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Addie walked into the familiar room; she hated to admit it but she felt at home here. The apartment smelt of cats and old perfume and the lights glowed softly. The hospital had drained her and the purple and blue cast on her arm was weighing her down. "Are you hungry? Or do you want to go to bed? You must be tired," Jj said, gently taking Addie's hand and leading her inside. Addie stood frozen for a few seconds. "Um," she mumbled. She looked down and took in the familiar scents, "Can I just go to bed please?" "Yea, of course honey," Emily said, taking off her shoes. Addie's eye shut as soon as she laid on the bed.

It was 2am when the first string of nightmares crawled at her mind. The first was that she was back with that horrible man tied to the bed and then every memory came crashing down on her fragile mind. The bed sheets were covered in sweat by the time she woke up. Addie thought for a moment; she desperately wanted Emily's comfort but didn't want to be yelled at for waking her up. She breathed in and out, her breath shallow and uneven. Emily wouldn't hurt her - Emily hadn't yelled at her yet either. Her breath felt stuck in her throat as she got up.

She crept across the hall and opened the door. Emily had left the door open a small amount so Addie figured it would be ok to wake her. "Emily..." she nudged the older woman gently. Emily, who was usually a light sleeper, didn't budge. Instead, Jj sat up, confusion spreading across her face. "Honey are you ok?" Jj questioned. "I...sorry...can't sleep," she hiccuped in reply. Jj moved closer to Emily, allowing space for Addie. "Come sit." Addie did immediately. "I'm sorry." The blonde sat up and noticed Addie's tears, softly wiping them from her cheek; Addie flinched away. Jj put her arm around the small girl, "it's okay. Nightmare? Wanna talk about it?" The small girl shook her head. "Do you want to sleep here with me and Emily for tonight?" Addie shrugged but moved to lay down. Jj followed, scooting close to Emily.
"Jen?" Emily's groggy voice whispered as she yawned. "Is everything alright?" She asked, feeling the bed dip down slightly on the other side. "Yeah, Em, it's fine. Go back to sleep," Jj told her. Emily didn't need to be told again and slipped back into her dreams. A few seconds passed and Addie was still wide awake. "Jj?" She dared to mumble into the silence. "Yeah?" Jj was trying to keep herself from dozing back to sleep, wanting to make sure Addie fell asleep. "Are...are you mad...that I woke you up? I'm really sorry...I just... I couldn't get the feeling...of his hands...I just needed to hear someone else. To feel someone else that's not him. You know..." she mumbled, uncertainly. "Sweetie, Emily and I will never be mad at you for waking us up. Okay? I'm happy that you did, that you feel comfortable going to us for help. If you ever have a nightmare," she felt Addie tense under the covers, "...or if you just want to talk, please, come to us." She leaned over and kissed Addie's hair. "Addie, have you showered since... since that man hurt you? Since we went to the hospital?" Jj heard the girl sniffle. "I... I tried to when I came back here. Before my... before I left with my father. But, then, I got...sick." Jj waited for her to continue: she didn't. "How about we try again in the morning? I think it'll help."  Addie hummed in response. She moved closer to Jj and rested her head on the woman's chest. Jj smiled to herself, "goodnight Addie,".

Emily woke first, surprised to see two people next to her, instead of the usual one. Quietly, she left the bed and went to the bathroom. Addie, feeling the movement in the bed, opened her eyes immediately. Jj grabbed her non-injured arm, thinking she had had another nightmare. "It's okay Addie," she comforted, eyes closed and half asleep. Addie noticed Emily had left and laid back down.

Emily made coffee and started rummaging the cupboards for breakfast. She found some waffle mix and decided to use it; growing up, she had always loved waffles. She made enough for the three of them and ate hers while mindlessly watching tv. Almost an hour passed when she heard movement from the bedroom.

