any unexpected movement, Derek and Jj at her side. "Hello.... Emily and Jj and...their new friend. I'm quite busy today is there anything you needed in particular?" He sneered. Jj pulled her girlfriends hand into hers before nodding at her to speak. "Where's Addie?" He looked at them blankly before registering the nickname his daughter had given herself after her mother. "Oh. Of course you're here for Ariadne. She's gone to her mothers house for the weekend. I'm not sure exactly when she'll be back." He reached to shut the door , stopped by Derek's foot. "Sir," it took all his might to be polite to this guy, the way he said his daughters name, like she was poison to the tongue, "we'd like to talk to her. Maybe you could call her." Derek pulled his out badge. "That's not possible you see, there's really bad cell signal where her mother lives." He went to turn away. "Her mother is dead. Where. Is. She."The words were out her mouth before she had chance to change them. This time Addie's father was swift enough to slam the door shut. However, not well enough prepare for Derek and his affinity for kicking down doors. "You're under arrest".

She was freezing. The man had took her only warm clothes and now her fragile body was closed in on herself as she shivered. Despite this, she had no desire for the man to come down and give her a blanket. She scrambled to the corner of the bed against the wall as she heard footsteps. "How about a bath? Ariadne would you like that?" He grinned.

The police station was a bundle of cops and fbi agents all attempting to find Addie. After thirty gruelling minutes, Derek called Hotch and Rossi to help out. Rossi winced seeing Emily bite her nails raw for the third time that day. Walking over, he placed a kiss on her head "we'll find her sweetheart," . They sat in silence for while, waiting for Hotch and Jj's 'good cop, bad cop' to work out in their favour.
"Just tell us where the girl is and we can make a deal," Jj mumbled across the table.
"I swear to God, if you don't tell us-" Hotch's loud voice cut through the air.

He held her head under the cold, icy water. 10 seconds. 20 seconds. 30 seconds. She shook and hit his arm. When he finally pulled her up her lips were blue and her lips red and chapped. She couldn't deal with this much longer.

"I want a lawyer." Addie's fathers voice rang out across the interrogation room.
"And I want to know where Addie is," Jj fired back instantly. Emily watched her agitated girlfriend from the two sided mirror.
"Look, I don't know where she is. She must have run off. You can't hold me here forever..."

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