Part 1: Chapter 2 [An Offer]

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The morning had crept in, and Seraphina laid in her bed. Despite the winter snow outside her house, she was covered in sweat. Her head felt heavy, and when she opened her eyes the room appeared to spin. 

Am I coming down with a fever?

Seraphina shut her eyes again. She could hear her parents in the other room - they sounded distressed as they tried to quietly have a conversation. 

"I only want what's best for her, you should too!"

Her mother wasn't as cold as her father and often tried to protect Seraphina from his bad tempers. 

Her father only sounded annoyed as he spoke.

"She has one job to do in her life, and that's to marry a nice man, hell at this point any man. Its almost pitiful how weak she has turned out to be - no man has ever given her a second look. She ought to take the offer and make something of herself."


Seraphina opened her eyes once more. Her dizziness had dissipated and she glanced around her small room. Unlike Finnick's large and decorated room, Seraphina only had a small bed, a bedside table and a small wooden wardrobe for her clothes. 

Throwing on a plain cotton dress, Seraphina quickly prepared for a day at the nursery. She brushed back the long tangled hair that had caused her embarrassment yesterday. Seraphina considered her long black hair to be her only somewhat decent feature, as her pale skin and thin frame offered very little. Loosely braiding it, she checked herself in the small mirror that she kept in the top drawer of her bedside table.

If only I was somewhat more appealing - maybe I wouldn't have so much trouble finding a husband and avoiding conflict with bored villagers. 

She left her room and headed towards her family dining table for breakfast.

Upon entering the dining room, her father and mother both stopped their conversation and looked over to where she was standing. Seraphina's mother looked at her sadly, and her father had an even more intense expression of disappointment on his face than he did yesterday. He shook his head at her, jaw clenched, and looked down at the plate of food in front of him. 

"Morning Sera, how are you feeling? I heard ya got into a scruff with the Lich yesterday afternoon."

Finnick spoke as he walked over to her from where he was preparing two cups of tea. He had always been kind to her - maybe the only person who had shown her some form of affection in her life. He had always been better than her, catching the stares of young Jaracha women with his muscular frame and curly brown hair. His face was sharp and always wore an expression of humour and energy. 

Gratefully accepting a cup of tea from Finnick, Seraphina carefully answered.

"I feel fine. I hid from them and they passed me without seeing me."

Lying to Finnick about how she really felt, shaken and unwell, would make her situation with her parents easier as she knew they were listening. 

Finnick grinned and scruffed up her previously tidy hair. 

"That's the way. They didn't know what they were in for if they faced ya head on."

He laughed at her, not appearing to notice Seraphina take offense to his sarcasm. He offered her breakfast and she gladly accepted, sitting down at the table quietly. 

Refusing to meet the eyes of her parents, she focused on sipping her tea and fiddling with the hems of her cotton dress. 

Many minutes of silence passed. Her father's demanding voice took her by surprise. 

"Any luck with finding a husband yet Seraphina?"

She looked at him cautiously.

"Not yet, no."

Finnick slammed his cup down on the table and interrupted excitedly.

"Actually, she caught the attention of the Verdentian warriors. I heard one of them talking about her late last night at the pub. She's totally winning hearts."

Seraphina winced at what Finnick considered to be a helpful interruption - she knew better than anyone it wasn't her appearance they were talking about. 

They must know about Captain Collin's urgent matter. I am definitely in trouble for something.

Finnick looked hopefully at his father, who was rubbing the stressed lines of his forehead. Ignoring him, he spoke at Seraphina once more.

"Seraphina, before you help out at the nursery could you please meet Captain Collin in the Town Hall. He's a Verdentian warrior visiting from the central lands of the castle and he has an important offer to make you. Don't make a fool of yourself. "

His gaze hardened at the last part of his statement. 

So he knows too. Why hasn't he mentioned what I'm in trouble for?

Seraphina nodded her head and silently finished the eggs on toast she was given. For the remainder of breakfast, her head felt once again dizzy and she listened to Finnick's enthusiastic story to their parents about his combat training.


The snow had fallen in great amounts last night making Seraphina's travel to the Town Hall more difficult. The cobblestone paved path from her house to the village centre had almost been completely covered in snow. 

She looked up to the sky.

The clouds were dark and framed the blue expanse behind them. The morning sunlight was breaking through and produced beams of glorious light that covered the sky. She smiled to herself as she observed its peaceful beauty.

I want to be pretty like the sun.

As she neared the Town Hall, she was relieved to see that the Verdentian warriors from yesterday were not loitering around the hall, saving her from another awkward interaction. Pushing past the large wooden doors, Seraphina made her way inside. 

Collin, the only person in the hall at this hour, sat with his back to her on the left side of the round table. She noticed he had a large cup and a pile of papers sprawled out on the table beside him. Upon approaching the table, he noticed her and turned himself around to her. He smiled at her and the wrinkles of age showed around his eyes. 

"I had planned to meet you in the afternoon but your father insisted I waste no time. Have a seat, we have a little to discuss."

Seraphina offered a nervous smile back, and sat to the side of him. Her habit of fiddling with the hems of her dress returned as she nervously waited for his words.

He seems kind - am I not in trouble after all?

Collin picked up a paper, studied it, then placed it back down. His words took a few moments to fully register as her breathing and thoughts froze.

"Well let's start with the most important part, aye? You have strong magic energy and I'm here to offer you a job working for the Verdentian palace."

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