Jj woke up and realised Emily was already up. After going to the bathroom, she joined the older woman in the living room. "Morning Jj."
"Morning Em," she yawned. "Was Addie okay last night?" "Nightmare. I heard her try to wake you up. She's alright now though." Jj pauses for a second, "she hasn't showered yet." Emily remembered the last time Addie attempted to shower. "I'll talk to her about it when she wakes." Emily watches Jj grab her plate of waffles. "Didn't know you cook Em." She laughed. "Don't get used to it."

Addie sat up, rubbing her puffy eyes. She splashed her face with cold water and wondered to the living room. "Morning sleepyhead," Emily greeted her. "Morning," she whispered back in reply. "There's waffles if you want some," Jj said, pointing to the ones she was eating. Addie took a plate but barely touched any of the food, "mhm,". Emily and Jj shared a worried glance. "So, Hotch has let us have the next few days off. I want to thinking we just chill out today? I definitely need to shower, you guys probably want to too." Emily said out loud. "Yea, I definitely need to shower. I'll ask Hotch to send over some reports for us to file while we're home." Addie stayed silent, zoning out. "Ugh. Jj, I think he'll let us off reports for a few days."
"Emily, you know how bored you'll be without something to do," Jj countered. "Addie, you can shower first if you want? The doctor gave us a covering for your cast." Emily said. "Addie?" She repeated. "Mhm," the girl hummed. 'Did you hear what I just said?" Emily asked, concerned Addie was dissociating. "Mhm." The girl answered. "Really? What did I just ask?" "...mhm." Addie nodded. JJ moved next to the girl and placed her hand on her arm. "Addie?" Addie stared at the wall. "Addie, it's Jj. Can you hear me?".  Addie blinked a few times, "sorry,". "It's alright, sweetheart, we were just discussing showering. Do you wanna shower first?" Emily said gently.  "Um...sure."

Deep breaths. In. Out. In. Out... All she had to do was shower; it wasn't hard. Addie slowly reached her arm out to turn on the shower. Stepping into the shower, warm water poured onto her hair. "Five more seconds," his sharp voice pierced the silent. She thrashed as the freezing water evaded her lungs; she was drowning. No - she was safe, she was with JJ and Emily. She wasn't back there - she was in Jj and Emily's apartment - she wasn't drowning.

Emily looked at JJ, hearing the shower turn on. "You know, I didn't think she was going to do it," Emily said. "Me neither to be honest. I suggested it last night." Jj replied. "What happened?"  JJ explained why Addie had woken up in their bed, "she said she needed feel someone that wasn't him." She finished. "I'm glad she felt she was able to wake us but we need to find a way to help her with the nightmares, else neither of us or Addie will be getting any sleep." Emily said.  "I agree...we can get her a therapist?" 
"I don't think she's gonna want a shrink, Jen."   "I have a friend who deals with sexual offence crimes. I could ask her to talk to Addie?" 
"Maybe... I don't think Addie's gonna want to talk to anyone though."  "I'll call her before we ask Addie, to make sure she can come."

Addie washed her hair and scrubbed her body. She scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed. The feeling of his hands wouldn't leave her body. She stepped out the shower feeling tired; her body ached and her head felt light. She dressed quickly, pulling on the clothes Emily and Jj had gotten her.

Jj and Emily's conversation quieted when she walked in. Jj said hi before leaving to get in the shower. "Sweetie, do you want me to do your hair?" Addie shrugged and Emily went to get a hairbrush. When she came back she found Addie sitting motionless on the sofa. She jolted when Emily sat behind her. "Hey, it's just me, Emily," she comforted, "can I do your hair?" Addie nodded uncertainly. "I don't have to if you don't want me to. Can I?" Addie nodded again. Emily wove the girls short into two braids, gently brushing out the tangles. "All done!" She admired her work; braiding hair was always more of Jj's thing. "Thanks," Addie whispered.

Authors note
This is a filler chapter that I'm not particularly fond of. I'm not sure what the next chapters will be or when I'll post them.
I'm going to try to post 2 chapters a week? If you have any ideas, or things you want me to add, for this story and Addie please do comment and I'll try to add it. Also Elle might be coming into the story soon? Or maybe Tara...?

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